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Adăugarea unei noi abilități: introducerea navigației | Old School RuneScape

47 thoughts on “Adăugarea unei noi abilități: introducerea navigației | Old School RuneScape”
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This an early april fools?
I can’t believe this is actually getting proposed.
Terrible idea
Early April fools
This is the only one that somewhat fits into oldschool RuneScape
worst idea to date. next
pls upload normal videos, not shorts, this format is killing me
don't let your memes be dreams!!!
Charter ships already exist and the sailing part of the fossil island quest + fishing trawler are the two worst things in the entire game.

Sailing would be bussin
No. Not again. No. No.
Hell Naw
If this shit doesn't make it into the game I'm going to crash the price of GP by dumping billions into the economy lmaoo
Yes to Sailing! Y'arrrr R)
This better be a joke.
No new skills
Such a bad idea
Okay I’m cool with this one. Pvp worlds gonna be wild lmao
Why are all y’all crying this one wouldn’t even change the game. Plus pvp worlds would be fun as hell
No on taming tho lol
If Jagex proves to me they know what a boat actually looks like I will vote for this.
we don't want a new skill please stop.
This is goofy and a waste of time
Can’t wait to be lured into the sea
I literally went from not wanting any to wanting all of them in some capacity. Taming and Shamanism especially. Would like to see more elaboration on sailing.
Sailing would be amazing
What I love about this pitch is how well it would integrate with the rest of the skills:
to build ships you'd need: construction, woodcutting (for lumber), crafting (ropes, sails, lanterns), smithing (nails), and mining (for nails) to name just what comes at the top of my head and then once you actually start sailing you use fishing (self explanatory), all the combat skills for pvm (sea monsters), and as mentioned piracy would possibly require further combat skills and thieving
Taming is gonna win boys we got this shamanism and sailing scrubs won’t be making us waste 200 hours to walk back and forth
Prirate hats/eye patched up too 100k each rn
Please not sailing
L stopped paying runescape when yous added a trans event. That literally killed the buzz for runescape lol
idk…it's awfully close to April 1st….
This is the only hope to save the game. Taming and shamanism are not the “old school” experience at alllllllllllllll
This is just a d&d surely?
Is it membership
Just ruin the game and bring all 3 to the game at once lol
I'm game. Sailing is going to bring out a new food that heals 25+.
Absolute Chad content
They should pick one for now and vault the other two and release them later down the road