Navigare Irlanda de Nord – Carrickfergus – Ancoră – Lanț – Ep. 285

Navigare Irlanda de Nord - Carrickfergus - Ancoră - Lanț - Ep.  285

După ce am rămas prinși de vreme, folosim ocazia de a rămâne blocați într-un port pentru a ne verifica sistemele de ancorare înainte de a avea o vele plină de viață și o criză minoră de încredere… –- Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre, puteți oricând să trimiteți un pont borcanul nostru de cafea –- Link-uri afiliate –- Mr D Cookware – – – Despre noi –– Am început o aventură pe croaia pe Bavaria 36, ​​Salty Lass. Misiunea noastră continuă este să explorăm porturi noi ciudate, să căutăm bucătării și culturi noi pentru noi, să mergem cu îndrăzneală acolo unde ne duce vântul și să ne placă –– Urmărește-ne –– http://www. /sy.saltylass –- Muzică –- Cylinder six de Chris Zabriskie Licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons


18 thoughts on “Navigare Irlanda de Nord – Carrickfergus – Ancoră – Lanț – Ep. 285

  1. Soon you will be back in the routine sailing saddle and all will be as usual, takes a while to shake down and get the routine sorted. Hope weather improves looks very droll 😅 ps you have reminded me to spray gal my anchor chain, been a while

  2. You always have great tips to share. I’m going to look at treating my chain like you guys did. Our water goes on in the yard this week. Finally! It’s been a busy time. Had a marine surgery for insurance. All good. Launch is in early May. You guys will be back in the saddle by then with a few hundred miles under the keel. As always, thanks for the great videos. I always learn something and have a chuckle.

  3. Hi Wenches, it's me, it would have been lovely to meet ur mum an Aunt Bev, but I understand. I'm sure she has a wicked sense of humour. Next time u do the Chain, use a cold gal primer first, dries real quick and has a chemical bond to the steel then the Gal paint really sticks to the primer. It will last much longer and the Chain will actually glide smoother and not knot up. Gaynor u looked very pale mate, have u checked ur blood pressure lately, I say this because of ur Wobbly moment. Being tired and anxious can raise it, make u feel confused. Hope ur ok now. I noticed a nice yacht behind u Bev, when u were chatting to us in the marina (Freya) that's the name of my little Chihuahua. It's Viking. Anyway looking forward to ur big sail. And I'm not going to comment on ur Wobbly bit either.😲🤣👍🌈🌟🐘🐧

  4. I thought Belfast Lough was a great place to sail. Good wind and good protection from the worst the sea has to offer. And you are in good hands with your Bavaria, it will keep you safe. I see you have a few links of chain between your anchor and your swivel. My swivel is straight onto the anchor which I've read is not a good thing. Another little project to add to the list.

  5. That was a very open and honest end to a useful set of tips.
    The sockets etc used with an impact driver should really be those designed for such, but occasional use is ok.
    Really enjoyed this one from my bed in the Ulster in Dundonald! Just coming to the end of a rather uncomfortable, and very different type of adventure, because of kidney stones! 😳 I definitely don’t recommend anyone trying THAT at home… 😉❤️

  6. The first time someone on YT used cold galvanizing spray on the anchor chain. This makes perfectly sense to increase the life of it. Cheers.

  7. 2:19 i asked that question the other day, but it was on the chain “does cold galvanise work” according to the can it does.. or should do, this is the first time I’ve seen anyone attempt it.. 😊

  8. Look after your anchor and it will look after you a wise women said. Weather has been awful of late but come mid May we should be ok. Having watched your essential items to keep on board I did all you said and spent more than the boat on the best of the best and now you tell me you always use another item not in your list of essentials. I searched the internet and asked my local chandlers they do not stock Cornflake boxes, but looking at it it is similar to the crunchy nut box I have when I’ve finished eating the contents. Will that do or must I get a Cornflake box. Where do you store such items and do they require special attention. Great vid as usual people. Always enjoy hope your feeling better Gaynor

  9. Another excellent installment. Was busy with a few things whilst you were in Carrick so could not get down to see you or indeed add to the wine cellar but am sure we will come across each other sometime this year. Take care and Fair winds when you get going.

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