Moda sportive pentru femei: o vizită la Muzeul Figge

Moda sportive pentru femei: o vizită la Muzeul Figge

Muzeele ne oferă inspirație tuturor. În acest videoclip, autoarea Sarah A. Chrisman împărtășește o vizită recentă la expoziția, „Sporting Fashion: Outdoor Girls 1800 to 1960”, aflată în prezent la Figge Museum din Davenport, Iowa, și împrumutat de la FIDM. Dacă îți place istoria ca și noi, vei adora cărțile lui Sarah! Asigurați-vă că le găsiți pe Amazon:


23 thoughts on “Moda sportive pentru femei: o vizită la Muzeul Figge

  1. What a fun video! Thanks for showing your outing. And it looks like you’ve made great progress on the house. Well done on both adventures! Hugs! ❤

  2. I had to pause this endlessly to gawk at details. The close up of the hand embroidery and the tennis hat! The wire sleeve supports and so much more had my mind in a happy whirlwind of delight. Thank you!

  3. I would love that rain walking outfit so practical! And staging the ice skater fallen made me chuckle. Love the ice skates!

  4. Next time I'm in Davenport I'll need to stop by the museum! I just finished reading your book This Victorian Life and I'm in the middle of First Wheel in Town – so it was great to put some visual components to what I've just been reading. I'm enjoying your work!

  5. I just remembered a passage in your book where you said that while you were in your own house, someone saw you through your window , got freaked and thought they'd just seen a ghost. Your book was so well written and entertaining. I loved it! I wonder if this time at the museum someone saw you and got freaked out that one of the displays came to life. Thank you for this tour of the museum and your YouTube videos. I LOVE them!! Thank you Sarah!

  6. I really hope that museum exhibit comes to my town. When Victorian fashion comes to town, I definitely dress up and learn more about both for men and women, the fashion changes at the time for decade to decade.
    I'm actually in the middle of the second book. I just love your characters, Sarah ❤. Their manners and humor, I almost can imagine seeing this as a miniseries on TV.
    I hope to complete this book and move to the next. 🎩

  7. It would be interesting to know who you and your husband was in your past lives….it is very likely that you lived just like now 🙂

  8. Women's fashion is always lovely, but I find myself getting frustrated that nobody pays any particular attention to men's fashion. Being a man, after all, I can't help but have a more personal interest in that.

  9. What a lovely exhibit! Thank you for sharing it!! I used to live in Davenport in an old Victorian building on W. 3rd Street. It used to be a mortuary!

  10. Those were glorious dresses and clothing pieces! I must say that when you were walking around the exhibit you looked like you were a part of it. You blended right in. And that's a great big compliment. I bet you had a blast. I know I would have.

  11. Hi Sarah, love your videos! Do you have a list somewhere of the music you play in your intro and your videos in general? Would love to give it a more focused listen 🙂
    Thank you for being you!

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