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S3 LIVE: 2023 ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 1
23 thoughts on “S3 LIVE: 2023 ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 1”
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Go Canada 🇨🇦 🎉🎉
DK-vikinger hva laver i der ude! 😂
Næste gang så det redbull på 🎉😎😎
Heya heya
Again the same video as last event day 1 and day 2 also(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I actually like it when the last leg is not a simple reach. Makes for some tactical decisions and more action.
I wish Todd Harris would base his comments on what we can all see on screen, not on what he recalls Stevie saying a few seconds before. He's obviously in over his head.
I’ve been watching this series for a long time. Overall….Spithill needs to be replaced. Too many Poor decisions
No interview with the winners in race 3? Cmon guys, you can do better with these broadcasts.
Haha that told Todd!
Great first day for the Canadian SailGP team!
Why is when Canada wins a race, the discussion is still all about NZ, AU and GBR? It would have nice to interview the Canadian skipper when he won his race. Let's get it together Sail GP broadcasting team.
This is the Sydney event not NZ
Lisa has made the presentation of GP sail extremely more enjoyable, thanks.
The USA kill themselves every time with horrible starts.
1.12 1.38 1.54
Show starts at 32:47
Still doing the dumb swooping camera shot before the start, eh? Honestly you have to despair for this series. No doubt Ellison is still pouring in vast amounts of money, the TV presentation continues to ignore feedback from the fans… haven't seen yet if we're still counting speeds in kph, which no one likes. General rule seems to be if people complained about it, then they're still doing it…
@sailgp can you explain why kiwis can't even watch this in their own country without a VPN? What a joke
Thirty minutes of blah, blah, blabber, blabber, blah. I thought I was going to see a boat race. What a waste of tine. Both thumbs down!
So sad NZ was Geo Blocked from watching their own home races
What happened to team USA getting 2nd in race 1 and then them being given the 8th place in results?
Haha that told Todd!
camera too tight again – not showing the action. Please directors learn this simple lesson.