700 nm de navigație solo în largul coastei de vest a Noii Zeelande, inclusiv vreme grea!

700 nm de navigație solo în largul coastei de vest a Noii Zeelande, inclusiv vreme grea!

Navigare solo de la Port Nelson la Port Taranaki, urmată îndeaproape de 500 nm pentru cursa mea de calificare solo cu swell de 5-6 m și peste 40 de noduri pentru câteva zile.


8 thoughts on “700 nm de navigație solo în largul coastei de vest a Noii Zeelande, inclusiv vreme grea!

  1. I enjoyed watching this episode. Great you were able to hang on in there despite weather and electrical issues. All the best for the race. Admire your determination and will follow your progress with interest.

  2. Test by fire. Thought I saw on an earlier video that you had a wind vane self steering. Did you take it off. That storm must have built your confidence. Well done. 👍

  3. Great to see Lucy. I bumped into your channel way back in your Cracklin Rosie days and was stoked to see you move to Nerissa K (Contessa fan here)…have been following your channel ever since. Well done on getting out there in the race, but bummer about having to turn back! I was watching the fleet tracker and couldn't believe it when you made your u turn. But great decision. Looking forward to seeing your next move!

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