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Inspectii sparte REZERVOR DE APA si catarg | Sailing Zephyr Ep.177
8 thoughts on “Inspectii sparte REZERVOR DE APA si catarg | Sailing Zephyr Ep.177”
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JB Weld is another great product for patching anything-real easy to use and permanent.Its a 2 parter- -,just mix and apply-dries quick.Sandable-paintable-drillable but not expensive !!!
I am thinking the tank is made to fit bottom of boat. You have a lot of weight there and the tank is trying to bend to fit bottom. I don't think your welds are flexible so they crack when strained. Fill under tank or at least around hole in middle with spay foam , or some thing similar to provide more support before you add water. just a thought.
You are doing your food supply the hard way. Put it on an Excel spreadsheet. What you have, what your recipes require and what you need to puchase.
How do you find the taste of the water from this plastic tank
That’s a beautiful section of the ICW. Safe travels SV Zephyr!