Faceți cunoștință cu shooterul sartorial al lui Andrew Tate cu mâna dreaptă! (Interviu EXCLUSIV/Întrebări și răspunsuri)

Faceți cunoștință cu shooterul sartorial al lui Andrew Tate cu mâna dreaptă!  (Interviu EXCLUSIV/Întrebări și răspunsuri)

Unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni și confidenti ai lui Andrew & Tristan, shooter-ul Sartorial își va rupe în sfârșit tăcerea în acest interviu exclusiv. Shooter vă va oferi o perspectivă despre frații REAL Tate și va răspunde la cele mai multe întrebări adresate postării comunității! Sartorial Shooter : https://www.instagram.com/thesartorialshooter/?hl=en https://www.youtube.com/@TheSartorialS Comanda noua carte a lui Myron „De ce femeile merită mai puțin” aici: https://a.co /d/9YdQI9d ▶️Rumble▶️ ➜https://rumble.com/freshandfit 📺Locals📺 ➜https://freshandfit.locals.com/ ––––––- ––––- 🎬Clips Channel🎬 ➜ https://www.youtube.com/c/FreshandFitClips/videos –––––– –––––- 📹Twitch📹 ➜https://www.twitch.tv/freshandfitpodcast ––––––- ––––– 📘Obțineți cartea mea electronică GRATUITĂ📘 ➜http://freebook.unplugfit.com/optin1595265648348 –––––- –––––– 💎Alătură-te acestui canal pentru a avea acces la avantaje💎 ➜ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5sqmi33b7l9kIYa0yASOmQ/join ––- ––––––––– 👕Achiziționați produsele noastre👕 ➜https://www.freshfitpodcaststore.com/ ––– ––––––––- 🎧Ascultă podcastul la GO AICI🎧 Ziua: https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/freshandfit Noaptea: https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/freshandfiafterhours ––––––––––– 🧑‍ 🎓Studii🧑‍🎓 https://linktr.ee/fffacts ––––––––––– 📷Instagram📷 Fresh and Fit➜https://www.instagram.com/freshandfitpodcast/ Fresh➜https://www.instagram.com/freshprinceceo/ Fit➜https://www.instagram.com/unplugfit/?hl=ro Chris➜ https://www.instagram.com/aaroncpogson/?utm_medium=copy_link ––––––––––– 📱 Twitter📱 ➜https://twitter.com/FreshandFitPod ––––––––––– 📧Solicitări de colaborare/sponsorizare 📧 ➜Freshandfitpartnerships@gmail.com ––––––––––– 🎵Intro/Outro Music🎵 Intro➜Future & The Weeknd – Low Life Trap Remix (Apato Remix) Outro➜Phetsta – Push it to the Limit (Bootleg) Afterhours➜Laura Branigan – Self Control (New Techno Remix 2021) ––––– ––––––- 💻Linkr.ee💻 ➜Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/freshfit –––– ––––––– 🕔Stampile de timp🕔 0:00 : Introducere 2:11 : Cine este shooterul sartorial și mediul profesional 3:03 : De ce Orientul Mijlociu a trecut vestul? 4:30: De ce Shooter a devenit musulman 6:45: Viziunea lui Shooter asupra societății moderne occidentale 10:00: Masculinitatea în Orientul Mijlociu împotriva Occidentului 12:00: Stângii luptă cu realitatea și socialiștii din șampanie 13:20: Cum l-a întâlnit Shooter pe Andrew și Tristan Tate? 15:20 : Antrenează arme de foc cu Tates și învață rapid 17:17 : Predicțiile lui Andrew în 2018 devin realitate acum 18:30 : Jurnaliştii nu folosesc surse credibile 20:30 : Realizările profesionale ale trăgătorului 21:00 : Jurnaliştii scot intenţionat negativitatea 22:50 : Minciunile lui VICE și piesa de succes după arestare 24:40 : Forța urmărind etica 27:00 : Oamenii care apără v-au urât tate 29:30 : Toată lumea îl voia pe Tate când era treaz și acum tăcut 29:50 : De ce s-a spart Shooter tăcerea lui pe Tate 32:00 : De ce Myron apără Tate 32:45 : Importanța eliminării persoanelor toxice 33:45 : Importanța misiunii pentru bărbați, relațiile pentru femei 37:00 : Religie și societate 38:00 : Familiile lui Tate 39: 20 : Niciodată nu a spus poveste despre Tristan și povești de caritate 41:42 : Stângii care vin după Tates, F&F, Sneako 43:52 : Sneako în War Room și fostul wokie (lol) 48:00 : Importanța de a avea un cerc 53:24 : Întrebări de la susținători 53:30 : Auzi Andrew fanii aruncând melodia în afara închisorii 53:45 : Are Andrew cancer? 54:06: trăgătorul cunoaște rutina închisorii Tates? 55:10: Mergând înainte, fetele vor fi examinate? 56:50: Cât timp i-a luat trăgatorului să vadă fraudele după arestarea lui Tates? 58:00: Inteligența Tates creată prin luptă 59:00: Inteligența lui Tristan 1:00:35: Există o schimbare globală a puterii care părăsește Occidentul? 1:03:20 : Cazul comic de trafic de ființe umane împotriva familiei Tate 1:04:20 : În cazul în care Tates „s-au tras” de către alți deținuți 1:05:00 : Cum poate oamenii să ajute? Protest, scrisori etc.? 1:06:09: Fundația Tate Charity și cum pot ajuta oamenii? 1:07:25 : De ce a ales Shooter sa lucreze cu Tate? 1:08:10 : Ce actiuni pot lua barbatii? 1:08:55 : Starea familiei Tates 1:09:25 : Ce face cu vărul Luc Tates? 1:09:30: Shooter este îngrijorat de complotul DIICOT sau CIA de a-l răni pe Tates? 1:10:33 : Cum a aparut shooter-ul cu numele Sartorial Shooter? 1:11:55 : Opiniile trăgatorului despre armele de foc 1:12:35 : Acuzatorii vor fi supuși unor consecințe pentru minciună? 1:14:53 : Tate intra sau ies din afacerea cu camera web? 1:17:10 : Impactul pozitiv al Lumii Reale pentru bărbații din întreaga lume 1:18:19 : Originea și scopul War Room 1:19:16 : Minciunile lui VICE și ascunderea interviului de 3 ore 1:20:20 : Gândurile finale ale trăgătorului 1: 21:00 : Testarea oamenilor puternici/outro 1:22:20 : De ce apărarea nu poate dezvălui totul/outro ––––––––– –––


21 thoughts on “Faceți cunoștință cu shooterul sartorial al lui Andrew Tate cu mâna dreaptă! (Interviu EXCLUSIV/Întrebări și răspunsuri)

  1. 🕔Time Stamps🕔

    0:00 : Intro

    2:11 : Who is Sartorial Shooter & professional background

    3:03 : Why the Middle East over the West?

    4:30 : Why Shooter became Muslim

    6:45 : Shooter's take on modern western society

    10:00 : Masculinity in the Middle East v the West

    12:00 : Leftists fighting reality & champagne socialists

    13:20 : How did Shooter meet Andrew & Tristan Tate?

    15:20 : Training firearms w/ the Tates & being fast learners

    17:17 : Andrew's predictions in 2018 coming true now

    18:30 : Journalists not using credible sources

    20:30 : Shooter's professional accomplishments

    21:00 : Journalists purposely put out negativity

    22:50 : VICE's lies & hitpiece after arrest

    24:40 : Clout chasing v ethics

    27:00 : The people defending v hating tate

    29:30 : Everyone wanted Tate when he was up & now silent

    29:50 : Why Shooter has broken his silence on the Tates

    32:00 : Why Myron defends Tate

    32:45 : Importance of removing toxic ppl

    33:45 : Importance of mission for men, relationships for women

    37:00 : Religion & society

    38:00 : Tate's families

    39:20 : Never told story on Tristan & charity stories

    41:42 : Leftists coming after Tates, F&F, Sneako

    43:52 : Sneako on the War Room & former wokie (lol)

    48:00 : Importance of having a circle

    53:24 : Questions from the supporters

    53:30 : Does Andrew hear fans blasting his song outside jail

    53:45 : Does Andrew have cancer?

    54:06 : Does shooter know the Tates jail routine?

    55:10 : Moving forward will girls be screened?

    56:50 : How long did it take shooter to see the frauds after Tates arrest?

    58:00 : The Tates intelligence forged through struggle

    59:00 : Tristan's intelligence

    1:00:35 : Is there a global shift in power leaving the west?

    1:03:20 : The comical human trafficking case against the Tates

    1:04:20 : Where the Tates "pulled up" on by other inmates

    1:05:00 : How can the people help? Protest, letters, etc.?

    1:06:09 : The Tate Foundation Charity & how can people help?

    1:07:25 : Why did Shooter choose to work w/ the Tates?

    1:08:10 : What actions can men take?

    1:08:55 : Tates family status

    1:09:25 : How is Tates cousin Luc doing?

    1:09:30 : Is Shooter worried about DIICOT or CIA plot to hurt Tates?

    1:10:33 : How did shooter come up w/ the name Sartorial Shooter?

    1:11:55 : Shooter's views on firearms

    1:12:35 : Will the accusers face consequences for lying?

    1:14:53 : Are the Tates in or out of the webcam business?

    1:17:10 : The positive impact of the Real World for men worldwide

    1:18:19 : War Room's origin & purpose

    1:19:16 : VICE's lies & hiding 3hr interview

    1:20:20 : Shooter's final thoughts

    1:21:00 : Testing strong men/outro

    1:22:20 : Why the defense can't disclose everything/outro

  2. Great interview and insight on the situation the Tate brothers are dealing with. I expect the Romanian government to hold them for the full 180 days they’re allowed to detained them, in an attempt to find illegal activity, since they still haven’t found anything. Freedom will be that much better when they’re released. The Tate brothers need to relocate to a Muslim country in the Middle East or Northern Africa, such as Morocco.

  3. Living in Dubai is cool but it will never be the same as living in London or on par, depending on what you’re looking for.
    It’s a brilliant place but it’s a man made area within a desert which is too hot for most of the year, like a cake, too much of it you get sick of it.

  4. I agree with everything they said regarding the political left, in the west, extremism is only allowed if it's coming from the political left. But when he mentioned that anti-depressants are only used in those countries, when i grew up in the middle east (poor to middle class background), i never heard about these medications, i didn't even know they existed, but we definitely knew people who had severe depression, and we heard about people killing themselves often. But this data is not recorded from third world countries, this is why you can't compare this fairly in my honest opinion. Maybe the small rich gulf countries like UAE & Qatar, you may have access to more accurate data, but even more so in the poorer countries in the middle east/Asia/Africa, no one is sitting there counting death tolls by causes or documenting how many people suffer from depression, this is a rich people first world luxury.

  5. There final at home boys.. we know they won't be able to talk about it but I'm sure you lads can meet up 😊 🔥🔥 be good to see all 4 of you lads back on it

  6. Everything else seems solid, but the cuck part had me laughing because sneako was there, 😂 even tho sneako was here for this live he needs to rewatch from the 27 minute mark and really hear what the dude is saying.

  7. Another friend of the Tate brothers has converted to islam further popularizing the religion/political ideology which if it becomes more wide spread in Europe could lead to war. Emori Tate and the CIA would be very proud of the boys work. One of the reasons the UK has become a"failed society" according to Andrew Tate is islam but he has converted to islam and popularizes it too. Makes no sense from the perspective and interests of the natives of Europe because it could bring destruction…again to the continent. This is probably planned.
    Remember people, most things that are popular in pop culture are mass programming of the Mockingbird Media which doesn't benefit you.

  8. "Health Effects. Regularly smoking cigars is associated with an increased risk for cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx (voice box), and oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat). Cigar smoking is linked to gum disease and tooth loss. How common is cancer from cigars? Many cigar smokers don't inhale. But their risk for oral, throat, and esophageal cancers is the same as for cigarette smokers. Consider these facts: Compared with nonsmokers, regular cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to die from oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and laryngeal cancer." Love TOP G, but don't agreed with the cigars habit. Myron and the gangs, don't take his habit as a cool thing and follow him on this. Too many people follows him on this, but you all do what you do, but when you have any health issues related to the cigar habits, know you could have avoided it by not smoking cigars for the next several decades.

  9. I support the Tates, and I like to listen to Sartorial Shooter talk, but I vehemently disagree with disregarding the importance of every fundemental human right recognized by the Constitution of the United States of America. If this is an attempt at changing hearts and minds to accept their slavery by the elite, it is sad and disappointing. Just leading people deeper into the matrix. Give me dangerous freedom over secure slavery any day.

  10. This interview made me respect the Tate bros and crew even more. This guy shooter is a well spoken and articulate guy. A lot of men should take notes.

  11. them talking about dubai is like rich americans talk about their country club….they made themselve a little city for the rich people…ofc there is no crime

  12. Not the smartest heads out there definitely, who ever is your overlord and put you on the world stage must be more stupid then you to put you on

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