Ne-am întâlnit cu dezvoltatorii care lucrează la noua abilitate pentru a discuta despre abilitățile noastre mai detaliat! Accesați discuția de la masa rotundă despre navigație, îmblânzire și șamanism! 00:00:00 – Întrebări generale introductive: 00:00:57 – În primul rând, cum vă simțiți acum că terenurile sunt eliminate? 00:02:55 – Ce se întâmplă dacă două abilități se dovedesc a fi cu adevărat populare? 00:06:23 – Jucătorii ar putea simți că blogul este puțin vag sau că nu există încă suficiente informații – de ce este asta? 00:09:20 – Cum intenționăm să sondam cele trei terenuri? – Ne putem aștepta la o versiune beta pentru oricare dintre aceste abilități și dacă da – când? 00:16:00 – Cum a influențat asta designul terenurilor? Trebuie să gândiți în afara casetei când vine vorba de interacțiunile jucătorilor în comparație cu ceea ce avem în prezent în joc? Întrebări de navigație: 00:18:32 – Ne puteți oferi o privire de ansamblu rapidă asupra aptitudinii de navigație? 00:28:13 – De ce am optat pentru Sailing, mai ales în comparație cu alte terenuri populare ale comunității, cum ar fi Exploration? 00:34:13 – Cum gestionăm noțiunile preconcepute despre Skill, având în vedere că a mai fost adusă în discuție? – Poți explica bucla principală a jocului Sailing? Cum se pot aștepta jucătorii să câștige XP? 00:39:03 – Prin ce este diferită terenul de navigație al Old School de porturile deținute de jucători din Runescape 3? 00:42:03 – Cum arată tehnologia pentru Sailing? 00:46:44 – Ce părere aveți despre plug-in-ul Sailing creat de Gentle Tractor și ScreteMonge? 00:49:20 – Care este spațiul de recompensă pentru Sailing? 00:52:18 – De ce ești cel mai entuziasmat când vine vorba de navigație? Întrebări de îmblânzire: 00:53:46 – Poți să ne dai descrierea lui Taming? 00:58:18 – Îngrijirea animalelor însoțitoare va fi așa cum avem grijă de pisici în joc în prezent? Cum îți imaginezi că s-ar comporta animalele de companie în raport cu adepții? Jucătorii pot avea mai mult de unul? 01:06:33 – De ce ai ales Imblanzirea ca abilitate? 01:09:46 – S-ar putea aștepta jucătorii ca Taming să se conecteze cu alte abilități? Hunter de exemplu? 01:13:28 – Prin ce diferă Imblanzirea de Invocare? 01:17:57 – Care este bucla de joc de bază a lui Taming? Cum câștigă jucătorul XP? 01:23:22 – Ar trebui ca animalele de companie să interacționeze cu Combat existent? Dacă da, cum? 01:28:48 – De ce ești entuziasmat când vine vorba de îmblânzire? Întrebări despre Șamanism: 1:31:11 – Ne puteți oferi o scurtă descriere a șamanismului? 01:41:15 – De ce a fost ales șamanismul? 01:47:12 – Poți vorbi despre bucla de joc a șamanismului? Cum ar trebui să se aștepte jucătorii să câștige XP? 01:48:55 – Este SHA-manism sau SHAY-manism? 01:52:04 – Poți explica mai multe despre Tărâmul Spiritului? Este o suprapunere a jocului existent sau o zonă nouă? 01:56:23 – RS3 are „Invenție” în care există potențial mii de moduri diferite de a crește echipamentul – va fi similar? 02:05:18 – Șamanismul este o abilitate care nu poate fi cumpărată, poți să spui de ce a fost luată această decizie? 02:11:17 – Ce părere aveți despre economie pentru șamanism? Va costa aur să-l antrenezi? 02:14:30 – De ce ești cel mai încântat când vine vorba de șamanism? 02:19:34 – LINK-uri Outro Citiți blogul –
Consultați imaginile cu propunerea de prezentare – O…
Join the New Skill Discord – Old School RuneScape este o versiune de joc retro a RuneScape din 2007 pe care am returnat-o la cererea comunității. Comunitatea controlează direcția de dezvoltare a Old School RuneScape votând ce actualizări ar dori să primească. Cel mai mare și mai popular MMORPG din lume, Old School RuneScape a fost jucat de peste 260 de milioane de jucători de la lansarea RuneScape în 2001. Old School RuneScape unește mecanica complicată a MMO-urilor moderne cu jocul nostalgic de tip „point-and-click” al jocurilor de rol timpurii. #OSRSNewSkill #osrsmobile #OldSchoolRS #OldSchoolRuneScape #OSRS #RuneScape
Masa rotundă preînregistrată cu abilități noi: Aflați mai multe despre navigație, îmblânzire și șamanism

33 thoughts on “Masa rotundă preînregistrată cu abilități noi: Aflați mai multe despre navigație, îmblânzire și șamanism”
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Idea for sailing: randomly spawned islands appear on the map and players must navigate to find them.
Cavalry. Iron armored horse-rune armored horses. Jousting mini game. Function like pack yack. Ties in with many skills. Stables outside of POH and instances. You can smith the armor, craft the saddle bags. Have your horse pass agility obstacles if you have same level. Hunter with horse. Mining or wood cutting, can hold bones or fish. Adds to combat level.
I'm still not sold on the name for Shamanism. Personally, I really prefer Mysticism. I think that better encapsulates the idea of using mystical rituals to enter the mystical Spirit World. I am also worried about Shamanism running into problems with cultural appropriation, not just because of the name, but also if you incorporate tikis and totems into the gameplay under the name of Shamanism. These are disparate, sacred items and beliefs, and it is honestly disrespectful to all of their individual cultures to just jam them all together into one mish-mashed system, and it comes across as, at best, ignorant and, at worst, racist. That's something I think you just need to avoid entirely.
And if we don't like any of these ?
If I cant have a pig or wild boar with Taming and it cant find me truffles, or it has anything to do with combat it failed.
I really dont like anything about sailing…
Shamanism is way to religious…
I personally don’t like how they keep addressing the new skill like it has to be one of the those three.
They say it’s very community decisive, but if you are one of the people that aren’t happy with either you get the feeling that you are force to choose your favourite, Becasue it has to be one of the three pitches.
How about making the process longer, giving out more pitches so they can actually preserve their beautiful game.
It’s such a big fundamental change to the game, I just hope they treat carefully with it.
This just feels like rushing new content.
God damn. Y’all are legends. For real. Thank you for making us a fun game.
you are doing the same mistake with sailing as your predecessors did with dungeonering, its going to be really funny to watch ppl complain after this skill potentionally hits the live game
Regarding Taming and whether it should touch on combat.
I'm not opposed to it giving huge buffs BUT the risk needs to match the buff.
For example, you train your pet to a very high level, it's taken some time. The pet now brings a huge combat buff during a fight BUT it has a high chance of dying during that fight (i.e permanent, you have to start again with a new pet).
There would be a physical click option to bring your pet in to help with said fight and you'd have to make the difficult decision as to whether you risk your pet for that buff. I think making this decision would bring down the impact it has on the combat balance/world in general as you theoretically wouldn't want to waste all your time and hard work on one fight… or would you?
Just my thought. Perhaps someone in the Dev team will read and it can help shape some ideas.
what are those pants kieren
Great work team, we are all excited to see what is to come. The transparency and these sit down blogs are awesome. <3 u Jagex!
Who is the mod with the grey shirt. He is quite intelligent
Taming???? I want to be playing RuneScape, not Nintendogs
Wow, I thought I made my mind made up on what I was voting on, until I listened to this! Well done and this is very very exciting!
Just don’t release a new skill at all and keep runescape alive
I hope in the spirit realm, the vault door under varrock West Bank is opened
It would be such a call back to when I was 10-11 and wished I could take everything in there
If you guys add sailing and make it so you can marry the captain from the desert mining camp or the old pirate who lollygags at Port Sarim and take them to a honeymoon trip around the seven OSRS seas with your seaworthy vessel I'll damn sure make time for the game again after 6 years.
Sea Dogs 2 (Pirates of the Caribbean 2003 game) is still the best sailing game ever released with or without mods so I would imagine you could study its gameplay loops for reference.
I think the shamanism skill sounds the most fitting for osrs. The issue I have with it at the moment that I would like to see addressed is the untradable aspect of training. How hard is this going to make it to train for say an ultimate Ironman? If the items you get from it to train are untradable. That means you cannot store them in the looting bag. If they are untradable and also unstackable then that raises a completely different issue with it. Almost making the skill not being able to be trained as an ultimate.
I love the love they're getting. Twitch Chat is toxic. Glad the enjoyers are usually the silent majority that usually vote. Thank you for even going through this process for a new skill!
Sailing please please please sailing. I wanna be a pirate
the more i hear about Sailing the more hyped i become. I feel like i'll be devastated if it doesn't win the poll
Taming sounds boring, and Shamanism doesnt feel to me like it fits the OSRS theme, very out of place.
Yes for Shamanism! Bring the Druids of Taverley and the Seers of Seers Village into the mix. Also the Gnomes followers of Guthix and the Anima Mundi. The Anime Mundi is the product of a balanced ecosystem. Which Shamanism will help bring to Gielinor once more. Finding Hill Giant blood, or obtained by a quil from a Grenwall. The materials are endless! Also bring Guthix into Shamanism as well! Such primal energies surely fit Guthix’s portfolio. May Guthix’s blessings, and balance be upon you all friends. – Mogruith Druid of Taverley
Lock Corp behind shamanism.
New skills are for the people
Something about 24 skills makes too much sense TBH
Love the OSRS team and the game but many of these answers to Q's felt like they missed the point of the Question which is worrying to me, a good exampl eof this is the Q at 1:09:55
Engaging activity and cool cosmetic rewards are the key moving forward with any skill. Keep the people interested and give them fun rewards to work towards, an equipable shark (like the golden tench), cool armor/clothes similar to hunting gear, multiple activities to adequately train the skill rather than having the best xp be capped at level 70 and having to do the same thing to train until 99. Those are the keys to success.
please borrow as much from lost ark as you can. For example, vendors on islands can provide materials or something like the skill books where you collect 20 books for each tier so you can get legendary grudge, limited amount, maybe like daily scape, but not in awful way.
Please if you choose sailing have a WILD open sea area for people's ships to battle with canons shooting various types of Cannon balls used from steel / mith / adamant and rune bars . It'd help utilize the current smithing mats and give us fresh pvp style and way to make gold being pirates!
You can also enhance equipment with Taming. Like with the Ranger outfit, how about if you tame a Fox (like the old Robin Hood animated movie!), every level the fox earns will give you a benefit. Like at max level fox, your Ranger outfit is the equivalent of Armadyl armor if you use the respective arma pieces on it, and while your fox is with you.
Or if you have a Bear, maybe you could introduce a new berserker armor that you can only wear with your bear? Or if you have a Black Dragon with you, your black d'hide is better or gives you some effect. IDK. I just want a reason to use non-max equipment! It's also identifiable. If people see you with a max level fox and ranger outfit, they know you basically got armadyl and a companion that does something as well.
I wanted Shamanism but you guys sold me. Taming is it!
The summer's end quest should be re-added (awesome quest), and that could let you access the spirit realm
gimmy my own port at my house with my own yacht, top G
This new skill might be one of the most impressive things a game company is undertaking, ever. With all the polling and expectations, I think that this will be such a huge piece of the devs' lives afterwards, thinking about how they'll share this on their resumes for years to come is really cool to imagine and witness the process of. Good luck, I hope you all do great (and thank you for wanting to do great)