În acest videoclip vă prezint prin eforturile mele anuale de bricolaj, cu motor complet, pentru motorul nostru diesel marin Volvo Penta D2-55. Video cu schimbare completă a uleiului aici: https://youtu.be/eCS5wr9W8ek Curățarea schimbătorului de căldură Volvo Penta: https://youtu.be/49-UiRPoeyM Consultați pagina noastră de ancoraje aici: https://www.cadoha.com/britishanchorages Dacă doriți să susțineți eforturile noastre mari de realizare a filmelor britanice, atunci asigurați-vă că vizitați pagina noastră Patreon, aici: https://www.patreon.com/sailingcadoha Sau puteți „Cumpărați-ne un rom” pe site-ul principal, aici: https://www.cadoha.com Aflați mai multe despre barca noastră și istoria ei: https://www.cadoha.com/our-boat Aflați mai multe despre echipajul din Cadoha și despre trecutul nostru: https:// www.cadoha.com/crew-page ********** Cele mai utile achiziții de ambarcațiuni (AMAZON) de până acum: ********** * Suport Ipad: https://amzn .to/3z2TSOe & https://amzn.to/3zk6qlA * Încălzitor diesel chinezesc: https://amzn.to/3RJvvO1 * Căști interfon (fără fir): https://amzn.to/3yTE0gN * Cufă Dometic ‘ Frigider/Congelator: https://amzn.to/3OiJTtH * Plită electrică: https://amzn.to/3yaRHaU * Aragaz electric (Air Ninja): https://amzn.to/3IebLxn * Anchor float/ pick up minge pentru linia noastră de ancoră reglabilă: https://amzn.to/3Id7Fps * Naluca mea de pescuit preferată și cea mai productivă! https://amzn.to/3le7uPC Dacă și dvs. doriți să cumpărați unele dintre articolele Carlys făcute manual, până la biciclete, asigurați-vă că vizitați magazinul ei, aici: https://www.cadoha.com/etsy- magazin Ne puteți găsi și pe Instagram, aici: https://www.instagram.com/sailingcadoha/ Dacă doriți să vedeți mai multe aventuri la pescuitul sub apă al lui Dominic, atunci cel mai bine îl urmăriți pe contul său „personal” de Instagram , aici: https://www.instagram.com/cpt_freedom/ Dacă doriți să urmăriți vedeta principală a emisiunilor pe instagram, atunci profilul lui Hanks este aici: https://www.instagram.com/vizsla.hank/ Nostru Lista completă de redare video (în ordine) Sezonul 1 (îmi pare rău pentru filmările și editarea oribile de atunci) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j31x3… Sezonul 2: https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=mXQTl… Videoclipuri ale sezonului LOCKED DOWN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIkPz… Proiecte de iarnă și upgrade-uri (2020/2021): https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=YGIh4… Sezonul 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAQ9h… Sezonul 4: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeSCMgliFwv7egFMFVxEiHUzZIvwZU4RV
Volvo Penta DIY – Service complet pentru motoare marine

28 thoughts on “Volvo Penta DIY – Service complet pentru motoare marine”
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On the top off the fuel pump is a Phillips head screw that holds down a inlet screen. It prevents large particles from fouling the check valves in the pump. It can get clogged at the most inopportune times. It is worth checking when servicing. Oh and, More Hank!
Hi Dom. I know you did the oil change in a previous video, but when I change the oil on my Diesel engine (Car), I always use an Engine flush to ensure all particles are flushed through the system. Although I note you don't get all the old oil out of the engine due to the way you extract the oil via a pump. Anyhoo, great stuff.
great episode. on my MV I have 2 large Volvo diesels and last year a new to me service engineers carried out service and he instructed me to only change the Fresh air intake filter once every 2 years. (previously this was every year)As a marine environment is generally very clean compared to a lorry. Perhaps on your case you may have belt dust to deal with.
Something I didn't see you do that I would have done is , check the top pully on your Alternator belt , at least there would be bearings on it ,, on a Perkins in a tractor it would be a water pump ,, I don't know about Marine applications
a bit OTT changing the alternator belt every year. if they did that on your car when serviced you would complain "why". I would.
After tightening the belt 4:15 try twisting it both ways,

It shouldn’t go bast 90 degrees ether twist..!! Then it’s tight enough.
I'd be using gloves, diesel stinks!
Another good video. Fuel in filter looked ver dirty. May be worth checking bottom of tank. Also when were the valve clearances and head bolt tensions checked. Other things are anodes in the engine and gearbox. Also gearbox oil.
B1, B4 you B2 tired! your issue isnt lack or organization, its lack of memory mate! eheheh im joking, thats a neat system
You are waisting your money on the alternator belt every year. Mine is 18 years old and I’m
Just replacing it. It has belts and very strong. Buy a brand new one and keep it as a spare.
Why don’t you replace your pistons also every year?? What is it throws a ring or crack?
Also, you never ever prime the filter that way… how clean is your diesel? You just left a quart of trash in your fuel system.
Store your toilet spares in the toilet cupboard
Store your engine spares in or next the engine space
Rigging spares in cockpit locker.
I worked a few years on charter yachts as a lead boat engineer with very little space and we used the above system and it worked perfectly . Keep your tools somewhere very dry or they definitely will go rusty on a boat.
An awsome video as usual, thank you for providing such good content. Keep on producing videos. We also have the same engine and some maintanace ahead of us, maybe I willalso produce some howto's about parts you have not covered yet. We will see
Really enjoyed that Dom. Nice work.
. I ended up giving the K&N filter a miss. Much easier to just replace the air filter as required. And no oil residue on the MAF sensor worries, and those recharge kits get expensive too. Stay safe guys
If you are looking for the oil change video, it’s in bin B5 with misc. engine parts.
hello i suggest inspecting / replacing the coolant hoses also , i was recently on a delivery and one of the hoses split open , lost all coolant and overheated in a busy channel !
"How rude." that the instructions are not in English? What century were you born in, Dom?
Excellent and informative as usual.
Amazing, Thank you
I noticed when you removed the impeller cover that some of the rubber blades were facing different directions. When installing a new impeller it is better, if not required the all rubber blades should be facing the same direction for most efficient operation. Use a water tolerant lubricant to lubricate the blades and the inside of the pump housing and turn the impeller the correct direction until all of the blades are cooperation and facing the same direction prior to pushing it deep into the housing. More water is better.
Just after I bought our boat we had a cooling problem, long story short the heat exchanger inlet was full old bits of impeller.
Tip – Fit a course strainer downstream of the water pump just in case the impeller falls apart. A very cheap preventative measure (and impeller anxiety) . I used to work on (very) big marine engines and this was the norm.
You still have garden hoses connecting the engine sw pump to the filter, please replace that with proper class approved marine rubberhose, an overheated pump will melt the garden hose etc…
Hiya Cadoha,
Nice video; thank you both. I used to run a small fleet of generators mounted on trucks. 5 Perkins, 1 Penta and 2 Cummins marine engines on various Bedford, Layland and an artic trailer. Different Ford trucks for transporting the lighting equipment.
A diesel engine needs air and derv to run. Remove or constrict either, and you will have problems. Always carry extra fuel and air filters; you may never need them, but if you do and don't have them…
Other replaceable parts support this combustion, like the impeller. I would not count one spare as sufficient; at least two additions, preferably three. You may need to give a reserve to another yacht in distress. Belts, at least two extras. Sometimes faulty manufacture will cause the failure of the part after an annoyingly short amount of time. It does happen. A spare alternator and starter motor may be a good idea too. Yes, they fail, and if you don't notice a lack of charging…
Keep on with the very informative films, please.
Stay safe, Steve…
I learned quite a bit, very interesting. The only suggestion I would make is to write the date on the boxes just incase one ot more of the spares is worth keeping.
Hi Dom – In my Grey Funnel Line days we used to keep a lot of our rubber based products in a dusting of French chalk. Great for many reasons but will extend the life of rubber significantly. Might not have a huge impact if rotating impeller every 12M but worth to keep in the knowledge in the back pocket. Also keep rubber away from chemical products like you had in B2. They can release "volatiles" which will also impact rubber in storage. Great to see a 5S covert!!!
I find it far more exciting turning the boat upside down each time I’m looking for something there’s are always little treasures you find that you had originally forgotten about. But you do have a good system well played my good man