De ce vreau ca navigația să fie noua abilitate pentru OSRS OSRS ULTIMATE Guardians of the Rift Guide 2022 Seria OSRS Ironman Progress: ?v=tq1Mk8o96v8&list=PL20oiL4DqIplN2srQjjjtb4UNwCylHjQ_ Insulă de instrucțiuni pentru seria arcului răsucit: de organizare și organizare de banci răsucite | Cum să-ți organizezi banca dezordonată în Old School Runescape! COMANDA MAXING OSRS 2021| Cum să maximizezi în OSRS – Cele mai bune modalități de a atinge toate anii 99 – Old School Runescape Obiectivele de joc târziu în OSRS pentru a măcina – Ghid de progres al contului OSRS 2021 https://www. Abonare: Discord Cântece: Mâine, Spirit, călătorie, Camelot, armonie, Prifddinas Primul lot. De la Runescape, Ellinia Feild, smery snitch
De ce vreau ca navigația să fie noua abilitate pentru OSRS

50 thoughts on “De ce vreau ca navigația să fie noua abilitate pentru OSRS”
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Shamanism Breaks the meta to much and taming really devalues pets. For me sailing is the only choice
I do like the sound of new slayer creatures. I'm always up for some slayer lol I'm getting closer to maxing, now they're going to add more lvls to get smh I can't win lol no really Idc, more for me to do. I do feel bad for all u guys that have a max cape bc u won't be zbke go use it for awhile. I just hope the xp isn't really slow to get. Sry I typed so much gl
I am worried about taming and shamanism changing the meta. I don’t want to be burdened by 50 different requirements to get the best XP possible. I just want to skill or boss and use BIS without too much worry.
Someone commented before that isn’t not the complexity of the game but the interactions of them that make the game fun.
Will vote for sailing as it seems the least intrusive to “boost creep.”
Honestly “Artisan” – a skill I saw recommended where it’s like slayer for skills seemed to be pretty cool. Could revive dead content, and maybe give Jagex a method to combat bots by using levers to change contracts and target parts of the market. IDK, but it sounded reasonable and not too groundbreaking.
It’s RuneScapes era of enlightenment. We need to explore and set sail.
The great pirate era is soon us
I think my biggest problem with a lot of these points is that there really isn't any reason to tie any of this to a skill. We can have new areas to explore with new monsters, items and resources without sailing. Have it be a quest reward, or just even make a new area like they did with Kourend. Jagex doesn't really need a whole skill to be an excuse to update other skills and give us new areas to explore.
i just think the core gameplay of sailing will be terrible. and gaining xp will suck…
Taming would be best
Sailing be a good mini game like one in rs3 lol that dead content
I don't think any of these new 'skills' should be added. Zeah for me was a really hard pill to swallow. To this day I wish Zeah wasn't added. Runescape have so many dead places in the game.. they should use them for something. All the skills in osrs needs work. Construction is one of the skills they should really work on. This is the most boring thing you can do in the game. There's no fun to train it. They updated prayer, you can train it in the wildy, that gets your heart pumping for 100 drag bones you got.. there's so much they can do with skills we got now..
No help, Hows it going? I do enjoy the videos & listening to your outlook on different skills and activities while I play..Thank you ! keep them coming!! ON A REAL NOTE – its safe to say you have more pull than the average player when it comes to content being added. If you ever have the opportunity please use your platform to encourage letting players keep their first 99 skill cape untrimmed! I think this is a cool idea & most players would agree!!! such an easy update
Sailing sounds like it would be a pretty bad minigame at best. The gameplay loops that they talk about in their blog sound like some of the worst parts of some of the shittiest quests all put into one thing. Oh boy, let's do a bunch of hot air balloon like "navigation challenges" those are SO fun. New fishing and hunting spots for the bots! Can't wait for the dead on arrival islands full of old monsters no one cares about! Delivering packages from A to B?! I LOVED ONE SMALL FAVOUR, LET'S DO IT FOR 13 MILLION EXP ON THE WATER!
slayer would be the first 120 in my mind
i feel taming would work better as a hunter addon rather than its own skill.
Don't worry bro im voting for sailing ✓
If you dont pick sailing your not a real fan of old school
I think Sailing will be a lot like Construction, most of the time you may be just wasting money and resources for XP gains.
Gainimg xp by building ships should be totally unefficient, and sctually Sailing should be the best way to train it.
Bro fuck sailing
Sneak skill would be the perfect partner skill for thieving, could also make it so sneak attacks do more damage.
I think a lot of people are getting wrapped up in Jagex's descriptions of what makes Sailing appealing (and it's not hard to see why, since every QA so far has been 70% sailing and 30% shamanism and taming), but I think it's important to continue to look at it in the context of being a skill.
Is exploration cool? Of course. Would it be awesome to expand the map, as they've done in the past? Yeah, obviously. But do we need to spend our new skill on that? I don't think so. We've gotten map expansions in the past with Zeah, Prif, and Fossil Island, and they were all great content, but why do we need to burn a skill on this when we could just have a map expansion at some point AND a new skill that brings something unique to the table?
Like, map expansions are super cool, but I think that's the part people want. Everyone's talking about exploration and unused tiles and stuff, but nobody's actually talking about the stuff that would make sailing actually feel like a SKILL instead of just a region.
King condor had a good idea that sailing should be a separate thing outside of skills so the content wouldnt have to be limited by level limits.
For many reasons me to
So you want fossil island but more spread out in a less convenient way to get to it
May I ask Runelife plugin can change the eat option to use? First option to use ?
I really do contend the sailing skill has the most to offer of the 3. Smithing with higher level anchors for better areas, higher farming for better seaweed patches etc.. even the pvp potential is insane
Or they could just not bother with sailing and add those hypothetical islands and items etc anyway?
I agree. Sailing is an amazing choice. But Is it really a skill? Or an expansion…. I can’t tell
sea shanty 2 trap remix intensifies
I hope when/if sailing releases they don't just expand the map for us. I think part of sailing should be the exploration and discovery piece and you have a separate map that you create along your adventures to find new places. I think it would make it much more interesting on release and they could hide a lot of Easter eggs behind it.
Sailing will be like the arc, but they can fix the mistakes and include, like invention, different skills like thieving, construction, smithing, crafting, woodcutting, firemaking etc
I agree I think sailing. It took some convincing, but I’m down now.
Also, feel as if any of them would be fine
Sailing content id like too see
-New fishing method
-New cities
-Fashion scape/utilities with boat based off construction& sailing level
-Flying Dutchman boss
-Port customizations
-Maybe hire a crew with rewards like miscellania or something new entirely.
-A new pet or 2
-You mentioned a new rune for runecrafting and I support that.
-Maybe new underwater farming patches or herbs for potions
– new Mini game
– new prayer for sailing/skilling
I’m with you on this. Shamanism and taming have massive 12 year old girl reading twilight vibes.
They really need to swap sailing into shipwreight
i saw your runelife
why i can't find Ruin wiki
i love sailing i can’t believe how excited it makes me
got me grinding slayer i’ve been killing dagganoths for like 2 hrs and i’m still hype thinking bout this skill man
hey mr no help,
where is the twisted bow series??!!
I’ll quit if its a 120 skill. I’ll stay if its 99.
Looking in the comments it seems people want a water based update similar to priffdinas & are willing to pretend sailing is a skill to attain this
what you're talking about is a quest line & what you gone & did was use a questline as an example to why this questline of a skill would be a good idea, SEA SLUG & SLUG MENACE STILL EXIST they could expand on an underwater kingdom that way since the queen was just weakened & in this underwater area add everything listed but it just aint a skill
You're absolutely right. The adventure of sailing is what I want, and I think a large portion of players will actually enjoy the exploration.
Sailing shouldn't be a skill, it should be something that's implemented in a big new expansion. The other two skills should both get introduced, I think taming would be really good for the game and shamanism might help create some teamworking, like we can start to buff each other with different shaman books active at a time you could create trinity. I don't like 120 levels, 99 is already a grind fest for a game which always can take new players.
Sailing makes way more sense as a game feature/expansion as opposed to being a skill. It could tie right in with fishing and construction.
i dont like summoning 2.0
But half of sailing literally coincides with construction. Might as well integrate the skill into construction.
Boooooooooo delete vid
But what you're talking about, New islands and new content, we don't need sailing to get that. This is my main problem with the skill no one is talking about what sailing actually is? It sounds like you're saying it's just going to new places.
Why does sailing have to be lvl 120? Just balance the exp rates and lvl unlocks around 99, This is the most pointless argument i have heard about any skill so far…
Sailing doesn’t make sense as a skill imo. These islands and monsters etc can be added without making a skill out of it. After discovering an island with a boss what do you have to spend time “sailing” there every time for sailing xp instead of getting a teleport?? Teleporting to areas is how the game is played, no one is walking around kourend “exploring” are they?