Carenarea COCĂ a bărcii noastre din lemn SALVAGED — Sailing Yabá 128

Carenarea COCĂ a bărcii noastre din lemn SALVAGED — Sailing Yabá 128

Aducerea Yabá de la epavă la vis! Episodul 128 În acest episod al restaurării bărcii noastre, șlefuim corpul nostru epoxiizat pentru a o pregăti pentru vopsea; lucrăm la pompa de apă sărată a motorului nostru; facem gauri pregatind interiorul pentru electricitate si construim si ceva mobilier! 👉 ABONAȚI-VĂ pentru a nu rata noile episoade: PUTEȚI SUSȚINE PROIECTUL: 👉 Devenind patron – alăturați-vă pentru a debloca conținut exclusiv: 👉 Prin donații Paypal: sau 👉 Purtând produsele noastre: Suntem veșnic recunoscători tuturor celor care ne trăiesc visul alături de noi ♥️ 🇧🇷 Legendas em Português em todos os episódos! 🇪🇸 Subtitluri în spaniolă în toate episoadele! 💙 Cine suntem? Suntem Ben și MP! Recent am decis să achiziționăm o goeletă din lemn cu doi catarge în Brazilia. Detaliul distractiv despre povestea noastră este că barca pe care am cumpărat-o se scufunda și se baza pe multe pompe de santină pentru a supraviețui, așa că a trebuit să o ridicăm pe uscat pentru a începe o reparație completă. Odată ce barca a fost ridicată (pentru prima dată în viața ei) ne-am dat seama că munca necesară a fost mult mai mult decât se aștepta. Între eliberarea sau acceptarea provocării, am decis să alegem a doua variantă. Urmărește-ne când îl readucem la viață pe Yabá cu ajutorul unei echipe uimitoare de constructori navali tradiționali, împărtășind fiecare fază a procesului, depășind culmile și coborâșurile și distrându-se pe parcurs. Mai multe despre noi: 👉 Despre noi + Întrebări și răspunsuri 👉 site-ul nostru cu mai multe informații despre proiect 💙 Mulțumiri masive echipei noastre uimitoare de dulgheri care nu ne-au dezamăgit niciodată și continuă să ne uimească la fiecare pas al procesului: Toninho, Zeca, Hélio, Claiton, William, Nezo, Nico, Adilson, Beto și Luiz. SUNTEȚI LEGENDE!


40 thoughts on “Carenarea COCĂ a bărcii noastre din lemn SALVAGED — Sailing Yabá 128

  1. When installing bearings on a shaft, never drive them in on the outer race. That will damage the bearing and cause premature failure. Bearings should be pressed in.

  2. If your batteries are dead, whose fault is that? If you own a cordless ANYTHING
    be it a tool, a camera or a flashlight you should own spare batteries. When the
    battery in service runs down, pop it out & put it into the charge. THEN, load a
    freshly charged battery you have standing by into your device & go back to work.
    Have the low battery charging while you work. Dont forget to put it in the charger.
    Its a great system. Stick to it & you will NEVER again have a dead battery stop
    your work.


  3. Shaft Packing (what you called gasket) needs to be seated gradually. Start out with a small stream. Tighten 1/6 turn a day or so until you get about a drop a second – yes it needs to leak to be lubricated by the water. Off, it should net be leaking.

  4. Looking almost livable….Have you thought maybe installing a mini-split system or two???? If you get to New Mexico, MP can rebuild my Lexus motor(340K and no Leaks)….An inline prop shaft generator would be a nice added electric generator when engine is on or off….

  5. Hole saws are designed to cut through the timber not burn through it. When your hole saw is smoking it's because its blunt!! you need another hole saw or get that one sharpened. Thats a far cheaper option than burning out your drill or cooking a battery. Get the guy who sharpens the band saw to tickle up the hole saw.

  6. One thing I love about Yabá is her classic nature. On a modern water pump, it wouldn’t be anywhere near as serviceable. You only need to carry a few spare gaskets and bearing and you can rebuild it yourself. What a real advantage. MP, you’re going to be a great engineer for the boat.
    Everything’s coming along nicely. 👍👍

  7. I hadn't noticed how nice the wood looked on the hull until you were sanding it. I hope you got lots of pics of it before it gets painted. It will be nice to see what the hull looked like underneath the paint! But the paint will actually be better for it in appearance and in detecting damage.

  8. I was amazed by your video work. Especially the scene on the bowsprit as you duplicate yourself. The amazing part was that the trees in the background didn't duplicate. 👍

  9. I guess once you start sailing you will have a set of tools to handel emergencies… Could you please share, how you are going to choose which tools to take with you?

  10. Hello there from Christchurch, New Zealand….. Just loved watching you build the Waterpump ….. OK ….A bit of ' Education ' ….. 🙂 🙂 🙂 …. Those 'Gaskets' are called 'Compression Packing or Packing pieces/segments' …. The 'Packing' is put into the 'Stuffing Box' and compressed with the 'Gland'. It is Also Good Practice to put some Heavy Stainless washers between the Nuts and the Gland as there normally is not much flat area about the slots of the Gland and the Nuts …. Hope that This is of help …. Just love watching your lovely attitude and dedication …. Best wishes to You Both AND The Brilliant Team …. Cheers from ChCh, NZ …… Some Great info here …..

  11. Thank you so much for your videos! I had a misfortune, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I also created a channel and am trying to move in that direction, but so far not very successful((t

  12. Fantastic progress and MP you are doing a great job learning about your engine and maintaining it , happy Easter from Tasmania Australia 🇦🇺

  13. Sorry, but for anyone watching that doesn't know. A hole saw bit is not used for boring deep holes in wood. A spade bit or auger bit would have done the job in about 30 seconds. I know Ben is using what he had to do the job. The above info is just for education purposes. 😁

  14. I was amazed at your skills doing the pump the socket on the outer bearing race and claw hammer was priceless 😊

  15. Please throw that hole saw in the bin. It is totally blunt and just trying to rub through the wood. It should never smoke like that and you are at risk of starting a fire. great vid as always, love you guys.

  16. A more beatiful pump can Not be found in all the world MP and Ben, no one could drill a better hole in that bulkhead. Seriously though, you two are a beatiful couple!!! Love your channel❤

  17. Maria Paula, your taking on to learn how to take care for the heart of Yabá reflects a strong motherly nature of your personality, yes, engine is heart of Yabá, if it is well Yabá is safe.
    Ben making sure that Yabá is structurally safe is like a father who want his child to be strong and successful, both of you have not stopped amazing me, hats off to both of you and all the team members on Yabá

  18. if you are using a holesaw in a drill like that, after you go in like 2 mm, try drilling a small hole (6-10mm) right on the inside of the circle, it will let the sawdust escape through the small hole, letting you drill it through all the way without having to stop every time because you are burning up the sawdust.

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