Motivele pentru care majoritatea videoclipurilor canalelor de navigație nu sunt în timp real

Motivele pentru care majoritatea videoclipurilor canalelor de navigație nu sunt în timp real

Bună ziua, prieteni, am realizat acest videoclip pentru a clarifica o concepție greșită comună despre canalele de navigație din videoclipurile YouTube; Majoritatea nu sunt lansate în timp real. Vorbesc despre motivul și anume de ce trebuie să existe o întârziere și un tampon și despre cum, atunci când navigați în locuri îndepărtate, pur și simplu nu este posibil să lansați videoclipuri în timp real sau aproape. Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu pierde niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: sau dacă preferați să faceți o contribuție o singură dată, o puteți trimite prin PAYPAL la jamesthesailorman Fair Winds, James ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI PATREON: Patreon: Site: Tracker: /Triteia Instagram: #sailingchannels #youtubesailing #youtubechannels


43 thoughts on “Motivele pentru care majoritatea videoclipurilor canalelor de navigație nu sunt în timp real

  1. the world is bad there will always be bad people do not take their question into account because there is only one answer that suits them courage to you.M

  2. Just keep sailing and posting and I’ll keep watching. I like your videos and think your doing an awesome thing. Congrats. I hope all your journeys are safe. Good luck.

  3. I like when YT creators say the approx filming dates during the video (even the month & year). Kevin on "How to Sail Oceans" always does this, and it helps to put the video into chronological context.

  4. I don't understand how people would think it is in real time. It takes time to film the adventure and then edit it. Plus most content creators maintain some kind of content release schedule.

  5. Keep doing what you do James when you can. My wife & I really like your style & all the amazing things you get to see & the involving & inclusive way you share it. We watch every episode in full & have never felt like telling you how you should be editing, filming, sailing etc etc if I didn’t like what you did I could find someone else editing in a different way. It’s almost trendy to be critical & offended these days 🙄 if you don’t like it move on peacefully with respect. Fair winds & following seas my friend 😉

  6. Thank you for doing these videos. I really enjoy it! And please stick with your style of editing. It’s really nice to have this logbook of your adventures in this basic way.

  7. Dude, as you know, haters gonna hate. I find you inspiring, sailing solo in an older boat and making it work. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  8. James, I think your format is great. Not sure why there would be crappy comments regarding it. Your mixture of sailing, the challenges associated with and the sightseeing to me, are great. I feel as if you provide the information to us as if we're preparing to do the similar trip ourselves. I say keep it up, and I always watch until the end! Cheers.

  9. 2 minute video, 5 minute, 1 hour, when it was made, none of that matters. I just love your content and I'll watch it all. Keep doing what you do!

  10. Please stay with your aesthetics James, whenever you filmed them, whenever we watch them they are all you. You set your style a long time ago and it really comes over well, to me anyway. I love sharing your experiences with you in a small way, look forward to seeing even more. Much respect mate 👍

  11. As a sailor and singlehander myself, I can just add here that "realtime" becomes something completely different once You set off and go out of landsight anyway, no matter video-taped and edited and uploaded sometime or not.
    So, snotty comments about "we do it in real time" …? Tell 'em to go get a boat, set off singlehandedly and go straight (if capable to set and follow a compass-course, at all …) until land slides slowly out of sight over the transom and then some, reach the other side in form of an Island You could also miss in some conditions, and THEN utter dumb bullsh*t about what "we" do in terms of real time. End of rant. Thanks for sharing! Appreciate the work. No regrets being a subby here since 4 digits. Just saying.

  12. Anyone who thinks they are or need to be in real time is a bit daft.

    Yours is easily one of the top handful of sailing channels… and your perspective is positively beautiful and poetic… and in that IMHO you are unique.

    I love it just the way it is. I don’t watch 9 minutes… i watch most of your films twice.

    The passage films deserve an oscar.

    I aim to start sailing again soon and have my own channel and you are a massive inspiration (along with Sailing Florence, the Sailing Brothers, Wind Hippie & Calico Skies).

  13. I start new sailing channels 'from the beginning' all the time. I love going way back. I much prefer the earlier Delos and Vagabonde videos. The 'new' stuff is too highly produced. I don't like it. James, your's is the perfect balance. Thank you. I know I'm going to sail around the world one day. It's just a case of when.

  14. @13:49 – Yes, for me, "silence and the sound of the sea" is usually better than adding music, but I can understand that others feel differently. New subscriber and look forward to more of your videos. Thanks for posting.

  15. James, as joe rogan says, post and ghost. do you. dont read the comments. do what makes you happy and your tribe will follow. ""If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea."

  16. I would like to recommend you some books as I have been thoroughly engrossed in works from antiquity for the past 5+ years. Firstly I would recommend you to pick up a copy of Plutarch's Parallel Lives, as it influenced some of the greatest men on earth and is also a gateway to learn about other unique and heroic men from history. The book is filled with wonderful stories and wisdom and will surely touch anybody's heart and mind after they read through it, as it is quite astounding.

    I would also like to recommend Xenophon's Anabasis as it is one of the greatest adventures I've read about in antiquity where Xenophon has to guide his Greek army from near ancient Babylon back to Greece. The raw emotion, feelings and struggles they went through is nothing short of amazing and you really feel as though you were in their shoes.

    Ovid's Metamorphoses for the context and understanding of all the inspiration and art and culture that we are blessed with today that fills museums all over the world

    Cicero for more direct and not confusing wisdom, unlike perhaps the Stoics who I would say require you to be in the right state of mind to read, almost studious I would say.

    Thucydides's History – For ancient epic naval combat stories and context for Xenopon's anabasis

    i have also read tons of Eastern books (dont worry not just sun tzu) if you would like more recommendations I have read tons.

  17. I know how much work sailing is. I can't imagine trying to produce a video, too! You have a marvelous channel.

  18. Really?
    People are hateful about non real time vids?
    Or even confused?
    People are REALLY IGNORANT!
    Thank you for this.

    I know TWO channels that are more than a YEAR behind!

    and selfish, self-centered

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