Am băut sânge de țestoasă și am mâncat rechini pentru a supraviețui: o adevărată poveste de naufragi | Vieți extraordinare |@LADbible

Am băut sânge de țestoasă și am mâncat rechini pentru a supraviețui: o adevărată poveste de naufragi |  Vieți extraordinare |@LADbible

În acest episod, Douglas Robertson ne împărtășește povestea sa incredibilă despre când el și familia lui au naufragiat în Oceanul Pacific, după ce barca lor a fost atacată de o școală de balene ucigașe. Aceștia au supraviețuit timp de 38 de zile într-o barcă cu abia alimente sau apă de băut. Vorbim cu oameni cu o poveste de viață unică de spus. De la un evadat din Coreea de Nord la un polițist sub acoperire, un spion din Războiul Rece la un supraviețuitor al naufragiului. Găzduită de Ben-Powell Jones de la LADbible, această serie este o fereastră către experiențe remarcabile – cu povești care descriu o imagine a vieților extraordinare. Mulțumim lui Douglas Robertson pentru că ne-a împărtășit povestea. Puteți afla mai multe informații prin Muzeul Național Maritim (Cornwall) unde este păstrat barca până în prezent: -rescue/ Puteți achiziționa cartea lui Douglas aici: 00:00 – 00:44 – Introducere 00:44 – 6 :33 – Plănuiesc să navighezi în jurul lumii 6:33 – 13:47 – Pornirea navigației 13:47 – 26:11 – Viața pe mare 26:11 – 36:16 – Naufragiat 36:16 – 01:01:13 – Cum am rămas în viață 01:01:13 – 01:08:45- Being Rescued Abonați-vă la canalul nostru: Fiți în videoclipurile noastre: Facebook: https :// Instagram: Twitter: #LADbible #UNILAD Pentru a licenția acest videoclip, e-mail: licensing@ladbiblegroup .com


48 thoughts on “Am băut sânge de țestoasă și am mâncat rechini pentru a supraviețui: o adevărată poveste de naufragi | Vieți extraordinare |@LADbible

  1. Amazing story! I go hiking a lot near where Douglas was brought up would have been a hard life in the winter especially in the 70s! Not surprised they escaped on a yacht!

  2. wow! i don't think i've ever been more captivated. Douglas tells his story with such skill and pathos. i could listen to him for hours, and would love a Part Two of what happened to him and his family afterwards. thank you!

  3. This is such an incredible story and one we proudly share in the Museum. The dinghy they were rescued from, along with a range of objects, are on display in our main gallery. Last year the family spent the 50th anniversary of the sinking with us – what an honour.

  4. If you haven't read it,Survive the savage sea is Dougal's book and is one of the best books I've read hands down

  5. At the start he said they had no food or water…then it transpires they had 18 cans! After that some lemons & onions turn up, along with a sewing kit and a pair of scissors 🤣

  6. Killer whales don't usually attack humans, but this circumstance the whale may have thought the boat was a predator along with there's only been one killer whale killing that was in one of those sea world shows, and whale that was badly shaped, flopped fin and small enclosure during a show knocked its trainer into the pool and took her life

  7. Incredible and inspirational every time I hear this story Doug. You are inspiration and I’m grateful to have learnt so much from you over the years. Your book is great but it’s even better to hear you talk through your adventure.

  8. That last segment reminds me of Unbroken, Louis Zamperini's story. They would describe making and cooking gnocchi from scratch, just thinking about food was all they had.

    I believe they survived 47 days adrift, they were then thrown into a POW camp by slightly less accommodating Japanese.

  9. That's the best true story I've ever heard someone tell. It's like a Jules Verne novel
    I want to know every detail. Wish he could do a much longer in depth recount of the story

  10. The owner of the dive shop told us take anything you want to which Anne said to herself "I'd like a bit of Jeff please"😂

  11. Truly incredible story. It is utterly astonishing the will to survive. In EVERY survival story, ask ANY survival instructor they will ALL say that the will to survive, that mindset of never giving in, is 75% of what keeps people alive. Knowledge helps, luck is crucial but the will to survive is by far the most important aspect of surviving anything. If you lose hope and give up, you assure your death. What a truly amazing story!

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