Ce zi grozavă de antrenament. Prieteni buni, Blue Angles, barca cupei Americii; Magie americană, vânt constant, soare cald și am spart doar câteva lucruri.
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[Copyright] Acest videoclip este pus la dispoziția susținătorilor SV Seeker fără publicitate, fiind modul nostru de a vă mulțumi pentru sprijin. Vă rugăm să vă bucurați de videoclip, dar până când nu este făcut public, nu aveți voie să îl distribuiți în niciun forum public. Mulțumesc din nou. – Doug Jackson
[ Music ]
„Trickin Pickin” interpretat de Doug Waterman
When you plan to add foils to SV-Seeker, Doug? … Looks like Seeker is running beautifully under sails! Congratulations 🎉❤❤❤
You gotta take her out to the virgin islands one of these days buddy ❤
Heck Yea. Pocahontas is ready to come for a day ride. Thats what She said !
Still can't belive what one can achieve following his dreams.
looking good
Amazing day Doug 👌
Get that welder out and build yourself some FOILS …?!!?
Amazing to see you sailing after watching the journey unfold for the last 11+ years. You folk really achieved something. I watched NZ take the America's cup in an amazing finish on home waters and whilst those racing yachts are incredible I'd be just as excited to watch seeker round the heads in Wellington. Can't wait to watch your first blue water adventure
Seeker's majestic look reminds me of SS Eastland, can't wait to see what the future holds, I'm sure her career will be just as flamboyant as her Port Huron-built counterpart
The Kiwi's are doing 50 knots plus…
Looks great under sail. You could try spilling some of that wind to reduce you heal.
I’ve been watching since you were wielding the sides of the boat together flat on the ground. Good to finally see her doing what she was built for
Looking great, nice to see you sailing, the years of work from all have paid off. Best wishes to you & SV Seeker.
She looks a tad tender, she gets some heel on in light wind, I wonder how she'd handle a decent gust out of the blue and large waves? I still don't understand why you'd go for such a complicated and heavy rig set up, just a nice simple ketch rig, even just a cat ketch rig would be so much more efficient and easy to use, especially if you are ever single handed. The pro's over the junk rig are numerous, I can't see any pro's of the junk rig
I was exited to to see you making good time under sail but that Free Willy jumping over the boat sounds amazing!… can't wait for the video.
Finally great to see you guys sailing with all your rag up. I'm sure if you moved some of the low=down weight up to windward you would clock the magic 6 knots.
The difference between you and them in that rocket. That’s all they can do. You my friend can build and fix anything.😂
Wonder what she thought of you?
Always enjoy seeing Seeker moving under sail. Thank you Doug.
Amazingly exciting!!!!
Sail powered Seeker!
Absolutely beautiful to see her under sail.
Been watching since laying the keel and stacks of steel plate in his yard. Through all the figuring and learning how to make things work. What an accomplishment.
Great to see those sails at work. 4 knots is great for a boat this size I think.
Gotta hand it to ya Doug, she looks good.
Great to see her sails up!
She’s Gorgeous!! The shot of her under sail is beautiful!! Sincere Congratulations
She's a sailboat! Congratulations, Doug. What a beauty!
People, this vessel is nowhere near peak righting moment at twenty degrees. So please, relax, sit back and enjoy the videos for a while and maybe make more than just a cursory observation before drawing such dire conclusions, unjustly. Because I assure you, Seeker was designed quite competently, to be comfortable, meaning she's far more sea kindly and SAFE than most any of the god awful fattened racing hulls people call cruising sailboats anymore. It'll all be just fine.
She looks really good under sail! 🥳
I love seeing you sailing. I believe you are ship-shape, but not Bristol fashion. Keep up the good work.
She’s looking mighty fine! 🔥❤️🔥
What beautiful shot of Seeker under sail. From the first video to this, what an amazing journey.
You're SAILING!!! That's great to see. Dreams come true.