LOVE Sailing în BVI. E77

LOVE Sailing în BVI.  E77

De ce ne place să navigam în BVI? Ei bine, sunt multe motive. În primul rând, vremea este destul de consistentă. Vânturile sunt de obicei dinspre est, în jur de 15 noduri. Acest lucru facilitează navigarea, precum și planificarea traseului nostru. În al doilea rând, insulele sunt frumoase și destul de apropiate. Asta înseamnă că poți avea o navigație frumoasă dimineața și poți explora insulele toată după-amiaza. În acest episod, părăsim Scrub Island și avem o navigație frumoasă până la North Sound. Apoi ne îndreptăm către Trellis Bay, unde învățăm cum să înlocuim rotorul generatorului nostru (din nevoie) înainte de a avea o altă navigație frumoasă până la Anegada, unde ne petrecem ziua de Crăciun. Vă mulțumim că vizionați și vă bucurați de BVI cu noi.


13 thoughts on “LOVE Sailing în BVI. E77

  1. Nice tacking Jeff!

    As someone who's pulled 100's of impeller out, never use 1 flat screw drivers if that's your only option, always use 2 of them for proper leverage or you'll damage the pump edges and you'll have a hard getting it to seal.

  2. We love the BVIs as you two know!! Hope you did make it to BYC as that plus Scrub are fully running since the hurricane…and both are impressive. Can't wait to the next video!!

  3. I just finished watching the latest video from Sailing Symphony where he goes through the upgrades he made to his Leopard 45. He covers what he did to fix the problem he was having with his Main not coming all the way down. It might be helpful.

  4. You both are so handy to take care of any problem that comes up! Congratulations on getting things up and running properly! And a big thank you to neighbors who have experience and are willing to share their knowledge! The mention of no air conditioning causes me palpitations, being the “nature gal” that I am! ☺️😂😉 As always the views are spectacular and I love seeing happy faces and hearing all the stories! Cherish your beautiful adventures (and clearly there are learning moments from the more annoying mishaps)! It wonderful to see lots of gratitude for a wonderful lifestyle that suits you and that you both are fully enjoying! Big squeezes and smooches! 🤗😘💗

  5. LOL we were on the same mooring ball in Trellis bay about 2 weeks before you. It was that one or one next to the very scary old boat that looks abandoned and was too close as well. Had a great time there and in the North Sound. We love that area sooo much they have done such a great job rebuilding so many great spots.

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