80.000 USD – Aveți nevoie de o barcă cu pânze cu lingă de zahăr pentru cabină? Ep 223 – Lady K Sailing

80.000 USD - Aveți nevoie de o barcă cu pânze cu lingă de zahăr pentru cabină?  Ep 223 - Lady K Sailing

Noul canal!: youtube.com/@Historsea Lady K Discord: https://discord.gg/EHzy8YjmWc Ai nevoie de un consult? Faceți clic aici pentru a trimite un mesaj: https://ladyksailing.com/consults/ Vrei să ajuți să sprijiniți Lady K Sailing? Faceți clic aici pentru a deveni Patron: http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau aici pentru a face o donație unică: http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Urmărește-l pe Lady K pe Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/ladyksailing Sau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladyksailing/ Bine ați venit la cel mai recent videoclip despre barca cu pânze cu cabine la pupa și cupe de zahăr! În acest videoclip, vom arunca o privire mai atentă asupra acestor două caracteristici populare și vom discuta despre beneficiile lor pentru marinari. Mai întâi, să vorbim despre cabinele de la pupa. Situate în partea din spate a bărcii, aceste cabine oferă intimitate și confort pentru echipaj, departe de zgomotul și activitatea zonei principale de locuit. Cabinele de la pupa sunt adesea echipate cu o dană confortabilă, spațiu de depozitare și o baie privată pentru un plus de confort. Vă vom arăta câteva exemple grozave de bărci cu pânze cu cabine de lux la pupa și vom discuta despre avantajele acestei caracteristici pentru călătorii mai lungi și situații de croi. În continuare, vom arunca o privire la cupele de zahăr. Acesta este un termen folosit pentru a descrie platforma pupa a unei bărci cu pânze care se extinde dincolo de traversă, creând un spațiu mai mare pe punte pentru relaxare și activități. Cutele de zahăr sunt grozave pentru plajă, înot, pescuit și acostarea barca. Vă vom arăta cum să profitați la maximum de cupa de zahăr și să discutăm despre considerentele de siguranță de care ar trebui să fiți conștienți atunci când utilizați această funcție. Pe parcursul videoclipului, vom prezenta unele dintre cele mai bune bărci cu pânze de pe piață, care au atât cabine la pupa, cât și linguri de zahăr, și vă vom oferi sfaturi despre cum să alegeți barca potrivită pentru nevoile dvs. Indiferent dacă sunteți un marinar experimentat sau un începător, acest videoclip vă va oferi informații valoroase despre lumea bărcilor cu pânze. Nu uitați să dați like și să vă abonați la canalul nostru pentru mai mult conținut grozav despre navigație și plimbare cu barca. Multumesc pentru vizionare!


31 thoughts on “80.000 USD – Aveți nevoie de o barcă cu pânze cu lingă de zahăr pentru cabină? Ep 223 – Lady K Sailing

  1. Have you ever done a video like this for good Great Lakes boat? One of my sailing instructors recommended a Catalina 30 Tall Rig for cruising the lakes for a couple or small family. What other boats would you recommend I consider? Any videos you've already done that would be a good reference?

  2. I've watched a few your videos and I'm just curious when you're anchored and you're unsure with your dingy how do you secure your boat so no one breaks into it in rob's you

  3. The sugar scoop slap can be annoying in the aft cabin. One step up from that is the retractable swim platform. The Beneteau center cockpits have an awesome aft cockpit with portlights, walk around queen/king beds, master head with separate shower (44 even has a tub!). The safer feel of the center cockpit is ideal on the open ocean. The flat deck area behind the cockpit is great for doing exercises, fishing, storing bikes, etc

  4. No, you don’t need a sugar scoop. A telescoping SS ladder on a simpler designed boat will do just fine unless you are very fat and unfit.

  5. I am currently in the exact same situation only this would be my first sailboat – but i pretty quickly got to the sugar scoop and an islandish berth. personally im saving up to the 100k anything under that seems to be a huge project boat – I dont mind fixing and maintaining but i would rather not spend a year rebuilding it from the keel up

  6. I am buying a 40ft+ sailboat somewhere in California in August of this year for three of us sail to Australia and Indonesia with room for a couple more people. I have it narrowed down to a few boats, but it would be great to chat about it to be more sure I will be getting a boat we won't regret.

  7. Sounds like a Captain Ron scenario buying a boat out of country and sailing it back to country of origin. Good luck with that people.

  8. Hey Bud, great videos. Can you do a video on where to store your boat in the Caribbean please? Winter storage, moorings, service, repairs, parts. Just an idea. Thanks

  9. I'm going to be supremely disappointed if you don't mention the Catalina 28. 20 k for a nice example and it has a full aft cabin and sugar scoop

  10. Sugar scoop like a bowsprit adds 10-15% to every cost that’s calculated by the foot!
    It’s such a bad idea that most new designs have replaced the sugar scoop with the fold down transom .

  11. i'd rather a decent duck board with davits than a sugar scoop .Uou can load onto the duck board and if it is to heavy just which it up with the davits

  12. I discussed a failure on a five year old boat with the actually company's owner. He was baffled and agreed that part simply couldn't wear that quickly. When he learned the boat was in regular use, like a charter, he said Oh! That explains it. Charter boats age and wear 5-10x faster than private ones. Beware of a charter boat that has not had an extensive refit.

  13. I really like your channel and I've been watching for a while now. If I could give one constructive criticism… it seems that you mostly talk about production boats, fin keel, fin wing, spade rudder boats. I'm not saying you never mention true blue water boats but it's far less than the production boats you mention. For coastal cruising those are great. Although I would disagree, some may even say Caribbean cruising. For me, after doing 3 south Pacific circumnavigations, 4 pacific passages from CA to the South Pacific and back and living and sailing on a sailboat in the Caribbean for 2 years, I would never trust those types of boats in Offshore waters. Even in the Caribbean where on numerous occasions I ran into some major storms and high seas in the middle of the Yucatan. I wish you'd mention more about heavy displacement, full keel boats that are far safer for serious offshore cruising.

  14. What, the walk around island beds that you fall off of off watch without trying and failing to install effective all round Lee cloths?🤣

    All design features have overheads.

  15. What do sugar scoops scoop when sailing for days on end in energetic following seas off one or other quarter?
    All design features have overheads.

  16. Benteau was always ahead of the game. My 1987 First 305 has a sugar scoop and a huge aft cabin believe it or not. It also sails like a dream. Too small for a livaboard but a fantastic coastal cruiser (and racer too).

  17. That’s the thing really… don’t go camping, that’s miserable. It’s your house, so set it up like your house

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