Viața de marinar pentru mine! – Navigand Oka Solo

Viața de marinar pentru mine!  - Navigand Oka Solo

ne grăbim prin Salish Sea Dinghy mai puțin, fără nicio cale de a ajunge la țărm, luăm un proiect antic de barca cu vâsle Davidson și ne instalăm în noul nostru punct de ancorare timp de 2 luni


28 thoughts on “Viața de marinar pentru mine! – Navigand Oka Solo

  1. In an upside down world, your videos are a moment of peace and respite. I've always enjoyed watching you maneuver, sail and maintain your boat by yourself. I'll be heading out for a couple of months as well but the waiting is killing me. Glad to see Winter looking good as well.

  2. Thank you for the video Pat,

    If only I could count the times someone's boat dragged into mine 😢
    Thankfully it wasn't too pretty to start with at the time.
    That is changing quickly, and it should look like a whole new boat when I hit the water again in 3 weeks or so.

    I will be traveling past your neck of the woods this summer, and am hoping we will cross paths along the way.

  3. Just finished binge watching all your videos. Love them all!!❤ You are not only a good sailor, you are a good story teller and vlogger. And you keep getting better.

  4. Ah, sweet summer cruising in the Salish Sea! Stoked to get a taste of this weekend. Love the silent electric motor. You have certainly piqued my interest in switching to electric sooner than later!

  5. ….. here cause YT recommended you and am glad they did … have done the suby, belly, clicky thingy ….. binged your channel …. quite the story …. don't have a timeline of getting on the water, but want the same that you are doing, electric with generator backup. First off bang up job on your solar arch. I also want a ketch which makes, as you know the solar situation challenging. Had not thought of your solution . The idea that floats around in my mind is going wider and when not at dock can be deployed full time. example google "fold-out sewing boxes". No this does not work, just a starting point, pivots need to be moved, arms bent etc. …. did not notice an update on the wind vane, does it and the solar get along, can you extend so the Vane is above the panels. …. have to say impressed with your single handed docking skills …. all the best with your captains course, bet you are rocking it … the flotilla of white yachts heading north, common thing, summer excursions starting in Puget sound and make their way north to Alaska. If I remember correctly their first stop is Friday Harbor in the San Juan's and then Sidney as their port of entry. I grew up in Victoria, now live in the Okanagan. …. I know you said you can't film what you do at work but that towing the floating village, what was that all about, do they have a summer location and a winter spot. Sure got me wondering. ….. great videos thx for sharing ….. as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans ……

  6. Bonjour moi c’est Pat. Je regarde tes vidéos avec intérêt. Je rénove mon bateau actuellement. J’ai pas d’expérience mais la peur ne faisant pas éviter le danger donc je verrais quand je naviguerais…. Bonne continuation.

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