Mai întâi în jurul Capului Horn! | Boat Feed: Echipa Malizia | Cursa Oceanului

Mai întâi în jurul Capului Horn!  |  Boat Feed: Echipa Malizia |  Cursa Oceanului

Ascultați de la membrii echipajului echipei Malizia, care devin prima barcă care trece de Capul Horn! Pe drumul spre realizarea acestei performanțe, Echipa Malizia a câștigat Premiul Roaring Forties – fiind cea mai rapidă barcă între Capul Bunei Speranțe și Capul Horn. Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: https://www. Urmărește pe Twitter: Urmărește pe Instagram: Citește mai mult:


29 thoughts on “Mai întâi în jurul Capului Horn! | Boat Feed: Echipa Malizia | Cursa Oceanului

  1. Congratulations Team Malizia. You not only made it but made it first. Great to see all your cheerful faces celebrating. Have a speedy continuation, but wait for Holcim catching up.

  2. The name Malizia is nice but there is no explanation for it. Could it be as follows? The home of the boat is Monaco. In the 13th century Francesco Grimaldi (not a relative of the nowadays Grimaldis) was the first Grimaldi who captured the fortress of Monaco diguised as a monk. And for this he got the nickname Malizia what means something like The Slyer or The sly dog.
    Is Team Malizia going to be sly as well?

  3. Congratulations guys! Keep it up and get to the finish line first! Hope Rosalind is feeling better, am sure the celebration drink helped!

  4. Very nice adventures
    Boats so much improved and hi tech.

    Followers in real thing so little
    In the other hand on selly thing thousand. Strang time

    God help you

  5. Antoine has that catching the drone down to a fine art . Thank goodness I would miss the fantastic footage if they lost it 😁

  6. O que é mais bonito, ver esse barco maravilhoso voando nas ondas ou os albatrozes voando sobre as ondas no cabo horn? Difícil pois ambos são maravilhosos.

  7. Congratulations to all, you deserve it. Every day they teach us lessons of perseverance, strength, and dedication. With much energy, surely they will have a good trip to Itajaí!

  8. Antoine has conquered the act of drone flying with superb views of Malizia rounding Cape Horn. Very impressive feat considering a 4 person IMOCA, TERRIFIC ACCOMPLISHMENT!

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