Iubit DEPORTAT | Barca mea cu pânze PLACE fără MINE | COAVA PIRAT S15E15

Iubit DEPORTAT |  Barca mea cu pânze PLACE fără MINE |  COAVA PIRAT S15E15

Urmărește aici camerele din culise: https://sailingmisslonestar.com 👀 Urmărește VLOG-ul ZILNIC aici: https://sailingmisslonestar.com Instagram😉 https://www.instagram.com/somewhereonbigblue Ghici CE?!! Am un podcast nou😎 Este GRATUIT: https://goseatheworld.podbean.com SUPORTĂ FILMELE: https://www.patreon.com/misslonestar Camera Gear Cameră mică https://amzn.to/3jh9Uh1 Cameră mare https: //amzn.to/3qqUus2 Go-to Lens https://amzn.to/3wYr9HZ Sunet https://amzn.to/3vY9xKU Trepied de zi cu zi https://amzn.to/3dhI3tg NU RĂTAȚI PE FACEBOOK: https:/ /www.facebook.com/sailingmisslonestar MB01XINJ7PGKTLL MB01IDBFVL93MYY MB01YJJGI5RWCJC


34 thoughts on “Iubit DEPORTAT | Barca mea cu pânze PLACE fără MINE | COAVA PIRAT S15E15

  1. Arrghh! Way to keep it all together with life's challenges set in. You are strong, Miss! always great to see your vids show up in my feed!

  2. "To Appreciate The Good, You Need To Go Through The Bad" THE HELL WITH THAT! WISH YOU NOTHING BUT GOOD TIMES AUBREY!! Your deserve it! We all do!! Here's to Good Times! 🖖

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