O PILARE SĂLBATICĂ CONTRA COREA | Navigarea către o gaură în perete (Partea I)

O PILARE SĂLBATICĂ CONTRA COREA |  Navigarea către o gaură în perete (Partea I)

Navigare către Rip Gugari, gaura din zid (partea I). Barca cu pânze se confruntă cu maree uriașe în Teritoriul de Nord. Ne îndreptăm spre Insulele Wessel, trebuie să trecem prin Hole in the Wall, dar mai întâi trebuie să depășim rapidurile acestor maree masive. UTILIZAȚI ACEST LINK sau codați: SLIM&SOPH la finalizarea comenzii pentru a obține o reducere de 15 USD la comanda dvs. Naming This Later https://namingthislater.com/discount/SLIM&SOPH Vă bucurați de episoade? Devenirea unui Patron ne permite să asigurăm continuitatea Slim & Soph – Sailing Nakama. Un pic este un drum lung pentru a menține această producție vie. Cu foarte puțin timp liber între universitate și barcă, Patreon ne permite să ne concentrăm pe crearea și postarea videoclipurilor, mai degrabă decât să turnăm bere la localul nostru. Vă mulțumim pentru generozitate https://www.patreon.com/sailingnakama Faceți o donație unică după cum doriți, dacă abonamentele nu sunt treaba dvs. Să continuăm să bifăm milele marine și să renunțăm la locurile de muncă cu barca! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=C6M8FAYZ5K2ZS Urmărește-ne pe INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sailingnakama/ ȘI FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sailingnakama Vă mulțumim pentru Fat Fingered Guitar pentru folosirea cântecului la 07:05 Capitole: 00:00 O călătorie către o gaură într-un perete 01:20 Pe drumul oceanic 06:07 NTL 07:02 Pește în continuare! 09:35 O plimbare sălbatică, aceasta este uimitoare 17:21 Crocs & sharks 20:39 Vezi partea a II-a


28 thoughts on “O PILARE SĂLBATICĂ CONTRA COREA | Navigarea către o gaură în perete (Partea I)

  1. That looked Sooo Sketchy, Wind against Tide. They are not fun.
    I'm confused with the Floods north & Ebbs south as to Floods south , Ebbs north.
    ?, Ebbs & floods difference & why are they different there.
    Thanks Stevo 🙏
    Great Ep

  2. WOW, that is some crazy tide! I would've been freaking out! Such an awesome video Soph! Will this work as your finals thesis? So good, especially like the heartbeat cuts at 1:12 I'm sure you got your degree!

  3. Well what do u say to that Epic content, except Sh!t Yeah!!!! totally bloody fantastic. Ur both the luckiest Crazy Uni students I've ever had the pleasure to know. Soph I've said it many times, but ur Sailing skills are tenacious and steadfast, I'm so proud of u both. How good is Our Country hey, she's Bonza. U better clean my ladder too. 🤣 The presentation is superb, and the audio is crisp and clear, love it, love it. Go hard or Go home Aussies. Xxx🇦🇺🌈👍😎

  4. when you get down to shark bay WA put down the cut between elephant shoals and dirk hartog island as a no go in a southerly with an incoming tide or vice a versa – can really stand up – Also around Dampier is flying foam passage that can live up to its name with the tides

  5. Thanks for the info. I've screenshotted your instructions for those passes and will watch this video again as I approach there

  6. Lol, 😂😂 yep … you get on the other side of a power of nature, and you are in for a hard time that's for sure, no matter if you get the tides wrong, underestimate temperature, or overestimate your ability. Hey, but its an adventure and a learning curve, preparation is prudent and essential but participation is the teacher. Its good to see you stepping up to the challenge … all the best 👍

  7. A good learning experience before you get the Kimberley with those tides. When I was in the Military, I used to do water ops along the coast of the NT in a F470 zodiac with twin 25s on the back, you really have to pay attention to surroundings, tides and drift for passages too. Doing man overboard drills in those waters was both the scariest and dumbest thing I've ever had to do. Great episode.

  8. ❤❤❤❤ love you two and Nakama. Today is one year since I bought my first boat duncanson 35 and yep we’re going sailing as soon as some rain clears I’m so in love with her so worth the hard work ❤❤❤❤ thanks for doing what you do u really helped keep the dream alive want to give u both a big hug 🤗

  9. I learned a lot as a rafting guide in heavy currents. We had limited "power" which is similar to a cruising sailing vessel with a not so powerful engine. The trick was to give yourself extra time to get lined up when you were being pulled towards a narrow gap. You would turn the raft around and be paddling against the current. If you were too far left before you turned the boat around, with it backwards and paddling against the current you would aim the nose of the raft to your left. Doing that causes the boat to "slide" to the correct direction and line up with the narrow gap. You get extra time to line up because your powering against the current. It works with Kayaks also and is exactly what we do. With very little power we could slide across a powerful current. It is known as ferrying and can be searched with Kayak Ferrying. I see no reason it wouldn't work in heavy ocean current or even in a channel.

    Look up " Reaction ferries are really clever " in YouTube and remember you will simply angle the boat and keep that angle. Starting out in current in a wide area will help you learn how to do this. You will quickly learn how much angle you need and how to control your angle. . A little motor power will keep you from going down stream (unless you have too much angle and get turned downstream, watch out for that. . If you intend to go the current direction then no power is necessary but might help to make you feel better. Powering down stream to change your position quite often doesn't work so well ! Crashes happen when doing that.

  10. Wow, this is much like a passage in the Bahamas Islands in the Abaco chain. Have gone through when it looks like this. The locals call it a “rage” for a good reason. A friend lost his well found 42 foot sailboat there. His crew died and he was badly injured during multiple capsizes. Yes, I appreciate that this stuff can be nasty. I fact there is one called “ whole in the wall”

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