Când a lovit Covid, a pus capăt programului de călătorie al tuturor, ceea ce i-a plantat pe Halldor și pe Eiki ferm acasă. Aceasta, împreună cu o listă lungă de anulări pentru compania islandeză de ambarcațiuni, Aurora Arktika a generat, probabil, cea mai neconvențională excursie de snowboard din toate timpurile. Trăind pe o barcă și explorând terenurile izolate ale Islandei în timpul zilei, aceasta este călătoria noastră către „Insula Cremă”! Călăreți: Eiki Helgason Halldór Helgason Baldur vilhelmsson Juho Laine Filmat de: https://www.instagram.com/its.petter/ & Lowpressurestudio Fotografie: Elli Thor Magnussen https://www.instagram.com/ellithor/ Audio În ordinea apariție: Iguana Death Cult – Whispers Label: Innovative Leisure https://open.spotify.com/track/22xlgbEuC4wZBlgj60h7OJ?si=92bb086e47b44fd9 The Sunset Society – Ode To Miranda (Joost Van Ecklings & Denzel) .com/track/5vSxB6gXpnf0QD8VUWIHyt?si=875aceca18984680 Iguana Death Cult – Nature Calls Label: Inovative Leisure https://open.spotify.com/track/1p1RgiJTvoaWFnkM1RgiJTvoaWFnkM1M0JTvoaWFnkM1M0JTvoaWFnkM1M0JTvoaWFnkM1M0JTvoaWFnkM1M0JTvoaWFnkM1M0JTvoaWFnkM1M0JTvoaWFnkM1M03Ftikabtikaa com/) Bas Heijmans (https://www.blackricebooking.com/) The Sunset Society (https://www.instagram.com/thesunsetsociety.music/) Iguana Death Cult (https://www.facebook.com/) iguanadeathcult) Interviu Method Mag despre excursie: https://www.methodmag.com/features/lobster-boat-week-interview-with-geiri-hoskuldsson.html
Insula Cream: Cum navigați pe Islanda cu echipa Lobster a spart internetul!
9 thoughts on “Insula Cream: Cum navigați pe Islanda cu echipa Lobster a spart internetul!”
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got the stomper as my first board and love it. Love the unique vibe u guys go for 🔥
shut the fuck up hahahahahahaha you guys just killed it with the cream week and now that?! firing out dope new shit. i love when people are full of shit and create fucked up crazy stuff. love it. i cant believe you guys. love
Penis in Vagina! Amen! Love you 😂
You guys are freaking legends
I’m in love ❤
coming to Iceland in 2 weeks!! Won't take my shifter tho 🙁 great vid, keep it up!!!
Wow, it was incredible, i really wanna see more content in format like this
I've been riding my lobster 2020 since they first dropped. I'll never ride another brand. I own the only lobster board that I have personally seen in Colorado, and it's an honor.
Happy to see a cream, my first board, in the video 😀