COCA CENTRALĂ este PLINĂ DE APA – Restaurare clasică pentru pisici | SailAway 223

COCA CENTRALĂ este PLINĂ DE APA - Restaurare clasică pentru pisici |  SailAway 223

Există o TONĂ de APĂ în NACELĂ… NU ceea ce am vrut să găsim la întoarcere. O PASARE DE 1500 de mile ne-a lăsat cu o barcă în DEZORARE, așa că începem călătoria lungă de a o readuce în ordine și de a încetini să facem o casă. Bucurați-vă!! Și asigurați-vă că vă ABONAȚI pentru CONȚINUT SĂPTĂMÂNAL ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ! Noroc!! Vă mulțumim că vizionați SailAway, documentarul de călătorie al unui cuplu aventuros de navigatori, copil și câine, care navighează prin lume!

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Cărțile audio ale lui Eric pe Audible: Muzica lui Eric pe iTunes: MULȚUMIRI SPECIALE partenerului nostru, Precision Sails! –


#Sailing #Sailboat #SailboatLiving #SailboatLife #SailAway


47 thoughts on “COCA CENTRALĂ este PLINĂ DE APA – Restaurare clasică pentru pisici | SailAway 223

  1. Studio looks way better than on Cecilia … don't know how you survived under that blanket in the Caribbean heat & humidity … sauna without a view 😵‍💫

    Sailboats …. if you ain't fixing something, you aren't on it 😂

    Looking forward to new experiences …

  2. your flooring is made of it. your hulls are also. man your boat is to me a rebuild. I think you have a huge project and I hope you do not half ass it. You have a family and balsa is the worst for boat material.

  3. Hey Dove family. That boat is looking really good so far. Tiger says HELLO RIVERS!!! We have the very same 4 slice toaster as you guys have. Cool. Glad to hear you are all well. Take care.

  4. The cosmetics are all good. When do you get into major boat issues, especially the ingress of water everywhere. I’m rooting for you guys in getting the major stuff squared away.

  5. Is there ever a point where the work needed becomes overwhelming? Or is this exactly what you knew you were taking on? I enjoy watching you guys troubleshoot and fix stuff but I’m still trying to figure out are my tears for you of celebration or sympathy😅

  6. We'll agree that every boat family has their priorities when it comes to boat projects. I won't criticize because yours aren't the same as mine. It looks like Santa was good to you in the kitchen department. 🎅👍

  7. I cringed when you remarked the length of time you thought you had the standing water. Of course, I'm not privy to your circumstances. But, have you considered taking a sailing time out; devote a long period of time to make the boat ready for sea.

  8. This video kinda let me know how much of a real time gap there is in your videos.
    My wife and I saw your family at a restaurant in Charleston. I swore I knew who yall were. She doesn't watch YT, and didn't want me to come say hi. Lol
    We were actually in Charleston boat shopping.
    Stoked to see yall making it happen.

  9. Looks like you do have a bit of work to do or are doing. I'm sure you are ticking off the items on the To Do list.
    I don't remember the age of your 482 however an Oct 1992 Cruising World pg 129 online version indicated 482's were made with modern foam core and vacuum bagging construction and tri-axial fiberglass- point being that it is not balsa cored with that material's issues when it gets wet. You may already know this per your research- online CW version found via google "do privilege 482 catamarans have cored decks".
    Given that the interior is mostly fabric covered (except heads), my preference, if looking to see if core is wet under a deck fixture, would be to remove the interior fiberglass layer, not the deck layer.
    Privilege Forums are a good source of info and some solutions, but posting are less frequent and fewer in numbers than for other catamaran brands.
    As I recall when I was looking at catamarans with fabric wall coverings, that manufacturer's since the 90's have improved on the durability of the backing material and the glues.

  10. I had such a great time stopping by and visiting today… at least, that is how I felt watching this video, like an old friend, warmly greeted.

  11. Thats a wife, first.. some needed criticism… and then a spiced cup of coffee. Voala.. happy marriage🏋🏻‍♀️🤟🏋🏻‍♀️

  12. A boat is on the water in the water and under the water so holding water is normal water I see you finding mite be one of the times all the hatches mite have not been sealed all the way we all have cleaned up with towels and forgot to look any further. Thank you for keeping us on reality and not sugar counting your videos. And I really wondered when you went down to the kitchen how can you have a plant hanging head height when the boat at sea you mite become a pot head 😂

  13. Your water can be from condensation. It is a huge problem on un insulated boats. Where I am in southern Netherlands near Belgium I have to pump out my bilge regularly in winter. I have found a solution that is now tested to work completely in one small area. This is medium density polyurethane foam. The foam I have used is sold as Gorilla Glue. This is a single part foam which is used in cabinetry to bond Stainless Steel (Counter Tops) to timber, but I don’t know the full spec for it. But it foams up to about 1/2” and that completely prevents condensation when there is snow outside. Without out this surfaces on my boat have water dripping off all over. It doesn’t have to be cold air to get condensation will form where there are cold water temps.

  14. so recognize it, many things take just a bit more effort on board, but it's worth it, then after 5-6 years a boat is ready and …the next one. The one we are on now is already 13 years and we start all over again, making things better, nicer etc. unless we buy that bigger one…nothing better than living on board, and sailing around

  15. HERE IS AN EGG TIP ON FREEZING: take ice cube trays and break a single egg per section. That gives you about 12 – 14 eggs per tray. Next, freeze the trays overnight. In the morning remove the eggs from the trays and put them into a freezer bag! Each bag (depending on size can hold between 12 to 24 eggs. Thaw as needed. Second method: (for your family) scrable 6 eggs in a bowl. Add 1/4 tsp sugar. Pour into small freezer bag and freeze. Remove a bag when needed to make scrambled eggs or omlettes.

  16. Guy's she's getting there. You will get your vessel just comfy… an broken in like your favorite leather shoes… I'm in MD if ur in the area I wud luv to help with any work!!!
    Thanks for sharing your lives with us ✌🏼💗😊⛵

  17. A quick hack for water in a boat. Buy an aquarium salinity meter. It's a plastic container with a specific gravity needle in it. That way you can dip out some water and immediately tell if it is fresh or salt without the taste test.

  18. Oh no, sorry to hear about the water mess – yuck! Or as Rivers said, that's gross! Bless his
    heart!! Thanks for the vlog, & we'll see ya next time! -Hugs to each of you, Wanda 🤗

  19. If nothing is broken you are not sailing. Repair and maintenance is a big part of the adventure. Just sometimes the adventure is more than others. Enjoy your adventures and some sailing also.

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