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Înapoi pe apă și gata pentru o provocare [EP 193]
![Înapoi pe apă și gata pentru o provocare [EP 193]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/1680891365_maxresdefault.jpg)
48 thoughts on “Înapoi pe apă și gata pentru o provocare [EP 193]”
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Down "de" islands man. … or DDI
Really good seeing you two back on the water again without any major problems that beer was well deserved.
Mille looks beautiful—and happy. Good job guys.
Millie is looking like a brand new boat! Great work!
Who plays the Ukelele?
Strongly considering buying a Tayana 47…any thoughts you can share?
WO HO, Back in the water!
I assume you guys have you moments, but I watch this channel because I love watching you relate to each other; good humored, working through the whatever the environment throws at you, always respectful with an obvious liking for each other! What a treasure… and inspiration! Blessings on your both!
Nice shirt Adam (2:22) Is that new merch?
Glad completed sailboat repairs! Beautiful area you in now! Glad see your sailboat
back in water! 

Big Mike
I'm glad to see that you're back on the water and off exploring!! Fair winds!!
CCR! Love it! Carry on!
All anchor inspections should be done with beer in hand. Says so in the manual.
Congrats guys
Millie looks excellent, you remembered John's words, "look after a good boat, and when it gets hairy the boat looks after you.
Kinda off topic for this channel. But what happened to the Midshipmen or was it the Admirality… … I enjoyed that banter.
Love the NEEL 47 Trimaran you shared the yard with. My dream boat
You're lucky bright lights so what I'm living 3 doors down from 2 night clubs across the road from a strip club the sacrifices you have to make for lifestyle changes
Yes pressure cooker well done
So glad to see you both back in the water and sailing to beautiful places.That anchorage looks like it’s out of a holiday brochure. Loving your smiles
You two are awesome, love your enthusiasm and genuine nature. Great to see MF back in the blue – agree completely with the quiet darkness, enjoy !
After seeing half ep. Have to mention that I’m so happy to see these two sweet kids.
The kiss made me so glad. This mean that they still love each other and that I, and presumably many with me need to see. It’s very important to have a little human touch involved.
This I fabulous. I wish a boat like that. Enough for one or two persons.
Millennial Falcon! Keep up the good work & Let the force be with You
-Pressure cooker? The ribs looks fried to me! Tell me more. So quick. Difficult to see…
So glad your on the water again!
ur living the dreammmmmmmm… congrats my fellow aussies
So happy for you guys to be back in the water. I can't wait to get ours fixed back up from the hurricane & floating again
Arrival beer can and should be taken on arrival regardless of the time. It's in the skippers handbook.

Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.
I think the beer taste ok
If you have a reasonable AC power supply you should get an Insta Pot. It's an electric pressure cooker that adds a lot of versatility over an old one and you will find yourselves using it to cook almost everything! We love ours. Thanks for sharing your lives with us, keep up the good work.
Ah jib lead positions! We have the same deal, ie no tracks for the jib lead cars, which used to really bug me. These days we simply go around a large turning block aft and straight onto the jib clew via a barber hauler on a handy billy arrangement from the sheet (ie not the clew) down to the rail right below the clew on each side. Now we love it, we never have to worry about the lead position, we just adjust the handy billy, which consists of a block and tackle similar to what a really small dinghy (think Pelican, Adam, from your SoPYC days) might have for a mainsheet. And a soft block on the sheet end is much better than a pulley.
Inspirational, great to see you both enjoying each other again. Cheers!
Nice to see you back on the water! You both have very big smiles. Pro tip…boil your ribs in Coca-Cola (any brand is good, but Dr. Pepper is my fav) and then grill them on the BBQ. I like to marinade them overnight in BBQ sauce after I boil them. Wrap them in foil and grill them for about 4 to 6hrs at about 250. Turn them every 30 mins, and for the last 30 mins, take them out of the foil and baste with more BBQ sauce to make them sticky/messy.
So good to see you guys sailing Millie again.
A perfect mental health wellness break. Good to see you bak on the water. Enjoy.
Glad everything is working well …..wanted to see more of the chainlocker, but the sailing looked fun.
9:37 that kiss… You are very lucky man…!
A nice little first run back in the water video. Cute and funny as always. Stay safe and stay groovy.
Great to see you back afloat. Enjoy. Capt John
So good to see you and Millie in your element again. Of course „Anker Bier“ (watch Jambo or Franky)! But where is Kiaras?
I wanted to hear more about your new dodger! The dodger on my boat (also a cutter, BCC28) is on its last legs, and I’m trying to figure out what to do. Did you do it from scratch, or did you go with one of Sailrite’s kits? I love your channel, and I have to say I missed you guys while you were on your break. It’s nice to have you back.
Top work guys!
just curious – what does "can not afford the cost of that track" (forgot the quote mid typing) mean? Cost wise – again just curious – NOT requesting yo9u spend money!
Great episode. Who is the manufacturer of the weather station you have on the saloon bulkhead? It looks a very comprehensive piece of kit. Thanks
Adam, what happened to The Midshipmen (also known as The Admiralty)?
Great video