Astăzi vedem cât de repede pot merge lucrurile prost, chiar și într-un furtun de 30 de noduri dacă ancora nu este adecvată pentru barca ta sau nu este așezată corect. Barca a ajuns instantaneu pe recif în spatele lui, iar apoi încercările lui ulterioare de a se îndepărta de recif au dus la elicea lui să explodeze în 3 bucăți și să cadă pe fundul mării sub barcă… nu e bine! În același timp, putem vedea cât de repede comunitatea de croazieră trece la acțiune pentru a ajuta un marinar în necaz. Rezultatul a fost favorabil și toată lumea a ieșit nevătămată în cea mai mare parte.. mulțumesc tuturor celor care au participat în acea zi! Noroc, căpitanul Rick, Maddy, Ricci și Tiki Alăturați-vă Patreon-ului nostru și alăturați-vă echipei noastre SSL! Vino și alătură-te nouă în timp real la: De unde găsim toate acele melodii grozave în videoclipurile noastre? Tuturor celor care contribuie la viitoarele noastre aventuri, Vă mulțumim! http://www.Paypal.Me/SailingTheLady Colecții de videoclipuri SSL pe Vimeo!
SSL671 ~ Blocat pe un REEF FĂRĂ MOTOR

29 thoughts on “SSL671 ~ Blocat pe un REEF FĂRĂ MOTOR”
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While I'm sorry about the other boat, I'm glad that it wasn't your boat with the problems
El-Capatain each time your video end iam jolted back to my said reality rubber duckie and my regular bathtub well ill keep dreaming.keep em coming Rick much love to the family.
and may god bless u and also safe sailing!!!!
Great job assisting fellow boater! What a great place to be.
why you sure do a full hard top so you can put in tanls put alos keep dry
When the most important conversation of the day is about, how you slept last night ?
That's when you truly know you are relaxed . God bless you Capt Rick.
You are a good teacher. You are teaching the rest of us land lubbers that our current lifestyles are flawed and flooded with materialistic bullshit , jobs , meetings , appointments, traffic jams , honking horns, telemarketers, email scams , shit fast food , watch crap on TV , stress, anxiety , medication , repeat repeat repeat, heart attack
Not quite "Ode to the Credit Card Captains" but bits of it were reminiscent of it or was it just déjà vu.
It never ceases to amaze me the number of yachts that have ground tackle that should be in the nearest skip.
They spend what in some cases amounts to a huge amount of money then skimp on what could save it all one day.
Did he get towed back to port by someone? Yes, out of everyone’s way but how did he get back to his new prop? Lol
Any idea what type prop it was that blew up ?
Anchor is so important and most do not have a clue. You could be a Mantis rep and show other sailors how your anchor holds up and then sale them one.
why would his propellor shatter? Cheap? his zinc had be ate up and he had aluminum prop? It hit the reef to many times?
Even if I didn't live on a boat as you and your family does. I sure as hell wouldn't skimp on not having a quality anchor. Watched you ride out too many storm's and your house was in the same place as it was before the storm. But you did have to stand watch as the other boats broke loose to make sure they didn't hit your home. Cap'n Rick is the OG of sailing!
Captain Rick, you are a useful guy to have around at sea!
Wow i felt for a minute it was your boat and your motor was out .WHEW
Now I know your secret you paint the water
Maddy looks younger every year
Captain Rick to the rescue…. I have always said, "If I am ever in a bad situation while on my boat I sure would love to have Captain Rick nearby to help me" One of the alltime greats….. Love watching your channel…..
SSL to the rescue again love your work
Nice place to retire giving the tourists rides to dive and scuba…
Not only the size of the anchor. I have been in San blas many times, not only in the high season, also in the raining season with a lot of schauls, and you have to dive and check your anchor and your chain to be secure. It is a difficult place that paradise.
I'm sure the prop must have been compromised from electrolysis if it shattered. He needs to check all of his underwater metal!
When your propeller explodes, it's a bad day…made less bad when you have lots of awesome people around to help. Cool…
A nice place to spray paint a toilet seat with toxic over spray paint! The sensitive marine life thanks you! Why don't you scrub the toxic paint off the bottom of your boat next! There is no scared ground left anywhere! Grrrr!
What are you doing back in San Andreas ?
Nice that everyone helped the stuck boat
What kind of prop, the folding type for less drag? Lesson learned, cary an extra prop on your boat with shaft nuts and tools. Check the breaker if windless stops working.
Good job, lucky captain, with your help.
Good on ya for helping the grounded boat off the shoal, however that situation should never have happened. The captain of that boat is a fool for not having adequate ground tackle. I opted for overkill in the anchor department on my boat. All boats should have a good Rockna, or Mantus rollbar anchor, and adequate length of chain if they intend to anchor near other boats. In this case he only messed himself up, but it could have involved tangling with his neighbors causing damage to their boats as well. Usually captains like him are the ones who don't carry insurance, and don't care that they jeopardize other boats.
You should say the propeller brand, important for other people's safety.