Săptămâna aceasta cântărim tot firul pe care l-am scos din barcă (a fost ipoteza corectă?) și conectăm și instalăm echipamentul Victron Energy în cabinetul nostru electric. Mulțumim partenerilor noștri Battle Born Batteries & Dragonfly Energy pentru furnizarea tuturor echipamentelor Victron Energy pe care le vedeți în acest videoclip. Instrumente folosite în acest videoclip: https://amzn.to/3lZkVY6
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O mulțime de cutii albastre// Instalarea echipamentelor noastre Victron Energy-Episodul 121

49 thoughts on “O mulțime de cutii albastre// Instalarea echipamentelor noastre Victron Energy-Episodul 121”
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Wow How Complicated is all that and you doing one Fine Job fitting that all out Such a Big Boat yet so Little room do you think Boat Makers Should by Now have better or Bigger Places to put all that Stuff Rather you than me that would give me a Head ack Even More So that you need to Understand it all or you got no chance to do all that Wiring Great Vlog thanks for taking all the time to explain it all
All that Blue sexiness looks great. Even your toe nail

Is there any concern on extra weight you maybe adding? I realize you are rewiring everything, but is there any extra weight added from the factory weight?
Nice power room build out. I now see the dilemma with the shelf that you were talking about during our conversation about the Isolator.
I'm feeling wired just by watching this. This makes standard 110/220 wiring look easy peasy. It's a whole new field of study to learn all that conversion.
Very cool I enjoy this episode. Lotta work but sure seems worth it. You guys be safe out there. See you next week.
Holy cow, that's a lot of equipment.
@Sailing Dauntless, looking forward to the more technical video describing more of the details. And I'm curious if you are wiring to be able to travel in Europe as well.
I love videos like this Ty! Actually, I live for videos like this. The electrical system is the backbone of any cat, good electrics means happy wife and happy times. Can't wait for your in depth discussion. That box you didn't want to talk about yet, is that a VE panel? They don't talk about it anywhere
I would think the weight is an issue? 48 volt systems are lighter. Do you really need 3/4” thick marine plywood? I would guess that 1/2” would support that equipment in the worst sea conditions? Weight savings is a little everywhere to add up.
Gelcoat on the Toenails Ty? LMAO love the videos! Missing my house in FL couple inches of snow out here in Oregon this week
Hmmm, Can Ty give a distance that “scosch” represents? (Unsure of his spelling of the word)
At some point will you be adding fans for cooling ventilation?
I haven't seen the video when you gelcoat your toenails.

Don't worry I'm a 62 French man, I'm wearing earring, and our
first lady is a Trans
Wow! Your knowledge of how everything works on a boat is freaking amazing
1000lbs including equipment.
This electrical project seems to be going much better than I thought it would. Congratulations.
are you going to add some permeant lighting into this equip cabinet? I reference Teal on SV Basik – check out his equip cabinets – seems like a no brainer to me for a small effort.
Everything seems to fall into places. Your knowledge and expertise are very helpful to the sailing community. You guys are my favorite on sailing channels of all times.
lol, dangit, now I wish I had posted my "about 600 lbs" guess on the last video. I'd look like a rockstar!
World's hardest working sailor family, amazing.
Hi i just wondered how are you going to keep all those inverters cool ? Victron recommend 100 mm space or 4 inch air gap around the unit . Well you can not achieve this in that cupboard.
What a fun Solar cabinet! Blueeee for days. Can’t wait to fire it up
Why do most electrical components hum? –- Because they can never remember the words.
Best video since the bottom repair!
I like your channel. You are the same age as us-ish and with the same-ish XP. but, why in TF are you using that old AF and useless imperial? Hello, metiric, welcome the the world of specifics.. Just. Do. It. It is very accurate and world wide known. Get with the program, ppl of my gen X! You are def too good at this to be lost in midevel feet and other random cups. Love you! Hope to see you once we get a boat and sail too! /Catta from Sweden
Nice setup but definitely out of reach of most cruisers' budgets. $1300 for 10 Victron MMPTs plus thousands more for inverters, transformers, DC to DC converters etc. The scale of this project boat and refit is just beyond.
Wow complicated for me, but somehow interesting
good progress to getting her powered up so you can move on board!
That's not crystal clear discription of what is going on
Why so many charge controllers?
Question ? What happens if you get hit by lightning? Will everything get fried ?
When I rigged my last boat I designed and built a custom equipment rack mounting system from stainless steel and aluminum. I used my waterjet to cut 1/4" aluminum plate with stainless steel standoffs and after drilling and tapping all of the holes for mounting the equipment I had it all hard anodized and I laser engraved into the hard anodized aluminum.
I build my own solar charge controllers that automatically reconfigure the solar array to any combination of series or parallel so that I am able to charge batteries even in low sunlight situations. On average I get 2-3 more hours of charging per day.
I hope you have looked at automotive PDM's for 12v switching, I think it would greatly simplify boat wiring having a few strategically placed PDM's and add a tone of reliability not needing fuses!
Brilliant! I am amazed by what ease this job is discussed. I'd be out of my mind, fraught with worry and just plain sick, if it were up to me. Thanks for making it look easy!
My curiosity is how are you going to get the new wires in as they were installed before the deck was attached?
I look at all the electronics and power management systems and pray that you never experience a lightning strike knowing the $60,000 to $130,000. Insurance settlements after a lightning strike and subsequent cancellation of the policy.
this was a great video well explained thanks
Isn't 15 kw of inverter power a bit of an overkill?
Great video!
Hurricane season is just around the corner
Mind-boggling! Great job Ty! Is there surge protection in your system?
Any idea of lightning proctection with all those expensive blue boxes?
Wow go team Dauntless what a Huge project just have to ask what scares you on a project because I feel nothing stops you all !!!
I noticed you don't answer our comments! I would like a breakdown on what the retail prices for all that equipment
BOM DIA! Pra mim é uma honra esta aqui te prestigiando, vamos sempre juntos somar e fortalecer nossos trabalhos, eu já estou por aqui.
a smart talented clever family !!
Common subscribers! You only need 400 to get to 30K!!