Am din nou cancer de piele

Am din nou cancer de piele

Oamenii ne întreabă tot timpul dacă trecem prin galoane de protecție solară, așa că săptămâna aceasta vă împărtășim recentul diagnostic de cancer de piele al lui Megan și cum ne descurcăm cu soarele. #skincancer Detectarea precoce este esențială, împreună cu măsuri preventive solide, cum ar fi pălării, îmbrăcăminte, protecție solară și rămânerea la umbră în timpul cel mai intens al zilei. Obțineți 15% reducere la skin-urile de surf pe tot corpul lui Megan – – introduceți în codul promoțional „okellys” Interviuri extinse pentru cancerul de piele cu Todd, un dermatolog și Lorie, un supraviețuitor al melanomului în stadiul 3 tJtaajcV6jo ⛵️ SPRIȚINEȚI PRODUCȚIILE NOASTRE – ALĂTURAȚI-VĂ ECHIPULUI NOSTRU DE „FĂCĂTORI” ⚓️ EȘTI CURIOS DE CONSULTAREA 1:1? 🎙 PODCAST SĂPTĂMÂNAR – SUB PĂSĂRILE CU THE O’KELLYS 📭 GRUP PRIVAT FACEBOOK – GRUPUL O’KELLY’S S/V CLARITY 👕 NOU O’KELLY STYLE SHWAG ❤️ PRODUSE PE CARE LE IUBIM Nick și Megan au # navigat și trăiesc #OffTheGrid în ultimii 20 de ani. Ne place să #călătorim și să petrecem timp în #natură și sperăm să ne vedem aici! Cărțile și cărțile audio ale lui Nick: GET HER ON BOARD este despre a-l convinge pe acea persoană semnificativă să-l cumpere în această prostie de croazieră. Oamenilor par să le placă. Carte audio: Carte: MARGIN este despre a face bani din mers, tranzacționând acțiuni și opțiuni. Am scris-o împreună cu Pat Schulte de la Bumfuzzle. Oamenilor par să le placă și asta. Toate veniturile au fost donate pentru barca noastră. Audiobook: Book: Audiobooks: BUMFUZZLE – Tocmai ieșit în căutarea piratilor. Îi cunoști pe acești tipi și acum mă cunoști pe mine, așa că ascultă. BOUND FOR DISTANT SEAS, de James Baldwin și James, aceasta este o mică poveste a lui James Baldwin și o aventură simplă. barcă. #BoatLife #Catamaran #Catamaran #Catamaran #Catamaran #Catamaran #TravelNokellyOff #Digital #TravelNokellyOff #Digital #TravelNokellyOn #velă #barcă #ocean #theokellys #multihull


40 thoughts on “Am din nou cancer de piele

  1. Got the same condition, it's apparently harmless since it's year long wait. Old sun damage. As for Australia, no thanks. Wild life that kills you everywhere, age discrimination entry laws, skin cancer and a stupid political class.

  2. Maybe a couple of months ago, I noticed a "spot" on my face. As a scuba diver, I've spent a lot of time in the sun…not always protected. It's been weighing on my mind, but of course, it's not as easy or inexpensive in the States as it is in Australia. I've been in semi-denial about it for a while, but your video has motivated me to stop ignoring it and to go get it checked out. Asap. Love your channel! Hope to see you back on your own boat soon!

  3. Honest question… How would you rank the government healthcare system in Australia vs private here in the States? I’m sure since you’re not a AU citizen, and paying cash you might have had a different experience than Australia citizen, but I’m curious.

    Thank you for all the years of amazing content, and looking forward to many more years to come!

  4. Boats, I think because I don't know, might be like guitars. People want to sell guitars right up until the point where you will buy them. Then, not so much. What is up with that? Glad you caught that cancer so quick. What you're going Meg is the right thing. Keep doing that.

  5. Hi guys. Sorry to hear you had another BCC but glad you were in Oz to have easily and rapidly treated. Just one point – you said it was “benign” which is the term for non cancer. While BCCs are the least nasty cancers cause they only spread locally (and not metastasise) untreated the destroy anything so can be nasty… I presume this was just loose use of a medical term as clearly you know it is a cancer… That may confuse some of you viewers and think their bccs are not cancer but hope it slipped by without being noticed! Clearly keep up regularly checks on each other to monitor your skin spots monthly and annual checks with a skin doctor is good….

    We sailors are all at risk and early detection is the key- well spotted!

  6. I think it's great having you in Australia, sorry if you have to leave, love it if you stayed. We live on the Sunshine Coast and our boat is moored at Manly Qld, let us know if there is anything you need if you come back! Please come back. Hope you find your boat soon xo

  7. Lost my father and nephew to cancer years ago. Cancer has exploded in my area, I am sure the clot shot has nothing to do with it.😂😂. Why would big pharma want to cure cancer when they can heard us in like cattle for treatment. Glad you are well.

  8. 2 things, firstly apologies for the state of our medical system, we’ve (sadly) been following you guys into the rabbets hole of user pays rather than a more UK style NHS system, times have blown out and costs have risen dramatically 😢
    Secondly, Nick got you treats from Woolies? Oh dear Nick 😅
    Glad you’ve been enjoying our beautiful county and the cultural highlights of the pokies 🇦🇺

  9. Once again another fantastic show!!!!! You guys are no longer Youtubers you are producers of the the O'Kelly's show. The video production, commentary, the music and the stories are first rate! I sooooooo much look forward to tuning in when I get my notification. Your show always delivers and lifts me up. Thank you and good on ya mates, P.S. so glad that you are doing well my lovely and I truly hope you find the the boat you are looking for. I wish you fair winds and calm seas – 😀🤩🤕✌🤙👍

  10. I was stage three melanoma 27 tumors ranging from the size of a golf ball to a pencil head. I was diagnosed in 04 still live in and Fighting just had my prostate removed due to cancer !

  11. So relieved to hear that was benign. I lost a cycling buddy to melanoma at the age of 34. I saw a mole on his back when he was changing his shirt at a race night. I mentioned he should get it checked. He said it was a birth mark and he had always had it. We were racing 5 times a night, a 100 miles on weekends. His funeral was 12 weeks later. He left a wife and 3 children. As we say in Australia, Hooroo. See you next time.

  12. Happy Easter!! @O'Kelly's

    Check this out. This info cured me of a tumor that I had. Decades ago around 35 years ago a man shared some info with me about a experiment the hospital was doing with doctors and nurses.. un announced, under the table so to speak and it pertains to vitamins and minerals..

    This is something or part of what he shared with me but this info comes out decades later..
    We all know that Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant with abundant benefits including immune enhancement, protection from viruses and bacteria, cardiovascular protection, eye diseases, and even skin wrinkles. What many people may not know, however, is that high-dose IV Vitamin C, can kill cancer cells.

  13. The sun is not the cause of cancer …. but it's the transfat and margarine …that allows the sun to make cancer…. so stay with the good fats … and butter is the best …. I have seen natural remedies cure skin cancers and some were cut and came back … hope you get well quickly …

  14. $800? My out of pocket cost for my last Moh's surgery in the U.S., even WITH "Gold level" insurance, was almost $3000. I f**** hate the U.S. medical system.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and thank you for sharing your adventures with us!

    Edit: $101 for pathology? My pathology bill was $1500! I really, really hate the f**** U.S. medical system! 🙂

    Edit 2: An acquaintance of mine recently received a $120,000 bill for a 2-hour outpatient surgery to replace a pacemaker battery. I really, really, really, really hate the U.S medical system.

  15. Living on the boat right now with little wifi to watch videos, but I send my wishes for a quick and effective treatment so you can return to the life we love. Currently in Martinique to rebuild our watermaker
    S/Y L’Acadienne

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