Învățarea slăbiciunii Tanbark Sails | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep54]

Învățarea slăbiciunii Tanbark Sails |  Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep54]

▸ MATERIALE NECESARE PENTRU URMĂTORUL NOSTRU PROIECT: https://a.co/6y07tiz ▸ MARFĂ: https://rigging-doctor.creator-spring.com ▸ ABONAȚI-VĂ DIRECT la noi ca să nu pierdeți niciun episod: https://www .riggingdoctor.com/subscribe ▸ COMISIILE DE PICTURA: artisticeyestudio@gmail.com ▸ ARTĂ DIN VOIAȚIA NOASTRA: https://www.bluefeatherfineart.com ▸ CHARLIE & GERRY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/PirateParrots21 A producător de vele de la Quantum vizitează Înțelepciunea și îi învață pe toată lumea Slăbiciunea Velelor Tankbark. Procesul de vopsire reduce longevitatea pânzei de pânză, astfel încât, în timp ce pânzele de bark au multe avantaje, acesta este un dezavantaj major pentru culoare. De asemenea, îi învață pe toată lumea cum să evalueze starea propriilor pânze, împreună cu importanța rășinii în pânza de pânză. 0:00 Introducere 0:09 Explorarea insulei Smith 1:36 Navigare către Insula lui Solomon 2:20 Chesapeake Bay Squalls 3:27 Diferența dintre când am plecat și acum 5:30 Intrarea în porturi în întuneric 6:45 Smith Island Cake 7: 17 Urmărirea striurilor ușoare pentru a intra într-un port noaptea 9:26 Curățarea fundului navei 10:06 Învățarea slăbiciunii velelor Tanbark 13:14 Părăsirea Insulei Solomon în timpul zilei 14:00 Navigare către portul Herrington North în Deale 19:10 Următorul Time ↓BINGE WATCH↓ BINGE WATCH DE LA ÎNCEPUT: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlDgR504BxwnlEhveyFpjTUi6LLA4_s4L ▸ OUR BOAT (1968 Morgan 45): https://www.youtube.com/watch? : https://teespring.com/stores/rigging-doctor ▸ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/riggingdoctor ▸ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sailingwisdom ▸ WEBSITE: https://www. .riggingdoctor.com ▸ COMISIILE DE PICTURA: artisticeyestudio@gmail.com ▸ ARTĂ DIN VOIAJA NOASTRA: https://www.bluefeatherfineart.com ▸ CAMERA PRINCIPALĂ: https://amzn.to/3kYDNTs ▸ CA SECUNDARA MERA: https://amzn.to/3x9icwm ▸ CAMERA SUBACACALA: https://amzn.to/3FBXFni ▸ CAMERA STABILIZATĂ: https://amzn.to/3kUewcM ▸ OBJECTIV DE NOAPTE: https://amzn.to/30HTuHe ▸ DRONE: https://amzn.to/3DzcgiB ▸ MICROFON: https://amzn.to/3DElSst ↓PARTENERIATE↓ ▸ PREVICE VANT: https://www.predictwind.com/?ref=riggingdoctor ▸ SUN CUPTOR: https ://www.sunoven.com/riggingdoctor ▸ ANCORE MANTUS: https://www.mantusmarine.com/?affiliates=119 ▸ OVERKILL SOLAR (PARTE BATERIE LITIU): https://overkillsolar.com/?myboi=187478592 ▸ CONECTARE BATERIE (PIEȚE BATERIE LITIU): https://www.batteryhookup.com (Pentru o reducere suplimentară de 5%, utilizați codul promoțional: RIGGING5) ▸ AQUOS ELECTRIC OUTBOARD: https://www.aquospro.com?sca_ref=1008159. oxyRUafA2y ▸ CELULE DE LITIU: https://www.docanpower.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=455&tracking=06ORmUMyyrYyEpQ2VkP7mUHWKgx9B9SeQB6gb57tAV7ag91? reducere suplimentară de 10%, utilizați codul promoțional: RD) (Pentru un c Poți să câștigi o sticlă de apă GRATUITĂ: https://thecoldestwater.com/RiggingDoctor-giveaway) ▸ AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/shop/riggingdoctor


31 thoughts on “Învățarea slăbiciunii Tanbark Sails | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep54]

  1. I am interested as to your choice of tanbark sails? I'm in Australia, an while I'm a long way from navigable water, these days, I don't ever recall seeing them.
    They look like they would be much easier to live with regards to reflected light. Is there any other reason and would you choose them again?

  2. Before watching this video I thought I was the only person who talks to the birds 😂
    I am looking forward to the next episode

  3. Great video! I was just house shopping on Hooper's Island and seriously fell in love with a bayfront house. Alas, the riprap barrier/bulkhead is in need of SERIOUS work so I let it go. I was just looking for a fun summer home but that ADDITIONAL price tag would not have been fun lol. I loved your ocean crossings and all of the places you visited, but I LOVE our Chesapeake Bay. Solomon's Island, Thomas Point Light, St. Michaels, Tracy's Creek … it doesn't get any better in my mind. People have no idea what a great privilege it is to grow up sailing these waters.

  4. Very interesting! Also, up here in the Pacific northwest, I've never seen gasoline more expensive than Diesel! Super interesting. Also we're very close to two refineries, with another one about 30 miles south, we often have the highest fuel prices in the nation, besides maybe California.

  5. I saw you with that crab paddle there! My favorite dash on the Chesapeake is a crab cake sandwich!! But that chicken looked good as well! Great video.

  6. That was interesting about the tanbark sails. The tannins in the original cotton sails were used as a preservative but I guess now they degrade the modern Dacron sails. Good to know because I love the color.

  7. Sure is cool to see videos of your travels, thanks so much for another great one! Fair winds/following seas & be safe on the water!

  8. Good video, showing a sailmaker who understands customer service. We ordered a mainsail from Quantum SE, taking 18 months to deliver.

  9. 8:30 – "Safe speed" reminds me of some advice I heard from a singlehanded sailor: "Never approach anything faster than you're willing to hit it!" 😂😬

  10. That is interesting information about sail dyes…. mmmm one to watch out for. Great video you two, and the family of course!

  11. I had tan sail on 2 boats I've built, 29'6 and 43', first set from Lee Sails which were still in use after 20K miles. On the second boat had them made locally in Whangarei NZ with Gourock's cloth . After 11K miles had Simon Willis of Kerikeri take a look and I commented that they still set nice and smooth. His comment was "You don't see wrinkles on balloons do you I'll build you a new main that will be bigger will heel less and give you more speed." So he did! It was a bullet proof fully battened cruising sail.

  12. Can one build a foresail pendant using synthetic rigging? Any resources you have or can point me to would be appreciated.

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