Navigarea cu șampanie înseamnă să nu ne bucurăm de haine în ultimele noastre zile de vară, să navighezi pe COASTA DE EST A ITALIEI ÎN MARA ADRIATICĂ, să sărgim la destinație, să ne plimbăm în orașe precum BARI, MONOPOLI ȘI POLIGNANO A MARE, TOATE LUCRURILE SĂ CĂCĂLUȘTE ȘI EXPLORAREA ITALIANĂ. DELFINI ÎN MARE! Săptămâna aceasta navigăm de la Insulele Tremiti pe coasta de est a Italiei, oprindu-ne la destinații uimitoare de-a lungul drumului. Explorând orașe, încercând bucătăria italiană, primind ultimul gust al verii și călătorind spre sud, spre Grecia! IUBIRE CONTINUTUL NOSTRU?? Iată numeroasele moduri prin care ne poți sprijini! ️ Sprijină creațiile noastre și obține avantaje exclusive devenind un Patron: ☞
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29 thoughts on “VIS DE NAVIGARE ITALIANĂ! EP-79”
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"Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." –Francis Chan
I thought the thumbnail might have been click bait. Nope I wasn’t disappointed. Another great video as always guys. Fair winds. Dean.
Good seeing you again. Be safe and I can’t wait for next week.
So glad to see you having such a wonderful time, happy anniversary and keep up the great content it's a joy to watch, All the best from Aus, Al
Suns out buns out! Loving the scenery!
What is this on their Patreon “Instagram 'CLOSE FRIENDS' Exclusive content”
Somehow your videos really give one the feeling of being there with you guys. The camera work and B roll are very good as always. We could almost feel the sun and wind. Seriously great work, you two should be proud of what you’re doing here. See ya next time….
what happened to the rip in the main sail?
Happy anniversary
Fun video
So what year was your anniversary?
Captivating; exquisite cinematography, enchanting audio, breath taking views make this episode the best I have seen with respect to Utube sailing content. You both have out did yourselves on this Italian passage. Happy Anniversary and we pray more to follow. Thanks!
Enough with the clickbait. Try some sailing instead.
Hi Guys, Great vlog, (As Usual) Brought back great memories of our sailing trip, UK to Greece in 2019. Took a small detour and visited Polignano, We bit the bullet and had dinner at "The Grotto" As fellow Aussies (Adelaide)… have to say, A fabulous location, And so very Unique, deserves a 10/10, However food and service Not so good 6/10, and hugely overpriced, A set 4 course meal (Tiny serves) for 2 plus a single bottle of wine 420 Euro's !!! Just our experience, but left hungry…
It was an excellent episode, I enjoyed it. We thank you.

Whats with the cheap ASS Shots to get viewers
Unfortunately in Southern Italy it is pretty common to see trash all over the place. I live in the South for about 5+ years and that was the one thing that I disliked…that and the stray dogs everywhere. I do agree with some of the others about the journey you take us on in your vidoes…very enjoyable to watch.
Enjoyed the video ♥️♥️

Not gonna lie I clicked on because of photo! But have been here before happy sailing
happy Anniversary 
Enjoyed video . Keep them coming
"Feeling Free", Looking Fine !
Absolute amazing video from start to finish, but I still don’t see davits …..
just stumbled across your channel. Seam to be a nice down to earth couple and my God absolutely stunning natural beauty ( boat) and your wife's adorable also .
Italy is known for its litter. Bari is a great town my partner is from Bari! The one one thing you need to stock up on is the pasta as it’s so cheap. Enjoy your italy trip…
T&A always works!
Hey Jason are you the same Jason sailing katana with Kristin
In Australia
Just subscribed. Italy is beautiful, but nothing like your eyes. Gourgeous. Enjoyed your channel, i'll keep watching. Hello, from Antigua Guatemala, OsoYolo.
Wow Sailor