Suntem pregătiți pentru ceva Ocean Sailing!

Suntem pregătiți pentru ceva Ocean Sailing!

Doar o actualizare rapidă a proiectelor finalizate la bordul Mighty Sparrow. Mulțumesc tuturor celor care au ajutat cu efortul masiv de a-l readuce în acțiune pe Sparrow! Speranța mea este să pornesc în săptămâna viitoare și să am o lună de navigație offshore înainte de a mă întoarce la uscat și de a lucra pentru următoarele luni. Sprijiniți canalul Sailing Into Oblivion pe Patreon: Magazin de produse: Donații prin Paypal și Venmo :


22 thoughts on “Suntem pregătiți pentru ceva Ocean Sailing!

  1. Hey! I just discovered your channel through that little plug you got from Sam Holmes. Great stuff! You are a really good storyteller, the way you can hold the viewer's attention by just talking into the camera for 20 minutes. That's not easy, and you do it really well! Please keep doing what you're doing. Can't wait to follow your upcoming adventures! And if/when you come to San Francisco, beer is on me! 🙂

  2. I hope you are coming north this year I want to make a trip to Maine to meet you 2023 you have definitely captured my attention as a sailor. Absolutely inspiring.

  3. Hi Jerome- I love your channel. I have a question on your weather cloth set up. I read somewhere that you should always attach them so that only the bottom part is attached with heavy line and the top and sides are attached with thin line that will break away in the event of a knockdown. That is a large area offering resistance to water in a knockdown; do you feel that might have contributed to you losing your stanchions and gallows in your recent knockdown? I see you have switched to bungee cord which should help, but wouldn't it be better if they just break away? Anyway, I enjoy the content. Fair winds!

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