Am fost jefuiti! Frumoasă navigare către o plajă îndepărtată, ruinată de localnici înfometați, viața cu barca merge prost!

Am fost jefuiti!  Frumoasă navigare către o plajă îndepărtată, ruinată de localnici înfometați, viața cu barca merge prost!

Navigatie si pescuit cu sulita! Este weekend și suntem pe drumul spre o ajun memorabilă, dar lucrurile continuă să meargă prost! În mod adevărat, pur și simplu nu putem lua o pauză, când cineva ne fură de cină. Îți place acest episod și vrei să facem mai mult? Luați în considerare sprijinirea canalului la: Obțineți Swag-ul Breaking Waves la Obțineți scoop în timp real pe Instagram! @breakingwaves.ben @breakingwaves.alie O parte din tot ceea ce facem de pe acest canal va fi donată către pentru a ne ajuta să curățăm oceanul. Verificați Swell Pro Drones la: 10% reducere cu codul BWSWP! Pistole submarine de la: Standup Paddle Board de la: Cod de reducere Breaking Waves (15%): BW152023


30 thoughts on “Am fost jefuiti! Frumoasă navigare către o plajă îndepărtată, ruinată de localnici înfometați, viața cu barca merge prost!

  1. Always carry hotdogs. I am told I am a good fisherman but there are days I would not eat if I had to depend on what I hooked. Better luck next time.

  2. Great video guys!! Such a chillaxed vibe and real sailing shots! I know the feeling of missing a fish so many times, then your partner goes in the water and… First shot… 🤣😅 . Well done for the creative licence title and the robbery scare! 🤣 Just wondering what area are you in?

  3. Hello From England where it's not as warm as we're, you are ????? Excellent Youtube Sailing channel, your living the dream now it won't be long until your self sufficient and don't have to work anymore or maybe just Part-time. I have a 2017 Beneteau 48 but due to circumstances I haven't been bluewater sailing for 12 months + however from June I'll be off to the Med then the Azores to the Caribbean etc. I don't do a Youtube channel I'm 55 now and and a retired Professor so no one want's to listen to a retired Economics Professor. I hope you get self sufficient soon good luck , " "Non sibi sed patriae " " Fair Winds and Following Seas " Ciao

  4. Awesome drone, your the first Sailing Channel, that I've seen, who has a floating drone. Best footage of a whales tail as well. Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. Great attitude, you both seem like kind hearted people, gonna keep watching , wish I could live the way you are, but at least I can follow your adventures.

  6. ha ha true story my dad and uncle, fishing all day at a lake, dad was not in good mood., fish were biting and he would get them almost to shore, and he would loose them. finally landed a keeper trout, turned his back and a sea gull swooped in and took it away, he looses his mind, busted up his rod and tossed it in the water, and says we're leaving, 40 miles of dirt road my uncle said the car was goin sideways around corners he was afraid for his life. this was in Nova Scotia

  7. personally hate drones they really dont give a real perspective of the places you travel. So when you get there it you have a false reality . the title should might the the locals attention

  8. I miss the early days of YouTube when everyone wasn’t trying to trick you in order to get you to watch their videos.

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