Fără vânt, fără haine, fără griji, e cald aici sus navigând pe latitudinea nudurilor. Săptămâna aceasta este totul despre viața cu barca pe oceanul sticlos, navigând în nordul îndepărtat al Australiei. După prima noastră observare de crocodili, am părăsit Insulele Wessel și am pornit pe un alt pasaj oceanic, unde puțin vânt ne provoacă ca marinari în drumul nostru spre Darwin. UTILIZAȚI ACEST LINK sau codați: SLIM&SOPH la finalizarea comenzii pentru a obține o reducere de 15 USD la comanda dvs. Naming This Later https://namingthislater.com/discount/SLIM&SOPH Vă bucurați de episoade? Devenirea unui Patron ne permite să asigurăm continuitatea Slim & Soph – Sailing Nakama. Un pic este un drum lung pentru a menține această producție vie. Cu foarte puțin timp liber între universitate și barcă, Patreon ne permite să ne concentrăm pe crearea și postarea videoclipurilor, mai degrabă decât să turnăm bere la localul nostru. Vă mulțumim pentru generozitate https://www.patreon.com/sailingnakama Faceți o donație unică după cum doriți, dacă abonamentele nu sunt treaba dvs. Să continuăm să bifăm milele marine și să renunțăm la locurile de muncă cu barca! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=C6M8FAYZ5K2ZS Urmărește-ne pe INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sailingnakama/ ȘI FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sailingnakama Capitole: 00 :00 Bine ați revenit 01:08 Insule îndepărtate 04:02 Prima noastră observare de crocodili 04:54 Numirea asta mai târziu 06:13 Urmărind pe Barra în „Jucăria de mestecat” 07:29 Singur într-un ocean sticlos 14:54 Ziua 2 pe mare: Încă fără vânt 18:32 Înconjurat de balene 20:39 Insulă în noapte 22:04 Cya data viitoare!
LATITUDE NUDE: fără vânt, fără griji! Peste partea de sus S2CH.24
37 thoughts on “LATITUDE NUDE: fără vânt, fără griji! Peste partea de sus S2CH.24”
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Aren't any other people there because the invisible salt water crocs ate them all?
Nice vid! Lovely lady
I wouldn’t like being in chew tender in those waters … but I’m just gutless
Wow this and you are incredible.
I just found your channel and love it!! I'm going back to the begging to watch were it all started. You have one (1) more Subscriber for life! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!
Wow was that the crack of dawn?…
Might be the only wind that blows all day..
Well is good to see she is clean shaven…
“The Croc Platter” , love that!
Just described and really love your channel ! Think it definitely could be my favorite. You two are such a great and fun to watch couple 👍👍
Magical. On the ocean. Board shorts or nothing. Perfect. And 3 knots may be the best speed, too!
What a butt…………..🤦 cheers mate great episode guys Love yea
Hola from Costa Rica. First video from you guys I have watched . Great work It’s like being there. Pura Vida.
Sailing and deadlines ?
Refreshing- how people actually sail……
Hi, what Music do you play in the ens of the video ? Thanks for a great video 👍😊
Love you peoples
Man what a awesome life you guys are living. Keep living your dream, you only live once. Be safe out there.
Had to say goodbye to my 14 yr old german sheperd Dexter today … your video has given me some comfort this evening and I thank you for that .
Hello Port, when I’m in America specially American bitches how uptight they are about the breast.
Awesome trip. Great ass.
Anyone else confused as to why YouTube won’t allow you to show the proper fundamentals of safely loading, unloading and handling of a firearm but every other channel now has some random ass lady with her ass and tits hangin out?
I would've slapped my wife in the back of her head with it😂😂
Only just discovered your channel, being in australia I’ll be watching regularly
Wow, you really captured that trip! Outstanding aerial shots too! Thank you for taking us back there. Dave and Patsy.
How do I follow you very entertaining videos?
Groovy video….
Those Pilot Whales were awesome companions.
Being naked in these conditions is perfectly natural. Get Nekid, we say in Texas.
How do you stop cat falling in the water .
Hey Guys, you are very sympatic, a tipp, dont talk to much and so fast, please think of this. By by good luck. Be Cool 😎
good job !
You guys make me realise that I need to leave this to you guys and I'll do the great walks of Oz to me. You guys are so awesome! Learnt a lot from you guys fo sho! Love you guys! You are both so inspirational.
Nice Guys awesome stuff
Very brave to float around the oceans.
Great experience keep safe
Thanks for sharing Cheers