Designerul de iahturi cântărește 3 marinari dispăruți
Designerul de iahturi cântărește 3 marinari dispăruți
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Designerul de iahturi cântărește 3 marinari dispăruți
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Bob's right!
Sounds like the keel fell off..
Mr. Perry is a very respected designer. Many of his designs are sought after specifically for their seaworthiness, or otherwise known as 'Bluewater' sailboats. At 44 feet, she is plenty of boat for these conditions. And her canoe stern is ideal for heavy seas. Very experienced boat captains on this boat has me suspecting something out of the ordinary. I fear they may have foundered, nothing related to the vessel or her crew. Most telling is they have not communicated in any way. This crew would know to do that. However, equipment could be down. As Mr. Perry says…we do not know the facts. If anyone would come out of this ok, it would be this crew…on this boat. God speed!
Hey its Bob!!
Rouge Wave may have got them . or run under by a Cargo type Vessel IMHO .
I own a boat designed by Mr.Perry if anyone could design a boat that could survive it, he did. If he says it is possible then let's all hold out for good news.
My heart sank when it was revealed there is no emergency beacon aboard this sail boat .
Rogue wave ?
they are completely unpredictable, there is no time to react and no time to send a mayday
in a sea with 20 feet waves a rogue wave can turn to 40 feet and let no chance to a boat this size
But whatever happened we pray for safe recovery for all of them.
I'm thinking pirates, reason for no distress signal.
As others have said, Mr Perry is a very well respected Boat Arcgitect, and tbh, the conditions at the time certainly weren't what may be Considered either extreme Winds, or extreme Wave heights for the length of boat or its displacement. To me, something e tremely unusual is likely to have happened, or perhaps the boat was the victim of Piracy ? Hopefully they all turn up somewhere safe with an interesting story to tell. ⛵️🙏 ✨️✨️✨️
Wild. An SVDelos top in the photos theyre using
I suspect foul play. Mexico is, after all, the murder capital of the world.
they had no GPS tracking at all which was stupid on their part it is rough down there and that boat was 35 years old
There is only 56 of these boats built and they are very well made I own one of them. And I have been in some serious storms and the boat can handle about anything you can throw at it. It's a great design made for Blue water cruising. It's very possible that these people are still going to show up. It's a pretty good Cruise across there. And they were running close to shore so they should have been able to make it to shore if it was anything other than an absolute catastrophic failure like an explosion or rapid fire. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that they show up
20 foot seas and 30 knot winds is just a cruisy days sailing, It is on my 34 foot sailing Catamaran, Ive been in over 30 foot waves and over 70 knots of wind, I just ran before it with no problems,
This Yacht would not even notice these small size seas and winds,
Ive done 7000 Nmiles, single handed in my Cat and it was all offshore, A big ship comes over the horizon and 20 minutes later its on top of you, Big ships cant see anything in the water for a least half a Mile in front of them, They wouldnt know if they have run over you,
Watch keeper might have dozed off in the cruisy benign conditions, 20 minutes is not a very long time if your asleep, If they hit a container and it put a big hole in them, They would all be down below trying to stem the flow inboard of the water, They are basically in Calm waters, So the boat doesnt need any one on watch while trying to stem the flow, I seriously doubt a container would hole them in those mild conditions, An explosion on board, That may have killed all on board instantly, Blew a hole in the hull, sank instantly, They just might be still sailing out there as well, Just over due, Hopefully.
Hope they are found. The La Fitte's are heavy offshore boats so something catastrophic must have happened. lets hope they will return safely. Bob is Correct!
No doubt this boat is very capable of facing those conditions and the crew were also experienced. Prayers for facts surrounding these circumstances to come to light soon and their safe return.
Got you have EPRB when traveling out to see
This is so sad and disturbing. Being a full time coastal cruiser in a non blue water boat for over 12 years I respectfully question the reference to having a CG license being used as any indication of experience. It's no different than a driver's license. I have both and got both when my actual experience was at it's minimum.
Getting caught out in bad conditions and other unavoidable catastrophic events is one thing. The forecast alone puts acts of piracy in question.
Leaving a port under that forecast and doing ANY sailing (or remote travel) without a satellite tracking device in this day and age , with all due respect is simply irresponsible.
For less than $15 a month my boat inreach device sends my location, speed and course every 4 hours to friends and family. It is attached to my person and has an sos (registered) button with two way texting.
I don't want to disparage ANYONE and I have compassion for their lives but PLEASE, everyone take advantage of the technology that is available for all these adventures and perhaps strengthen your chances of survival or at least recovery.
Fire was and may still be the number one risk at sea. I've experienced fire on a boat more than once. Fortunately lived to tell about it. Depends upon systems below decks, with electricity, saltwater, wiring, fuel and generators onboard, corrosion always brings electrical shorts that must be dealt with usually hidden in bulkheads or below the floorboards.. If everyone is above decks when a fire gets going, it can be near impossible to put it out. In that case abandoning ship quickly leaves few options for survival. I sincerely hope they are found alive and well, 🙏
Bob, designs strong boats, so look elsewhere for answers. Ship collisions are a big threat, fires are a problem, but carbon monoxide underway from motoring can be life ending. if 2 of the crew are down below off watch and there is an exhaust leak, the fumes will fill the cabin. It does not take long to become incapacitated, the third crew member wonders why his companions are not responding and goes below. Since carbon monoxide is more or less neutral buoyancy it fills the cabin. While the remaining crew member tries to help his companions they too are overcome. Meanwhile the boat motors on into the distance.
I’m sorry. Weighs in? I see no accusations being levelled by Mr.Perry. Poor reporting. I hope that the captain and crew of this vessel are found safe and well
My husband and I bashed back to San Diego 2 times…..It is not an easy trip, but I can not think that they didn't have weather information….There are a a couple a places to hole up. I hope we get an update.
Has anyone tracked the ship traffic during their junket. Check tracks and lot days on the sea. How about track and weather, currents and wind? I’m sure someone has done that. I’d say the did not have the boards in and took on a big Stefan wave, filled the hull and took her down