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CĂLĂTORIE ICW: Micul Hallberg Rassy352 de 35 de picioare navighează spre SUD | BOATLIFE | Sailing Joco EP102

13 thoughts on “CĂLĂTORIE ICW: Micul Hallberg Rassy352 de 35 de picioare navighează spre SUD | BOATLIFE | Sailing Joco EP102”
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Grrrr… I hate bridges! ICW fun
Hoe hoeeeeeee no leaks…….two seconds later…….Oh crap !!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good advice on chart plotters. In Greece my plotter had us happily sailing over 1500ft mountains!
I do think you two are very cool indeed. and I will hear no naysaying!
I am starting to like this sailboat more and more.
Never "apologize" for the weather being cool. First, somehow it shows a surprising lack of confidence. But more importantly, you should love "weather". I love all sorts of weather: strong rain, cold, blustery (like in this video) and sunny too. But, despite what Canadians tend to think, very few people actually "like" hot sunny burning heat all the time. Having lived in the south and the North East I can assure you that you want four proper season over southern heat 24/7. Just try living in Southern California, Texas, Florida, New Mexico etc. Your car windows blow out with the sun's heat. It peels the paint off your car. You must have fake Air Conditioning EVERYWHERE to be comfortable: in the car you turn on the AC. At home, the AC. Shopping, the AC is on. At work, the AC.. It is so annoying. I have had friends pass out as they go outside to pick up the mail due to the heat. Then there are reptiles everywhere and cockroaches a foot long (which can fly). I would NEVER live there again. Everyone living in horrible hot places dreams of living in a place that have proper identifiable season which includes snow in winter (at least some). I WILL NEVER LIVE ANYWHERE THAT DOESN'T FREEZE IN THE WINTER AT LEAST LONG ENOUGH TO KILL ALL THE BUGS. Never. So have some self-confidence my Canadian friend – love the weather and don't apologize for "cold". Like everything, balance is a great gift and extreme hot weather all the time sucks. I suspect that the Vancouver that you came from is closer to the ideal than Jamaica or Mexico or the extreme America's extreme south. But the best would probably be the North East US as it has fewer rainy days, and "better" identifiable seasons.
The lowest temp I can survive in is about 45 drgrees constant. Tested that a couple years ago. This winter I didn't go outside much at all to see how the other half live. Good video from you 2 this time!
To get more information on those bridges on the ICW and around Fla., CHECK OUT What Yacht To Do. Captain Sam does a great job passing on info. Another Captain Sam tip, it’s pronounced Bow-firt in NC, but SC pronounces it Bew-furd. ☺️😉 They can be touchy about it, fyi. 😆
One of the most engaging Sailing Channels that I've experienced with Utube. Thank you so much for sharing.
Very good video. 👍👍👍 Have a wonderful day. 😊 Greetings. 😎
Another good episode 🎉lots of ☔️
“We gotta rocna and they reset!😂” yeah baby! Rocna squad 🙌 Also, Jeff watching the art of paddling is such a Jeff vibe
Haha.. a good stroke! Those Crazy Canadians!