Un reper uriaș de navigație | Hrănirea bărcilor: Team Holcim-PRB | Cursa Oceanului

Un reper uriaș de navigație |  Hrănirea bărcilor: Team Holcim-PRB |  Cursa Oceanului

Aflați cum se simte Team Holcim-PRB după ce a devenit a doua barcă care a trecut de faimosul Cap Horn în timpul Etapei 3 a The Ocean Race 2022-23! Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: https://goo.gl/BzBCwU Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: https://goo.gl/nrB9ay Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/theoceanrace/ Urmărește pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/theoceanrace/ Urmărește pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoceanrace/ Citește mai mult: http://www.theoceanrace.com


13 thoughts on “Un reper uriaș de navigație | Hrănirea bărcilor: Team Holcim-PRB | Cursa Oceanului

  1. Congratulation to the Holcim-PRB team. Well done. Pretty low key Swiss style celebration compared with the leader who's not that far ahead.

  2. "not that easy…" hehe, he was on 2 jules verne attempts. Not the easiest task… just bob around in a class40 instead !..lol

  3. Congratulations! Have a safe and satifying last part of this leg ahead! It's good to see you all enjoying this special moment, thanks for sharing this with us.

  4. Congratulations, you’re doing admirably well.
    Nearly unbelievable – you’re offering kind of a match race after such long distance covered👏👏
    The ring looks good on you, Julien, and it‘s well deserved 👏👏

  5. A question. Does anyone know how one puts in a reef or shake out one on these IMOCAS? Do they point the boat closer to the wind like the rest of us do in our normal sailing boats, or do they have another technique where they can do it going downwind. Probably not the nicest job to put in a reef in the middle of southern ocean in building conditions, if they are to do it like us regular sailors do it.

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