După dezastrul călcării catargului și eșecul exteriorului din ultimul nostru episod, trimaranul nostru plutește acum cu catargul ridicat și „aripile” în afara, hai! Ne bucurăm de primul nostru apus de soare la bord, dar sărbătoarea noastră este de scurtă durată după ce am descoperit o scurgere în carenă și am întâlnit față în față cu câtă muncă are cu adevărat această barcă. Multa dragoste! Lauren, Kirk & Renata FILMAT: septembrie 2022 *SOCIALE + BLOG* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsoulianis Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingsoulianis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook .com/sailingsoulianis/ Site: https://sailingsoulianis.com Instagram-ul lui Kirk: https://www.instagram.com/kirkhateswork/ *MUSIC* Melodie tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Descărcare gratuită / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT Muzică lansată de Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Muzică promovată de Audio Library https://youtu.be/ MkNeIUgNPQ8 Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — https://sailingsoulianis.com/artlistio-music — Folosiți acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUITE de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la hello@sailingsoulianis.com. CAMERA GEAR https://sailingsoulianis.com/shop/camera-gear sailingsoulianis, sailing, sailing family, boat baby, sailboat, trimaran, trailerable boat, bricolaj, croazieră, cuplu navigator, catarg, bărci, viață pe barca, blog cu vele, vele vlog, vlog de navigație, stil de viață de navigație, aventură, trăiește pe o barcă, trăiește pe o barcă, călătorie pe o barcă cu pânze, locuință în casă minusculă, nomazi digitali #trimaran #diy #sailing
E Uda! Stropirea trimaranului pentru prima dată | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 121

39 thoughts on “E Uda! Stropirea trimaranului pentru prima dată | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 121”
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So happy you two are getting the boat in the water! Awesome!
She is BEAUTIFUL!! You are going to have so much fun with her!

…. both of your expressions of joy, especially Lauren telling Kurt of her trip down the dock and the resulting oy from both of you made the whole episode … What!! the water is not the same temp as the Bahamas …… was wondering if raising the mast on your own would not be more easily executed if the pontoons where deployed giving a larger footprint for stabilizing lines while the erection process is progressing … also in stead of the gypsy pole have two that make a triangle putting the stresses on the hull gunnels instead of the cabin top, they would meet 6 to 10 feet above the mast base giving the pivot point of the mast. Dividing the mast so there is not as much to lift. May even attach the raising line to the base of the mast to a cockpit winch. In this scenario the aft mast guy wire could be attached as well as the port and starboard. …. once again to clarify, I have no experience with this, these are just thoughts that may cause you to look at the task from a different angle …. love seeing your interactions with Renata …. it was safe, so why not go sailing seems like a perfectly natural thing to do to me, …. thx for the share .. as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans ….
My husband and I bought an F-9A last year too so just wanted to reach out and say hello! We brought the boat back to the UK from Germany. We have one mast raise under our belts but about to attempt the second in the next month
we also recently had a baby girl so excited to getting sailing again as a family! Looking forward to following your journey too. Bryony, Chris and Ada
Are you SURE those old bolts don't reach? I have a Farrier designed Super Tramp, only 20', but exactly the same folding mechanism. The Tramp's superceded the Corsair boats by a few years, and Ian was working out how the folding mechanism worked. My beams have two bolts per beam, and when I bought the boat, the last owner said the same thing – the original bolts didn't reach any longer, and he'd bought longer ones with a stack of washers. Sounds familiar? When we lock the arms down, we have one person sit on the top so that it really rests tightly, and the old bolts have worked just fine. Maybe you just need to get fatter?
A good video – I admire your ability to keep filming even when things are not going well. You have the most superb setting for your mooring – much better than in hirricane-prone Florida.
One step at a time! I think you need to change the name though, to make sure she doesn't go down
Why curse the fuel engine? has saved many sailor"s butt from mistakes made or crashing…simple piece of equipment and highly reliable when normally operated. Noisier than electrics but far simpler to buy, install and operate and repair.
Looking at Renata Lynn, I'd say you are a three-hander already!
Now that's what we expected; to sail.
Got to admit – that's a pretty sexy looking boat!
So Sweet to see you all sailing (limited) but still on the water under wind
Thank you
Great video you guys.
Congrats on your first sail!!
Another great episode, congratulations getting her in the drink…
get a metric socket set….
A solution to jib sheet fouling:
Man that is an excellent lil' boat – the envy is real!
Great episode!! She's in the water!! You sailed!! Beautiful. All the best to the three of you. Have fun.
So awesome to see you guys back on the water! Bahamas are nice… but the Great Lakes are amazing! Also – Mmm Redbreast. 'I see you're a whiskey girl like me' – Nick https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VgbipxITp2I
Can you add a bowsprit?
Hah! Water World – The Next Generation. Nice to see you create a sun shade for your kid. My sister and I used to get sun burns at her age out in New Mexico. As a result I just had facial MOHS surgery.
Long wait!!! But, good on yaeh!!!

Renata is growing so fast…how adorable and smart she is, is wonderful to see. Nice to the boat in water despite more needed work. Your smiles tell the story. Lots of love to you three.
Crossing – jamie bathgate !
Hey Soulianis!! Ive been watching your channel since you made your way through the rivers starting in Chicago. I've just been dreaming of being in your shoes and I can't believe I'm saying it but I just bought my first sailboat a couple of weeks ago in Chattanooga, Tennessee. You two have been so inspirational and my heart is so full with the possibilities. Thank you for the inspiration, good vibes and continuous adventure over the last few years.
You're family makes me happy and I feel like I know you two, although we've never met. Cheers to yours and my adventures ahead.
Much love from me to you.
-Nate, aboard the Palagic
P.S. I love the Water World reference. Would just be nice to have those webbed feet
She will make a great new home. Stay with it. You 2 are special.
OK On the gin pole – make a wish bone on the end of a long 2×4 and use it to give initial lift to the mast when using the winch and gin pole to raise the mast, the initial lift pressure you were feeling on the winch and couldn't overcome is just standard physics and but using the suggested wish bone on a 2×4 for assist in the initial easing of the mast will overcome that and once it's raised enough it should go exponentially easier, it could also be used to catch the mast in the lowering with the gin pole as well and transfer the increasing pressure to the wish bone 2×4 and thus ease it to the horizontal plane. I hope this helps out. Enjoying the journey. Thanks.
"There's a lot of potential things that could go wrong here." Put that on a shirt, truer words rarely are spoken.
She looks great. I like the name. Tritanic.
Your boats name is Tritanic (for now) so of course you have a leak. Thankfully not iceberg induced.
Great job guys…Love your approach, sail now, fettle later. You could probably mess about for 6 months on the hard and still miss a bunch of stuff, I think you did the right thing. And she purty…Great movie, thankyou.

F-82R owner here. We don’t even use a topping lift but just rest the boom on the cabin top when raising the sails and use the halyard to the end of the boom hold it up when docked. That said we also use “normal” slab reefing and don’t wrap the main around the boom.
Hi guys, I have a F9A project boat similar to yours. I also have some details on how the beams are meant to bolt down, I see on your latest video that you have movement still on the STB fwd one. Would you like some details from the plans on how this can be fixed?
When you get the sails up, you will be astonished at how quickly a trimaran accelerates, not dragging a ton of lead or more.
Its a European boats and the fastener are in metric and it might not work well with standard tool set that is used more in the us
Have a talk with Matt at 'Duracell Project' I see in his latest video he has a similar, if not the same, boat as yours in his shed.