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Acesta a fost acoperirea? Punct de vedere psihologic.
46 thoughts on “Acesta a fost acoperirea? Punct de vedere psihologic.”
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P.S. I don’t know Em, I just like her channel!
Thank you for your channel and information
K…… with kindness; Catch more flies with honey than vinegar; etc
Why would MM be called as a witness in Prince Andrews civil trial if she didn’t know him personally? It stated she had “important knowledge”. I don’t know about anyone else but I know very little about my husbands uncles other than engaging in pleasantries with them at family gatherings and I’ve been with my husband 25 years. I certainly wouldn’t have knowledge about anything pertaining to SA accusations that happened before I knew my husband.
Yes I agreed with you she has something to use against the firm that's way the are not moving forward
Sounds very plausible…
Fergie is not honest all the time, in my opinion.
She is a ex jachtgirl and escortgirl ,she know andrew and Epstein….
They know each other Megan's is addicted for being well-known in beacause she is nothing as an A list Actress so she sold her soul to the Bad elites people who wants to eliminate the Royal Empires for One Government and one Religion.Shes getting richer and powerful because of this dirty job she is engaged for this Bad Politicians and Elitist group,..she better watch herself if she desipointed this group that giving all she wants in her dream in life she might be end up like Epstiens…
Yes I believe you are right…the timing of Andrew is not a coincidence. Meghan has too much confidence…born of knowing what really has happened. You have to consider that if Harry is Hewitt's son then Meghan and Harry have no power over the Royal Family. It's one heck of a story!!
Hi Paula .I just watched you .and listened to your blog My opinion is that MM knew PA well before she met PH .he would know ways to inter a new person into the family .just my opinion. and where was the Mother for all the missing years!!! You do a great job so don't give up .we need some straight talk.otherewise we will start to wonder what colour is the sky above my head .I 100% feel that help was available from inside .only my opinion. 💞🇬🇧 Australian peace and happyness to all
You definitely give food for thought Emz. Watching those two from the beginning and I think they knew one another. Neither would look at the other and it wasn’t shyness that’s for sure Please keep up your great reports. ❤
Have you got silver threads running through your hair?
MM is such a liar – you cannot believe anything she says – I DONT TRUST HER ONE BIT…..she is nothing but a disgrace to mankind!
The Royal Family need to address whatever the truth is about the children or it looks like they are being complicit
Wow, I think you are so right in everything you said. I thought the same about this for a long time.
Perhaps she was obsessed with Prince William and hadn't given Harry much thought 🤔
Meghan's first comment to Harry about Andrew didn't ring true. Thinking he was the Queen's secretary is ridiculous, too contrived.
👍 interesting and valid point
I absolutely agree with your analysis. Spot on! I believe she is a mid-range narcissist like her mother. She will never change. Relentlessly persistent and parasitically dangerous. Thank you for covering this topic .
This is why Andrew settled out of court. The queen knew he had a past with Meghan.
I believe that King Charles knows what he is doing and sometimes he is referred as being weak. In the long run things will be cleared up. And I also believe that Andrew was dealing with scrupulous people. And because he had the royal status permitted him to be very popular. Most likely he introduced Harry to this other world. Hence why he threatens to write Book 2 and implicate the Royal family. Megan besides being an actress has played a conniving role. And, at the end she marries her prince. For as luck would have it he is weak and never realized that he was being lead to the altar.
Tea has been spilled there are to many videos out there with “ Yacht Girls “ mentioning M. Those two are mental mess in so many ways. Question why did she allow him to write about his private part and Diana including Afghanistan casualties. Love your show keep Harkels stories coming.
Very interesting! So, do you think that Andrew has shared all of this with the family and Harry is aware of anything at all about blackmail? I'm wondering how much Andrew has shared with the rest of the Royal family, how much they're aware of, and why they would do certain thing's like having Meg and Andrew even walk or be seated within close proximity of one another? Because that's so incredibly awkward for him. Or, perhaps that's actually part of his punishment, in a strategic way they place him in a position that's so uncomfortable, while also having photographs from the media that 'No, anything Meg suggested is clearly false, look, they sat and walked next to each other and never would have done so had there been such crazy claims she's making up?'.. I think you've possibly exposed how she did this. What a horrible human being.
I have just subscribed. I would be interested in learning about recovering from being in narcissistic abusive relationships and how to break the cycle. How to make better decisions moving forward if all you've known is abuse. How to "Re-Set" and self educate myself so I can thrive. You're right, I have been having issue's with other YouTube subscribed sites, not receiving notifications etc and have to 'seek out' the site again. Oftentimes my trouble is trying to remember the person, the name of their channel etc, in order to resubscribe. It's frustrating. The reason I discovered your current video was that I happened to have watched something on the Royal Family and scrolled further down and saw your site, but I would be interested in other video topics for sure. Thank you!
It’s high time they called her bluff…her evil scheming is far worse than anything they could have done…call her bluff and she’ll go down like the titanic…
Yes absolutely
You can watch miss mouthy looks at Andrew when he does not recognize her. She had a cruise with him. Maybe more
Goodness how many skeletons Meghan has in her closet….must be very full, she needs a new one to start filling up!
Horrible woman Americans should speak out about her lies an more lies stop giving her the spotlight evil person feel sorry for her family
She bkackmail3d Harry about being pregnant
I agree with your take on this. I’ve known in my head and heart from the beginning, meaghan has something over the royals! Even the queen was aware! She made major efforts with her, inviting her to sandringham before the marriage, even tho Kate never was… tells it all!
Back when she crashed the wedding… Harry found out about her past thing with Andrew, and pulled back. She then crashed the wedding and that’s when she may or may not have told of her- ummm pregnancy, but that’s when she told him about her ultimatum, as well!
Yes ,totally believe.
I think there is lots of things pointing to Andrew and M. having had “paid” encounters .. likely on yachts. We strongly suspect she was a yacht girl and we strongly suspect Andrew had a reputation for enjoying “ willing” young women. I don’t see anything she says re any relationship with Andrew will damage the royal family. He was single .. who knows if she was or not but the public won’t be shocked if it were true. It won’t hurt the royal family. It didn’t look like Andrew will be making a comeback anyhow so it won’t lowers him any lower than he already has done to himself. Their possible sexual encounters won’t reflect on anyone but them.
So Harry's got andrews left overs
Mmmmm, I can see there might be light in this thought. I haven’t heard this view before. I’m mmmmm, possible… it could be. That’s my view, you asked.
There is no way under God's golden sun that a relative "nobody" from "nowhere special" and with no apparent extraordinary talents that could make her" self-made" can come out of the woodwork, work their way into marriage into the royal family, have the cajones to make demands of them, leave and cause an unrelenting bucket-load of troubles for them and everybody in her path with apparent impunity ON THEIR OWN.
If that were possible, then ANYONE in this comment section could accomplish what she has.
There is some real globally-connected power and mega-money behind her operating behind the scenes pulling the strings of and coordinating events for "Marionette Meghan."
It will be interesting to watch how they rid themselves of her once she has accomplished whatever her job is (or FAILS to accomplish it). And they WILL. I have to feel sorry for that aspect of her journey because pain and suffering for her are inevitable.
She IS merely human – however flawed – after all. We all are. So, perhaps, prayer is in order instead of condemnation.
I really don’t know. She is good at conniving, and getting what she wants!!!
I like hearing about the Royals! Very insightful, learning a lot from you! Luv U
I believe you are right on! 😮I saw the pics about the yacht girls and P.A. It makes sense that if things didn’t go her way, she was going to show the royals and the world what she could do! She picked the most vulnerable, P.H.was the perfect target because he was unhappy with family, emotionally affected after Mothers death, cold fish dad and wanted what his brother had, a great marriage! MM definitely would have kept up with royals and their juicy stories contrary to her lying story of not knowing anything about P.H.! The whole world knew all that was reported about princess Diana and the royals!
Thank you for your prospective!
My husband who declares "We threw them out 250 years ago" his first words about H&m fleeing was a connection to Andrew. Never thought of it, believe it now.
Fabulous research and analysis. I do tjink you have nailed it! G Ire
Would love to have been a fly on the wall when KC and William discussed how to deal with me-me and haz.
Well said!