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Ieșirea cu zgomot: Casa plutitoare devine o masă de petrecere! – Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 251

24 thoughts on “Ieșirea cu zgomot: Casa plutitoare devine o masă de petrecere! – Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 251”
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Congratulations on graduating from kindergarten! Great Job!
Congratulations to the graduate! I'm sure we'll be seeing many more achievements from you in the future! We'll done Mom and Dad, homeschooling is not for the faint of heart. He's learning so many useful things being with you instead of the "crap" the world has to offer.
She's a smart woman making that bed every morning . She had a smart teacher somewhere in her past.
Reese is such a fine little guy. That was so nice of you to make his kindergarten graduation day so nice. I wish all parents could be like you to their children. Your always so kind and respectful to him. Blessings to you all. ⛵💙
Congratulations Reese, Good job🎉
Love the videos! Wish they were a little longer though! They seem soo short!
Another mom and dad homerun! Great video… 😊
Salty sailors rock
All i can say….freaking awesome, just hold that spot…on my way😁👌👌🥰
What a great day for Rhys and one he will remember for a long time.. methinks he will be asking for that slide on more than one occasion lol.. oh and mums diving is looking very good as well x
That water is beautiful 😍
That is an awesome place. And YOU are the cherry on top! Looking so awesome as always!
Where was the anchorage? (We travel to the Bahamas in our cat every two years, and I didn't recognize the location.) Also, would you consider adding the date information to your video? Would be nice to know what month of the season you are at these locations. Congrats on your little one's graduation.
Congratulations Reese! Just the beginning. You are America's future leader in the making, Keep kicking a** little man!
Beautiful anchorage! Congrats little man!!
Poor baby has a Stye . Tears is a good cure and flush. Comes in a bottle like Visine. It’s called Tears!! Sterile cleanser for eyes..
congratutions. Reese hope you had a fun full day😀😀😀
I sleep perfect 😴 Rhys is the best kid!
❤️ a slide 🛝
Congratulations Rhys 👏 ❤️ the Pledge of Allegiance ! So many kids don't know it.
congratulations Reese you are off to a good start 🌠🎊