viața ca ADOLESC care navighează prin lume (ce m-a învățat)

viața ca ADOLESC care navighează prin lume (ce m-a învățat)

Încerc să explic cât de mult înseamnă oceanul pentru mine, cum mă modelează și cât de norocos sunt să navighez pe această lume! Ca întotdeauna, mulțumesc că ați vizionat My IG: Canalul familiei mele IG al familiei mele: @_everydaysaturday


30 thoughts on “viața ca ADOLESC care navighează prin lume (ce m-a învățat)

  1. Wonderful video, Jadyn and Family! I've heard on other channels as well that meeting amazing people (sailers and locals) is one of the best parts of the experience. It seems like a very chill and supportive community. Out of curiosity, how does your family afford sailing full-time as a lifestyle? Did they save up for it and run off savings, or do they have businesses that provides steady income? I've also heard that some ppl work from their computers on their boats using starlink. Side note: You should open up a Patreon!

  2. Sailing Zatara – look into it. There are some nice guys (your age group) sailing the seas with their parents.

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