Cele mai scumpe 5 iahturi din toate timpurile

Cele mai scumpe 5 iahturi din toate timpurile

Cele mai scumpe 5 iahturi din toate timpurile Lumea iahturilor de lux este una care este adesea asociată cu cei bogați și faimoși. Este o lume a opulenței în care cei bogați își pot trăi cele mai sălbatice visuri de a avea propriile lor palate plutitoare pe mare. Yachting-ul a cunoscut o creștere semnificativă în ultimele decenii datorită mai multor factori. Creșterea bogăției globale a făcut ca mai mulți indivizi să aibă mijloace financiare pentru a investi în iahturi de lux. Acest lucru a creat o cerere în creștere pentru iahturi cu facilități mai mari, dimensiuni mai mari și tehnologie mai avansată. De asemenea, pe măsură ce au apărut noi materiale și tehnologii, iahturile au devenit mai eficiente, mai sigure și mai confortabile. Acest lucru a ajutat industria de yachting să crească și mai mult, deoarece proprietarii de iahturi pot face acum călătorii mai lungi și mai confortabile cu bărcile lor. Un alt factor care contribuie la creșterea iahturilor este popularitatea în creștere a iahturilor de navlosire. Mulți indivizi aleg acum să închirieze iahturi pentru vacanțe, ceea ce a creat o nouă piață semnificativă pentru industria de yachting. În acest videoclip, vom arunca o privire mai atentă asupra celor mai scumpe cinci iahturi din toate timpurile. De la History Supreme la Dubai Yacht, aceste palate plutitoare sunt impresionante nu doar prin dimensiuni și design, ci și prin preț și motoare. Sperăm să vă bucurați de această privire în lumea yachtingului de lux și poate chiar să găsiți inspirație pentru propria dvs.


39 thoughts on “Cele mai scumpe 5 iahturi din toate timpurile

  1. all these yachts from your video are simply luxurious, now I have a plus one to my dreams to visit such a yacht at least once in my life, although I am terribly afraid of the ocean

  2. I would rather have them up side by side and see what I want to change, probably nothing but these ships take care of costing money, they don't take care of themselves.Beautiful ships.

  3. Excellent information in your evaluation of the priciest and most luxurious ships. After watching the film, it seems intriguing; thanks for sharing.

  4. This yachts are the best its why only tge riches poeple in the world have the chance to have this kinds of amazing yachts, really wonderful and truly the best i can say

  5. Spending time on a yacht is most likely extremely relaxing and contemplative. They are all a masterpiece!

    Good morning everybody.

  6. I believe it is currently the largest private yacht in the world and belongs to Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan (President of the United Arab Emirates).

  7. Amazing! This video really is so amazing and am reallglad that I found this with the hope that someday I can ride even one of these LUXURY YACHTS 💖💖

  8. These yachts are indeed very expensive just by looking at these yachts you will already know that it cost high. Thank you so much for this.

  9. It’s so amazing experience money can buy happiness it’s so great to see such videos created specially for the people who likes this transportation method

  10. It was very beautiful that it's looks like a very comfortable home in the seaSecurity issues, being able to get there by helicopter, I don't even know what impressed me the most. It is simply all very admirable

  11. These cruise ships are very beautiful and very attractive, I hope in the future I can own one and drive it on the beautiful sea every day

  12. As superyachts continue to get bigger and more extravagant than ever before, so too do the accompanying price tags. According to the Boats Group’s market index, the average cost of a yacht above 80 feet in the US last year was $5.3 million. As you’ll see below, though, there are a handful of high-end vessels that blow that figure out of the water.

  13. this is one of the best video about the 5 Most Expensive Yachts of All Time around the world. you have explained very clearly. I am glad to know the 5 Most Expensive Yachts which are explained in this video. thank you for this video.

  14. The world of luxury yachts is one that is often shrouded in mystery and exclusivity. These floating palaces are the ultimate status symbols for the ultra-wealthy, and their prices reflect that. In this article, we will take a closer look at the 5 most expensive yachts of all time.

    1. History Supreme – $4.8 billion

    The History Supreme is widely considered to be the most expensive yacht in the world, with a price tag of $4.8 billion. This 100-foot vessel was designed by Stuart Hughes, a British jeweler known for his extravagant creations. The yacht is covered in gold and platinum, with over 100,000 kg of these precious metals used in its construction.

    2. Eclipse – $1.5 billion

    The Eclipse is owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and has a price tag of $1.5 billion. This 533-foot yacht boasts two helicopter pads, a swimming pool that can be converted into a dance floor, and even a missile defense system.

    3. Azzam – $600 million

    The Azzam is owned by Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the United Arab Emirates, and has an estimated cost of $600 million. This 590-foot yacht was built by Lürssen Yachts and is one of the fastest superyachts in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 35 knots.

    4. Dilbar – $256 million

    The Dilbar is owned by Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov and has an estimated cost of $256 million. This 360-foot yacht features a helipad, swimming pool, cinema room, and even an indoor basketball court.

    5. Al Said – $300 million

    The Al Said is owned by Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said of Oman and has an estimated cost of $300 million. This 508-foot yacht can accommodate up to 70 guests across its six decks and features a concert hall that can seat up to 50 musicians.

    In conclusion, these yachts represent the ultimate in luxury living on water for those who can afford it. While their prices may seem astronomical to most people, they are mere pocket change for some of the world's wealthiest individuals who seek nothing but the best when it comes to their leisure time on board these floating palaces.

  15. I like your presentation made in the video. You explained a lot about the list of 5 most expensive yachts. They are expensive because of state-of-the-art features, and its rarity to build one. And I wish that I will have one of these someday. Thank you for uploading this video, it is very interesting to the viewers.

  16. Omg! Ive been wishing to have my own yachts and this video motivate me to have this kind of yachts in the future. I like all the yachts in the video it really looks expensive and comfortable

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