S2E73 Articulațiile eșarfelor făcute ușoare || Construirea de lapte de cenușă pentru velele nedorite

S2E73 Articulațiile eșarfelor făcute ușoare ||  Construirea de lapte de cenușă pentru velele nedorite

#Waverover În acest videoclip, folosesc îmbinări pentru eșarfe și epoxidice pentru a face cenușa lungimea necesară pentru șipcile de pânză Junk, în ciuda temperaturilor de -18°C. „Forge Your Own Adventure” ***Benefactors Bulkhead Alert*** Mai sunt doar 7 spații de completat pe pereți. Consultați linkul de mai jos pentru a deveni un Benefactor Wave Rover.

Fă o donație unică Wave Rover de 100 USD și numele tău va fi aplicat pe „BENEFACTOR’S BULKHEAD” de la bordul Wave Rover și va călători cu mine în circumnavigație. Doar 100 de nume vor fi scrise pe Bulkhead, începând cu 17 februarie, 7 POZIȚII SUNT DESCHISE : https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=57LUT4QRN5CXW

Accesați Pagina mea Patreon unde puteți contribui la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=27867459


Sunt incluse Planurile de construcție digitală (DIY), inclusiv 12 pagini de desene de înaltă calitate, instrucțiuni critice și linkuri către 3 videoclipuri nelistate. Planurile pot fi achiziționate din magazinul meu Etsy, urmând linkul atașat: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1000498117/similar?ref=listings_2&from_external=1


[Wave Rovers Wish list:]


[For up to date progress, check out my instagram posts]
https://www.instagram.com/alanbmulholland/?hl=en Dacă vă întrebați ce am făcut când nu navighez pe Wave Rover, consultați celălalt canal al meu: Rover’s Rest: https://www.youtube.com /channel/UC9k8PCCTlNyDzvYaef3Jekg Mulțumesc și vânturi bune


25 thoughts on “S2E73 Articulațiile eșarfelor făcute ușoare || Construirea de lapte de cenușă pentru velele nedorite

  1. It's a real pleasure to be working with quality hardwoods. Different species have different qualities, the white oak and ash that I am using on the build are suited to the marine environment. I think that wood will always have a place in boat building not only because it is beautiful, strong yet flexible, a renewable resource, relatively inexpensive, easy to source, but it is a joy to work as any boat builder will attest.

  2. Looking good those battens. Is a whole spare necessary? If one broke you would still have the batten. Will the ends be tapered (less load?). Credit to you working in those temperatures. Needs must I guess.

  3. Lovely job – might be worth painting/protecting those battens, ash is a wonderful wood but (speaking as someone who replaced the ash on a Morris Traveler) it is prone to rot!!

  4. An old windsurfer trick when I travel abroad to avoid sail breaks when a batten breaks is to tape all along the batten, so only breaks a hole instead whole fabric

  5. 👋👋👍 Good morning Mr and Mrs ROVER , do have an enjoyable , warm , also a great day/ weekend 🙏👍….. It is very nice to see that you guys are still CRACKING ON !😄 i wish both of you , lots of happiness and great health 🙏👍👌…… The sail is going to look just wonderful and strong , and it will propel ROVER 650 at above 20 knts 😄😄 YES , IT WILL ! ……👋👋👋 Have a great day !🙏🙏🙏

  6. What an outstanding teacher you are Alan! Taking the time to show your viewers step buy step is a gift that thanks to modern technology and the net will last forever. You have created a way forward for future sailors to follow there dreams.When Wave Rover is complete, thanks to your dedication and high production value posting, you have truly created the ultimate construction manual.
    In a time when we are so energy conscious it is refreshing to see that renewable non toxic materials still had a place in world cruising.
    Thank You

  7. One thirtysecond of an inch, that' s about 0.8 millimeters.
    You must be a little Einstein to work this out in your head, I cannot do it, so why are you still use those measurements from the the middleages ? 😂

  8. Alan, thanks for making Fridays so meaningful! I am excited to see your sails coming along. Having lived and taught in China, I wondered why a 5000 year old civilization would still use the junk rigging…. it must be very useful, durable and easy to manage in all conditions or it would have died out. Keep teaching us more about these interesting sails please. Especially your experience with them because you can directly compare the experience to Bermuda rigs. I'm keen to hear your thoughts when you're out on the seas. Thanking you for these videos from Victoria.

  9. I'm curious to why you used the planer first and then the sander over the joints? I would have only used a belt sander for that step as I think the epoxy is too hard on the blades in the planer and the surface gets sanded anyway in the end.

  10. It’s nice to see that other people in the world epoxy things inside a warm house😂. Recently, I was building a stitch-and-glue rowboat, and I had to do some epoxy work in my home. Again, thank you for the wonderful tutorials on scarfing and epoxy work.

  11. Hello again from southern Florida ,
    There are a great many reports of Whales attacking and sinking small Sail Boats, do you suppose that Rover will be too small, robust to attract fiesta Sea Creatures ?
    I'm not at all a Sailor, so my question is the product of my lack of knowledge and Fear.
    What do you do if you are whacked by a 70 foot long Whale's tail. ??? ( do you keep a Satellite Phone to signal a MayDay ?? )
    Tony in Sarasota

  12. Ha, I could just hear Mrs. Rover: "You did what in my dining room?" As always, I enjoy watching your precise working style. I'm going to have to read up on Junk Rigging because this is all new to me.

  13. It’s so painful watching people who live in cold climates try to live normal lives. If you lived in Florida you could have build the wave rover 3x and sailed them all to Europe and back by now. 😅 but on a serious note, great job and you do have some entertaining videos.

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