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Tot ce trebuie să știți despre noile abilități

33 thoughts on “Tot ce trebuie să știți despre noile abilități”
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I hope they go for shamanism or sailing rather than something generic like taming…
April fools. Ya fools
All 3 of these skills suck
Sailing PVP just makes me think of Puzzel Pirates… but its still my vote for sure.
it's going to be hell for uims
Salaing the best to add for runescape and pvp on the sea will be the best for the game
honestly they need to make Shamanism the skill, then add Taming to hunter in some kind of hunter expansion and make Sailing a mini game.
2:04 Cursed
Sounds like if they added sailing I might as well go play Sea of Thieves. Disgusting. Fuck no.
Can't wait for osrs to become rs4 and they launch an ososrs with another "we fucked up", nostalgia is dead
if it's not broken, don't fix it 
If they add any of these 3 I hope Putan bombs the U.k off the map and we never get another update on this game again.. RIP oldschool was fun while it lasted
im down for either shaman or tame both due to them being similar concepts to rs3 but hugely different on mechanical terms and this would be a big profit maker for the players, after the huge farming update in rs3 alot of profit was made and players seem to forget sometimes that althought osrs is a different game altogether there are margins for some of rs3 concepts to be added into osrs without it completly changing the game play
vote shamanism
sailing with big oceans and underwater stuff could implement the use of the fishing bowl and tie it to kings quest line would b cool
does this also come to RS3?
BRO imagine taming can use the tamed beasts to fight and not get combat XP, us skill3rs can finally level up slayer
All are great ideas but you have to admit… Taming and Shamanism would change the game too much to the point where it would feel like Summoning for Taming, and Divination from RS3 for Shamanism. Both would drastically affect combat scenarios and dead content will arise from meta beasts/upgrades taking the spotlight from the skill.
Sailing however, is something that seems to fit perfectly. It won't change the fundamentals of the core gameplay. Instead, if just produces a plethora of content and new quests for us to explore.
With that said, I hope Jagex can give the new skill the justice it deserves. This will be no easy task to get right. And people will be upset regardless. Let's just stay positive.
Voted Taming because it looks like so much fun! But i dont mind if all three make it! Its about time we had some new content. When we max we have like nothing else to do besides raids etc once thats done we hardly log on. Ive been playing since 2004 so im looking forward to this.
Wilderness sailing from level 50 Wilderness. We already have perfect spots for that both to the east and to the north. Could end up being a very fun and very rewarding way to get a band of pirate clanmates together and raid other ships or get the higher than usual rewards from sailing in those waters. Would really be interesting. Ever since Cabin Fever I've wanted ship to ship combat of some kind.
You guys don’t understand it’s not a bad thing to add a new skill but you guys need to understand if they add a new skill it will no longer be 2007 scape
I don't care what wins, I just want fun new content.
Taming sounds a lot like summoning without some of the more headache inducing bits.
Shamanism sounds like divination × invention which could be really cool and boost the economy, or it could wreck the flow of the game and make bossing so easy everything crashes…
Sailing sounds cool in concept, but I have a funny feeling it'll have wonky controls and might suffer the same fate as Dungeoneering, where most people agreed it was cool but should've been a minigame rather than a skill.
If those elitist, traditionalist fckers block another skill…
its content! Let's have at it!
Whatever the new skill, please be afk. I'm almost out of afk's to grind at work.
Sailing will add guns.
yeah this is just dumb now.. how is any of these remotely similar to any skill we have in oldschool? its not oldschool runescape if you start changing mechanics of everything in game again. RS3 incoming
Taming sounds really cool. Love it
Tbh. Add all 3 why not we wouldn't hate any uodate
Lowkey were heading into pre EOC
i really hope they dont add any skills tbh
Kind of want them all, just dump all 3 on us, at least then each won’t be so flooded with people at first xD but yeah, I like the sound of all of them, sounds like sailing will add the most gameplay so it’ll likely get my vote but I hope they ask if we want them all, interesting to see how many people would
What? I dont have to listen to 4 complete antisocial nerds talk about the skills? Cool.
sailing was literally such a dope idea i know people that got 99 in everything to construct a pvp boat. and IT NEVER HAPPENED. lol
sailing would probably be pretty easy to tie into kourend and make it less of an empty wasteland, and possibly even add a couple lines towards the ape atol quest line