Explorând viața alternativă pe barca noastră de oțel. ACESTA ESTE DAWN HUNTERS SEZONUL #2 EPISODUL 8
S2E8 Acest videoclip face parte din mini-seria „Sailing through 5000 Rocks” și face parte din PARTEA 3
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Iată videoclipurile Bluewater Sailboat Refit BOATYARD care ți-ar putea plăcea și
Steel Motorsailer – Oh No! Bad Hole! (+ CELE MAI
COMENTARII) https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=rI-P-FWiSRE&t
Diy Sailboat Projects – Distrugător de saltele (+ CELE MAI
) https://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=-P-QhKbhm7w&t
Repararea bărcilor metalice – Lucrări de incendiu în gaură (
) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwC0l5p9bv8&t
Incendiu de sudare în timpul restaurării bărcii noastre metalice !!! (OMG
) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNe9_bOEJoc VĂ RUGĂM să vă abonați la canalul nostru pentru videoclipuri săptămânale Restoring a Boat to Travel the World! https://www.youtube.com/dawnhunters?sub_confirmation=1
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și reveniți din nou pentru mai multe videoclipuri de navigație și croazieră în curând!
Colaborări sau întrebări de afaceri: hello@dawn-hunters.com
Găsiți vlogul nostru Sailing și aici: Dawn Hunters Website https://www.dawn-hunters.com #offgrid #SAILBOAT #Sailing Vă mulțumim pentru sprijin, Dawn Hunters

46 thoughts on “SINGUR OFF GRID”
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So much ink Yanna. You don’t put bumper stickers on a Ferrari. So happy to see you both living the dream you have worked so hard for. Very inspiring you guys.
I really enjoy watching y’all having fun perfect couple love the banter
Take a piece of hardwood cut a wedge. Tie it in the dingy and you will always have auto trim
Glad to see you both having a great time, what island are you guys at?
Some days it's good to be a cameraman..
Wow a beautiful anchorage and beach. That local guy knew where he could run deeper water. Yanna it appears you are a chef! Living the life.

What island ?
Your tattoos are magnificent. The person who said "you don't put bumper stickers on a Ferrari" maybe not, but nothing wrong with custom paint on a Ferrari.
Entertaining, and the food looks delightful! Enjoy guys, you have certainly earned your freedom.
This was wonderful, missed having one to watch last week. Iana seems to have a good handle on cooking, the captain is one lucky man! I was glad to see Iana take advantage of the desolate beach, William should have joined you; never too old to get naked. Love you both and looking forward to next week already. I hope everybody watching is liking, subscribing, and making a comment!
I was trying to explain to my wife that I was watching a sailing channel when your amazing wife was taking her top off she nearly true her coffee at me that was my Sunday morning great channel love it you got a new person watching my wife o and the bloody dog
That's living the island dream. Beautiful.
. Z.
Sometimes I think you two need proper supervision
But you always seem to make it work. Thanks for letting us share in your adventures.
Great to see you living the dream – I guess Yanna is on the mend as the editing has started back up – Get well!!!
Using shells to make a stock is very common in Louisiana and other places as well just keep enjoying your selves.
Отличный монтаж и звук . Веселый юмор !)
I was watching and subscribed to you guys when you were building your boat…Then you stopped making videos,no announcement no nothing, just disappeared from Youtube. Now the boat is done and you are once again making video's….So now I'm gun shy, will you abruptly leave us hanging again?
You guys are so cute. The editing and music are wonderful.
Wow so happy to finally see all of the hard work on the boat pay off and you guys finally have some fun on location.
Lucky guy!
Just sitting here smiling at you .
Glad to see you guy out enjoying the fruits of all your hard labor. My heart goes out to poor William having to suffer through take after take hoping to get the shot just right.
Today and everyday I watch you, I reject commercial after commercial until your video plays. If youtube demonetized you, I sure as hell will not watch their adds. Just letting you know.
All I can say is wow
Love your tattoo.
This beautiful woman is not with this guy for $ she knows hi value good men . I live on a yacht with my dog and will pray a quality woman like this comes into my life to . Enjoy the beauty of adventure and love
Planning to do the same thing. Looking to buy a trimaran and island hop the Caribbean for a few years before venturing further. Definitely need a first mate with a "one piece" bikini.
Making crab bisque from the shells is the best, look up recipe. U can use shrimp shells or lobster shells for bisque also.
Do you have any protection from lightning strikes? I have seen other boat channels stating they place some of their electronic items in the microwave to keep them from being fried. Is this the same as a faraday cage? Would a lightning strike damage a computer which was un-plugged and not turned on?
Nice to see you two enjoying life so much
The beaches and the shallow water are amazing
Thanks for taking us with you.She’ll soup did look delicious too 

Too many quality moments in the video to elaborate on all of them. But the dingy music switch was too funny! Without a doubt the best video so far!
Wow… stunning and a great cook…
Personal I love too see Miss Lana's free @ last!! Long live Lana's freedom! Ha! <3
I wold ditch the gas engine and stick with the electric motor. Great video. Thank you.
Hanna, who knew you are a gourmet?!
What a great actor you are, William! That fall after saying, "I got ya", looks so real! Thanks for another great video! Best regards, Mike from Miami
looks like captain ricks dingy
Are we stuck? "No" can you get out and pull us?

Also you are a damn lucky man!
You're showing a lot of things, but you're not sharing your stories… Still enjoying your channel since the very beginning!
Soup from shells Oh yes! I do it all the time! it's the perfect way to do a perfect base! I always keep my shells, lobster, mussels, and fish bones…
You guys crack me up. Try this next time…one of my old creole chefs would broil the shrimp shells on a cooking sheet pan until they were completely dry and dark brown. He would put the shells in his hands and rub until the shell dust fell in to the bowl. It added a deep and delicious layer of flavor to his crab bisque.
Fun episode guys, Thank you!
Beautiful, Video.