Superyacht rusesc îmbarcat de militari din Antigua | SY News Ep203

Superyacht rusesc îmbarcat de militari din Antigua |  SY News Ep203

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats Alfa Nero îmbarcat de către Antiguan Military | SY News Ep203 00:00 ‘007’ Yacht depistat în Turcia 01:16 Sarafsa depistat cu numele eliminat 02:08 Nord depistat în Seychelles 02:26 Sea Rhapsody în mișcare pentru prima dată într-un an 03:48 Lana redenumită 07:05 Alfa Nero îmbarcat de militari 09:28 Confuz de ultimul videoclip Alăturați-vă clubului eSysman Superyacht de pe Patreon! Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! 3 minute de maritim Abonați-vă acum! Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds


39 thoughts on “Superyacht rusesc îmbarcat de militari din Antigua | SY News Ep203

  1. How many skipy yachts have you seen in your life and how many mosy yacht’s have you ever sailed on ? The word in SUPER Yachts dude and not sipy or skipy or any other soupy why is wrong with you 😂

  2. I enjoy the longer format because it permits your analysis of the information. Shockingly, I don't have a super yacht (I work for a living; all I have is a couple of pool noodles), so a list of facts and figures is too sterile. I am interested in the material culture of human-kind's mobility machines in any form, but there's a fun learning curve there, and I like that you take the time to explain. Coincidentally, my mobility machine of choice is a 2010 997 C4, for which, indeed, there is no substitute… Except my late, lamented 2006 993 C4 that died in a flood.

  3. I loved the red flag with the Union Jack at the very end, the red ensign. Then it occurred to me that red is one of those colours that is so hard to keep because it bleaks so easily. So how do they keep it so crisp?

  4. I enjoy the full length videos and a regular viewer, but then I am retired so have plenty of free time so can understand the captains comment about liking the channel but not having time to view. As for the growing list of sanctioned superyachts I cannot help but feel its hurting crews way more than the owner, many of whom have lost their jobs. As if thats not bad enough there are also crew who still have a job (just about), but not been paid for months. Quite disgusting how they have been treated.

  5. Is it not meant to be bad luck to rename boats? Just what I’ve heard in past obviously doesn’t mean you can’t but I definitely wouldn’t after those theories😂

  6. I’m more interested in the fact that Antigua has a military than I am in anything concerning their activities. Who is he, how old, and is there a retirement plan?

  7. Notice the yacht fires have almost come to a complete stop since the pandemic is virtually over now since charter business is back to normal. Cant say they weren't insurance jobs. I always knew they were.

  8. This a Whole new World to me ,OBVIOUSLY I feel sorry for the people who are owed money by Billionares who don't pay them .

  9. So did it NOT have that bulkhead?? It’s should have a few, no?? I remember it had quite a bit of alterations done to it. I’m very interested to know if it did have that bulkhead bc if so then clearly the “captain”, and I use that term loosely bc if I recall it was the owner at the helm, but clearly the boat didn’t need grounding if it had the bulkhead.

  10. So your subscribers spoke out at 70% don't do shorts and you go and open another channel. Are you sure you're not Russian after all? Just do what the fkuc you want? Hahahahahahaha

  11. Is it wise to supply the yacht for the long haul (provisions and fuel), knowing your pay is in jeopardy? Committing to that long haul could be a hedge against not getting paid.
    Does the maritime industry have some kind of calculation on when a crew member is to cut and run and when they are to stick around.

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