Navigarea nu este doar un minijoc în OSRS

Navigarea nu este doar un minijoc în OSRS

Ia-ți nava împreună!!! Ramble #24 Twitter:


6 thoughts on “Navigarea nu este doar un minijoc în OSRS

  1. Glad to see you're enthusiastic about a new skill

    I'd pay double the membership fee if they'd drop the whole dammed thing.

    We do not need a new skill imo

  2. I think it would be cool to hire a crew based upon their sailing knowledge… maybe your crew at the start consists of goblins running around making a mess and an ogre pulling up the anchor, but then you upgrade to more seasoned sailors, buccaneers and swashbucklers.

  3. we could use the sailing skill to gate every early transport including canoe's no ardy cloak until CL 60 and sailing 45 (req 60 construction)

  4. Could do really cool things with this skill. Fight off pirate attacks, could add a "The Kraken" type boss that can only be ranged or maged from the ship, and it can damage your ship that youd have to repair (gaining sailing xp), deep sea fishing sounds dope as hell, sunken treasures, pvp area in the ocean being able to attack other people and their ships etc. I'm just throwing darts here, but I think there's so much cool potential here.

    Too bad I'm f2p😢😂

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