În cele din urmă, ajungem la 80 North, după ce am petrecut ultimele 6 săptămâni în Svalbard, în Marea Arctică. Învățăm o lecție despre a nu avea încredere în hărți și navigăm prin ceață deasă și întâlnim niște aisberguri ciudate în apă plată și calmă. Călătoria până aici ne-a depășit așteptările în toate modurile imaginabile, iar acest lucru culminează cu punctul culminant al întregii călătorii când observăm o femelă de urs polar și puiul ei. Toată muzica pentru videoclip a fost furnizată de Josh Woodward. Descărcare gratuită: https://www.joshwoodward.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/svhiraeth/?…
Navigare la 80 de grade nord – Întâlnirea cu urșii polari: Ep 7

18 thoughts on “Navigare la 80 de grade nord – Întâlnirea cu urșii polari: Ep 7”
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Great! Thank you very much for giving us the opportuity to share your wonderful impressions!
Excellent video, The footage moving through the icebergs in the fog was great

Great vid guys, fascinating seeing the polar bears!
I just found your channel. Your filming helps remind me that in the wild, our planet is still beautiful.
just watched all of your Vids, this is definitely the best so far not just the polar bears and scenery the editing and you guys keep them coming ! Where you heading next ?
Superb editing and narration, well done ,looking forward to the next one
Sally I think I would be scared s – – – – – – s meeting you with a gun

Love the calm foggy trip through the ice flows
Great video guys, looking forward to many more
Absolutely loved this video.
Amazing footage, what a privilege to get to see nature at its most wonderful up close. Keep up the good work.
Each video demonstrates what an extraordinary trip it was. The presentation, too, is the absolute antithesis of some of the glitzy, click-baity channels, and allows us to focus on the beauty and mystery of your surroundings. Just amazing – and what a privilege to see polar bears………
Nicely done, stunning.
Amazing place
Interesting that the Navionics charts cut off at 80 degrees N but you still had reliable paper charts. Here in Central America, both can be so inaccurate that i have to sail anywhere close to shore in daylight only, treating the charts as a rough suggestion, rather than a reliable guide.
I have always thought steel sailboats were too much work for the average sailor, but that is one location where one would make sence!
Living on a Centurion 47 your videos inspire me so much!