Într-o zi, aceasta va fi o barcă. [58]

Într-o zi, aceasta va fi o barcă. [58]

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30 thoughts on “Într-o zi, aceasta va fi o barcă. [58]

  1. 20 ounce (oz) per square yard is 679 grams per square meter, approximately. Did you know that the factories that make the imperial rulers, tape measures, etc, use metric calibrated machines?

  2. Good to see you back in the swing of things, even if it's mid project sanding and glass preparation. Dealing with challanges makes us stronger.

  3. Extra good episode. It was good to see you working in the boat, Maya. And the fiber glassing was nicely edited, the shots and music being well presented.

  4. That's called an inside corner Aldino the other one above on the cabin top is an outside corner. That's all. btw I think your english is coming along really well Alidino. I've notice a huge improvement with your english speaking abilities. Your both making great progress keep up the good work it will surely pay off in the long run.

  5. Boy Scout camp all weekend and the first thing I do after a shower is watch you guys, the power of YouTube, never sailed and obviously will likely never meet you guys but I am grateful your allowing us all on your journey, thanks for sharing, when you do meet people and they say things multiple by 1000 for us land locked folks, you’ll never know the lives you have touched

  6. Great! Watching Aladino light the Weems and Plath lamp with the two wine glasses nearby at the end of the day tells us a lot about the future of your project! Keep it up.

  7. Maya, you can add boat builder to your resume. Aladino, you are an excellent teacher. You both have become a force to be reckoned with.

  8. When you spoke of degreasing, were you talking about the diesel residue or the amine blush from freshly cured epoxy? If the latter, what's your process for getting rid of the blush? I've heard so many different opinions, and I've tried a few of them on my own (very limited) boat epoxy projects, I'm curious how someone like yourself gets rid of it prior to the next lay up.

    I haven't done a tremendous amount of boat epoxy repair (just minor stuff on a couple sub-20 footers), but I have done enough to know that a project like this makes you two absolute legends! Thanks for the amazing content!

  9. It's probably already too late for me to make this observation, but while you were talking about your concerns about the temps inside the barn and the temp required to ensure epoxy goes off, it occurred to me that you have the makings of a 'dutch oven' there already, with the plastic sheeting up around the hull topsides.
    Simply making that a relatively sealed space, and installing in there your oil-column electric radiator, and perhaps a few suspended 150W halogen lights should raise the ambient temps enough for you to be sure the epoxy will properly cure.
    This is a common technique in colder countries, and plasterers also use it for getting render and plaster to set in cold climate winters.
    Just a thought, in case it had not occurred to you…. 🙂

  10. That was a very nice moment you had there – sitting on the table with the lamp and a good glass of red wine and talking and relaxing. Love it. Good luck with the continued build/restoration.

  11. You know, I'm on the hunt for a boat currently and have had my eye on a Cape George 36'. After stumbling on your videos though, all the wood work that may be required kinda scares me!

  12. diesel tank cover: in the latesst episode of Odd Life Crafting– Everything went WRONG on our first attempt to cross to the Caribbean!! 🥵 Ep.275 –Duka and Roberta had to turn back from their crossing because of diesel fuel leaking out the tank cover. I think the tank was pretty full, and the boat was heeling back and forth, such that the fuel exerted repoeated pressures on the cover gasket, which failed. The fumes in the cabin made them nauseous and headachy. All I'm sayng is: that seal needs to be really good, really durable.

  13. My back already hurts from the thought of squeegeeing all that epoxy through those acres of triax! It's the "best" glass for the job, but watching the vacuum pump pull a wet line of resin through the fiberglass is a thing of beauty! I'd be using two layers of 10 oz roving, with the bottom one laid on a diagonal. The infusion would run from the bulwark top to the seam at the top of the cabin sides. The woven roving has plenty of flexibility to cover the curve of the cabin sides. And the peel ply will leave a surface closer to fair than a hand laid glass surface. Infusing an entire 1/2 deck, bulwark, and cabin side is about 1.5 hr job for one person.

    Fun with boats!

  14. Your boat is really coming along nicely, she will be so much stronger and better than she ever was when you are finished, all the time and hard work will be well worth it in the end!

  15. I have only just come across your channel and I love it. We've just recently purchased an old wooden project boat and in planning stages at the moment. I really liked the paper plan on the side of the boat, I'm going to do the same so we can cross things off as we go. Thank you.

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