Pe CEA MAI LUNGĂ PASARE DE PĂRĂ, am lovit niște VÂNTURI ȘOARE, ceea ce înseamnă că este timpul să testăm SPINNAKER-ul zdrențuit și NEGLIJAT pe care l-am găsit în dulapul de la prova! Vă arătăm PAS CU PAS cum să o faceți, împreună cu încă câteva zile de PASSAGE LIFE și încă o PROBLEMA MISTERICĂ de abordat pe măsură ce ajungem în RAGGED ISLANDS, Bahamas. Bucurați-vă!! Și asigurați-vă că vă ABONAȚI pentru CONȚINUT SĂPTĂMÂNAL ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ! Noroc!! Vă mulțumim că vizionați SailAway, documentarul de călătorie al unui cuplu aventuros de navigatori, copil și câine, care navighează prin lume!
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#Sailing #Sailboat #SailboatLiving #SailboatLife #SailAway
Awesome video guys!!!
I'm with Rivers. The spinnaker is a funner sail. Great sail. Thanks for sharing.
Play some Southern Culture on the Skids … "The Man the Wrestles the Bear"
Looking forward to upcoming episodes
Nice passage, what a treat to see that Asym flying and moving you along. Other cruisers who seem to do well fishing use something like a dipsy diver that pushes the lure lower in the water. Great to see that all 5 of you can eat out in the cockpit without plates sliding off the table. One thing I've noticed about your channel is the quality of the audio- no matter who is speaking it is understandable, usually without wind noise and also no head spinning pans. I would think it was somebody elses fishing line, at least the prop was stuck in feathered position so little drag. Congrats to editor
Loving the passage. Boat is really starting to come around.
Not a bad place to do a pit stop. I'm wondering if you caught that fish.
Another great episode! I had no idea of Chris’s mad skills in the kitchen. 😂 🧀
I really like how you edited this
the auto pilot sounds like the music in Jaws
Seems like that boat moves pretty darn well for an old girl! I really like the older cats so much better, especially the shaft drive.
Looks like a blast out there. At least the spinnaker is aired out!! Safe Sailing Crew!!
Thanks for sharing awesome …
There’s supposed to be a 5,000 mile piece of sargassum headed towards the FloridaCoast, hopefully you guys won’t see it!
Nice job good sail
The weird and unusual ways that fishing line can get entangled has got to be one of the great mysteries of the world. 🥴 🎣
Btw – #LandShark …how about showing a little love to my friends with a sponsorship on one of their upcoming episodes!?!? 😎 🍻
"And don't forget to celebrate when it goes this well because sometimes it really doesn't" …..Cut to footage of our first A-sail gybe which ended with the new sheet over the bow and wrapped around the keel as a we both begin to speak in tongues. 🙂