Anii 40 încep să urle în sfârșit, când navigăm mai adânc în oceanul sudic. Nu o să crezi condițiile cu care ne confruntăm în două mâini cu câinele nostru de navigație! Alăturați-vă nouă pentru o provocare fantastică pe mare! #sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #southernocean Despre noi: Suntem doi tineri navigatori de curse care au decis să părăsească viața pe uscat și să ne împlinească obiectivele de a naviga în jurul lumii și de a învăța și de a experimenta diferite culturi. Originar din Marile Lacuri, am părăsit Newport Rhode Island în iulie 2019, după ce ne-am reamenajat barca în stilul DIY. Apoi am navigat spre Maine, iar de acolo pe coasta de est a SUA, în jurul Capului Hatteras, până în Bahamas, înapoi la Miami și apoi spre Insulele Virgine. De acolo ne-am îndreptat spre sud, spre Grenada, pentru a scăpa de sezonul uraganelor, apoi înapoi la St. Maarten, unde am lansat prima noastră traversare a Atlanticului către Horta, Azore. Am făcut o călătorie rapidă înapoi în SUA în iulie ’21 pentru a ne apăra titlul general Chicago – Mackinac Race, apoi a fost înapoi la croazieră în Canare, unde am lansat pentru a doua noastră călătorie transatlantică, navigând către Brazilia în America de Sud și pe spre Uruguay. Scopul nostru este să navigăm în jurul lumii prin Capul Horn, iar acolo ne îndreptăm acum. Înregistrăm imagini pentru a vă împărtăși această aventură epică în timp ce ocolim cornul și ne aventurăm în canalele și fiordurile din Patagonia, Chile. Vrei să afli mai multe despre noi și să vezi unde ne aflăm în timp real? Vizitați site-ul nostru la sau alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon la
Navigarea în anii 40: Aventura epică la care nu ne-am așteptat niciodată! Partea 2 [Ep. 102]
![Navigarea în anii 40: Aventura epică la care nu ne-am așteptat niciodată! Partea 2 [Ep. 102]](
29 thoughts on “Navigarea în anii 40: Aventura epică la care nu ne-am așteptat niciodată! Partea 2 [Ep. 102]”
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Great video again guys. Every vlog I watch…yeah, they are doing the same thing. You are different in a positive way. And as for food in cold and gnarly conditions: Be sure you always have a good stack of cans of "Unox Stevige Erwtensoep" on board. I never leave without it. No cooking, just warm it up and it keeps you going. However, may be tricky to get it delivered where you are.
Keep your eyes out for 4 Imoca's headed your way in the next few days. The Ocean Race boats!!!
wonderfully exciting to follow your sailing towards the horn👍 how is Roxy the dog doing in the high waves? if you're lucky, maybe you'll meet the Ocean Race boats coming from the other side around Cape Horn😊 have a continued exciting sailing⛵️😊👍Rolf
I just can't imagine sailing in these conditions. The waves look so huge. The rainbow and sunset so beautiful. I can't wait to see what the next video brings
What a perfect song Uplifter by Conditional to keep your spirits up and to help pull each other through the challenges you encounter each day.
Enjoying the video & tips on sails , thank you for sharing
Another great sailing episode. Thanks for talking us thru your sail plan / set up for the changing weather and swell conditions. Feels like I’m on board with you😊
Did not disappoint!
I recognize the steady pragmatism that accepts: these are the conditions, our experiences are the tools to accommodate them. Analyze, anticipate, respond, repeat. Those I met as a kid who’d sailed big seas seemed subtly re-calibrated; little mishaps onboard barely registered.
For food, I rather liked marrowfat peas and sausage! If you ever find somewhere selling Cassoulet in a can, grab it! Fatty sausage, garlic, ham hock, confit duck, and white beans – great stuff.
The sights and sounds of your journey are amazing. What a team you 2 make. Through your trip i've seen things That were unbelievable. As always be safe.❤
did you recover the glove during the man-over-board drill ?
Yours are not the most relaxing videos to watch, but are surely are high on my list.
So after all that you didn't tell us if you got the glove back or not !
Curtis and Kate are incredible helmsmen, enjoying their eye-opening experiences into the 40s & 50s. For the viewers you-guys are actually maturing as high-latitude sailors before our eyes. Keep it up!
I was worried until Curtis donned his safety gear! Safe travels ❤️
Quite the passage! While watching you rock and roll I’m listening to the beautiful piano piece you’ve used as background. What is it?
More sail area will help the motion of the boat. Quite often the boat is well well reefed down (not a criticism) but it makes the boat wallow, rolly esp in a quartering sea way..dropping the mainsheet traveller all way down help unload the helm too.
Brace yourself the southern ocean gets much much bigger than this on a mild day.
Other sailing channels whine and cry if the wind is blowing a little too strong or the waves are a little too high but you guys get in this raging inferno and rock and roll. Now that is sailing and you are the best kind of sailors. 🙂
But were you able to retrieve the overboard glove?!
Curtis kicks beehind for being out in that wild weather and taking care of the boat! He sure looked bashed early in the video!!! I wish I still had the strength he seems to have! My Cshot took me out. I am getting better, but I have trouble under strenuous physical activity.
You guys do great. I like the way you guys are really roughing it and doing hard core sailing in such a raw place in the world. Watching from Orlando, Florida.
I sent a message to BandG about the H5000 autopilot, hopefully they will be in touch with you to help you out. Be safe.
Always good stuff..!! ✅
Not many people Go “ THAT WAY.. 😎👍👌👏🥳
Hope you are ok. What is the plan when man overboard?
What are Chinese boats doing in South Americal??..I hope they don't have any bats onboard..hahah
Chili. Sailing to the arctic each year NASA Jerry would make a gallon or two in a pressure cooker, bag meal&drop them in boiling water to heat. Add cheese, put on bread and you have quickie sloppie joe sandwiches anytime. I often cook in a coffeepot in an igloo cooler w/ spuds onion garlic, bit of meat, shrimp etc., jalapeno and soy sauce for spicey asian, or herbs&even a leg of lamb for a bigger dish and is unattended and spill proof. I have 2 litle ones-one for coffee, the other for cooking, and a bigger one for larger dishes.The igloo keeps heat in, using barely 35watts-3amps for 2-4 hours. NASA Jerry also rigged a gimbled stainless can w/ a lock for the pot in top and clamp for propane torch, but I built one w/ an old diesel burner that works w/ gas or diesel.
BTW I assume the glove drowned.
Recipe: Kitchen sink curry
1 serving
1 can coconut milk
1 can beans or veggies (any kind)
1 can chicken or tuna
Thai paste
Red chili to taste.
1 pot heat n eat, fits nicely in your sundowner mug, add leftover quinoa or rice to beef it up.
Wonderful episode. Loved hearing the natural sound of the ocean. i could watch the boat surfing down the waves for hours.
Can't help noticing you are not hooked up. I lost my great grandfather after he made it through the Horn as a ship's carpenter, only to be washed overboard about 200 miles off of the Chilean coast. Time to clip on. Great videos. Thank you.
How did Roxy do in all the heavy weather rounding the Cape?