Ce a fost Operațiunea Paperclip? Partea a doua

Ce a fost Operațiunea Paperclip?  Partea a doua

Operațiunea Paperclip a fost un program secret condus de Statele Unite ale Americii în timpul Războiului Rece. A fost o misiune de a aduce oameni de știință, ingineri și tehnicieni germani din Germania nazistă în Statele Unite. Scopul a fost de a împiedica acești oameni de știință să nu cadă în mâinile Uniunii Sovietice și de a obține acces la secretele lor de cercetare și tehnologice. Operațiunea a fost foarte controversată în ceea ce privește secretul și eșecul de a investiga în mod corespunzător mediile oamenilor de știință și potențiala utilizare a tehnologiei pe care aceștia au adus-o cu ei. Au existat și îngrijorări că unii dintre oamenii de știință ar fi putut fi implicați în crime de război. Guvernul Statelor Unite s-a grăbit să nege aceste acuzații. De asemenea, pe localnici cu un chat privat la https://unstructured.locals.com/post/3753186/what-was-operation-paperclip-part-two Și pe Rumble la https://rumble.com/v2f6gr4-what-was -operation-paperclip-part-two.html Introducere creată de James Esparza https://www.jamesedesign.com Intro Muzică de la Milo Records https://youtu.be/UfDwhUc-3Ec ********** **************************************** 🙏 Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Îți place conținutul ca acesta? Vrei să interacționezi? 🔔 Abonați-vă și apăsați pe clopoțel Veți fi avertizat când există conținut nou 👍 Dați like videoclipului (Apreciem profund și îi spune YouTube să-l distribuie) 💬 Comentați pentru a continua conversația 🔗 Împărtășește asta cu oricine ar putea să-l placă. Vrei să ne sprijini în continuare? 🏘 Susține Eric & Mark pe locals https://unstructured.locals.com 👕👚 Produse – tricouri, hanorace și multe altele https://erichunley.com/ausmerch 🐲🐉 Îți place ceaiul? Accesați https://thedragonstreasure.com/ și utilizați codul „AUS” pentru a obține o reducere de 10% [affiliate link]

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29 thoughts on “Ce a fost Operațiunea Paperclip? Partea a doua

  1. Its a good thing the Brits didn't help with any spy agency shit, they were infiltrated by the USSR in a big way, from government to BBC, Universities Cambridge in particular. Labour Unions too. And the fact that any Nazi spies operatives would more likely eneded up in prison or on the end of a rope in the UK. As RG likes reading books I can suggest John Costello's Mask of treachery, get the US copy as the UK one had a lot of content taken out a sure sign its hitting the mark IMHO. It will also expose the extent to which the USSR had infiltrated the US, McCarthy had good reason to crap his pants about Soviet spies, although the manner he went about it was a bit alarmist.

  2. Mark You Are Fantastic !!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  3. Thanks again guys, excellent as usual. I wonder if Mark read Annie Jacobsen’s book on Operation Paper clip? It’s a great book as usual from Annie, I highly recommend it to all.

    Thanks again guys, what a great channel.

  4. I would love to hear you guy’s thoughts on rich man’s trick. It could be found here on YouTube. This country was and is still full of Nazi’s. Follow the money…

  5. Always good stuff with you guys. Allen Dulles had set these things up prior to the German surender. The Rat lines etc. Not only that. But some familiar society, exploitation concepts. Adapted by Allen from his buddies. Want to rally the people ? Tell them they are being attacked or threatened by something. And you're the only game in town to save them.

  6. I think that Nazi bastard was in the press box next to Russ Hodges. I swear in-between one of those "Giants win the pennet". I heard someone say Wunderbar!😂😂

  7. St. Andrew's Ukrainian cemetery in South Boundbrook NJ has several Operation Aerodynamic "heros" resting in peace. Among them is Mikola Lebed, CIA supported war criminal of high esteem.

  8. People (Earthlings) are quite easy to manipulate. They will maintain an allegiance to just about any half-brained reason to … well, maintain their chosen allegiance… particularly when it comes to country, language, religion and football team. I was, past tense, a 3rd generation German-American, Vietnam Era Vet, father was WWII US Navy, me? I said FU to the US Army when Vietnam Birthday Lottery Draft 'winner' and, of course 'cause I could… went US Navy. But now, after finding out that more precisely I am a human-ET hybrid genetically engineered on Planeta Fred and only birthed here…to observe and report, I say to hell with all these pathological clowns. In my Final Report to Planeta Fred (in its first draft), I lean towards vaporizing the current stock of humans on this planeta and starting over. Gracias por tu video… excelente. RT sends, envía, envoie (I am in int'l level B2 French taught here in Spanish. Ya never know!) und sendet. Colonia Centro Histórico, Puebla, México. We're gonna sort this all out… our way. How 'bout this current CIA-led Deep State led NATO op in Ukrainia? No one learns, least of all the US public.

  9. I don’t think that the rat lines were a saving the knowledge event………..maybe……….they sent them………like they sent Trotsky and others under false pretenses……to appear as a saving element……..when in fact these folks were perpetuating the caste system from two millennia………..

  10. What happened was the Bolsheviks overthrew the White russians who were in power during the russian monarchy. These White russians fought the Bolsheviks during the 20's in guerrilla warfare and gave up going underground infiltrating the communist system. They then met the nazis and made a deal with them trading info. with the desire that the nazi's would end the communist gov't. I have read that the oswalds were involved in that spy network run by the nazi's using the Carlyle group in Dallas as a front for nazi/cia intel.

  11. There’s so much more information on paper clips. One has to hear the European side. I’ve learned about more connections even in Kennedy murder.
    Thank you for sharing

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