PEREȚ CĂRAT – Îl putem repara? | Navigarea Florenței – Ep.153

PEREȚ CĂRAT - Îl putem repara?  |  Navigarea Florenței - Ep.153

Blue Water Cruising doar REPARĂ BĂRCI ÎN LOCAȚII EXOTICE? Am avut parte de probleme de rezolvat în timp ce navigam în jurul lumii, dar aceasta este cea mai mare ruptură de până acum. Avem un perete crăpat în carenă și trebuie să învățăm niște abilități de fibră de sticlă pentru a ne repara barca spartă. Navigam în jurul lumii de 6 ani și jumătate după ce am plecat din Anglia în 2016 la bordul ambarcațiunii noastre de 37 de picioare Florence. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim culmile, minimele și provocările călătoriei în jurul lumii cu barca, navigând în larg peste Oceane și explorând locații îndepărtate cu propria noastră casă mică. Viața cu barca în larg, pe ocean și în afara rețelei. Conținut suplimentar și actualizări în timp real pe Patreon: Ne puteți urmări și prin blogul nostru la Echipament: Link afiliat: Obțineți un selfie invizibil gratuit stick-ul pentru Insta 360 X3 aici, camera pe care o folosim pentru a captura fotografii asemănătoare unei drone atunci când navigăm în larg fără dronă: 00:00 – Intro 01 :23 – Repararea bărcilor în locații exotice 03:02 – Ce am spart 06:31 – Repararea unui perete fisurat la bord 11:39 – Repararea pereților etanși din fibră de sticlă 15:56 – Data viitoare #Sailing #offshoresailing #OceanSailing #Ocean #sailingaroundtheworld #circum SailingYachtFlorence #BoatLife #boatlifestyle #yacht #SYFlorence #AtlanticOceanSailing #SailingDoubleHanded #Caribbeanboatlife #Caribbean #broken Muzica în ordinea redată: Misiune periculoasă – – Licențiat Keep Walking – Creative Commons – Attribution Creative Commons – Creative Commons Licență 4.0 Ocean Sunrise – – Licențiat Floating on Clouds – – Licențiat Sequin Dream – – Licențiat


39 thoughts on “PEREȚ CĂRAT – Îl putem repara? | Navigarea Florenței – Ep.153

  1. Love your vids… But watching YTers repairing their boats is very disturbing. It's good to see someone who knows basic repair work.
    Using polyester would have been fine, with less cost and longer pot life. Done properly the repair would be almost invisible.
    The boat is polyester…. Repairs should be polyester.

  2. great video guys ! well put together. 2 questions, why not put the peel ply on when building up the patch ? and couldnt you have just put some plastic barrels on the deck now and pumped sea water into them except for the extra hassle

  3. Between y’all and SMC, I think I’m getting my quota of Boat Repair Videos for this month. The Tiller Extensions Repairs I did in my Club’s machine shop also probably add to the quota. Can’t wait to see where you’re going next, and what adventures await along the Caribbean!
    Fair winds,

  4. Every boat owner needs a friend like Ron. We are currently in Vilanova de Arousa in Galicia on the hard in the boat yard working on our boat and would love to be his friend 😊

  5. Just be like the other utube sailing channel and beg for a 'GoFundMe' and buy another sailboat… right little buddy?!?

  6. Well done on a great repair. Like me, I don't think that many realise the effort that goes into making these great videos. Recently in Mauritius with the two grand sons they wanted to make a video of a trip on the hobie cat. After setting their 2 GoPros and a hours sailing all we got was about 15 seconds of worthwile footage.

  7. 4 layers of 1708 is a quarter inch . The American version of thickness . Put some bolts in it. Or fancy brackets sandwiched between the fiberglass

  8. Great video as always!

    As an American viewer, I'm curious if it was hard to keep saying fiberglass as opposed to GRP? 😀 I'm American sailor who prefers the term GRP to fiberglass. GRP is more descriptive.

  9. A good temporary repair. I wonder if you considered temporarily wedging the gap so as to limit the range of movement. Perhaps one or two deck to keel ties (like stays) would be a good added reassurance in the future. Sailing a fully laden boat for long distances across oceans puts a lot of repeated stress on any weaker points. And although Florence is well built I'm not sure that the builders Oyster Marine or designer Homan & Pye, knew enough to factor in the repeated long term loads. Even Laser dinghy gunwhales fail when transported on a gunwhale supporting trailer, they are light, but the repeated bouncing on a small wheeled trailer takes its toll.

  10. I'm a shipwright.. chopped strand mat shouldn't be used with epoxy it doesn't wet out well. ..and needs styrene to emulsify the csm that epoxy doesn't contain styrene that melts the binders in the cloth so you end up with a week repair… .that repair is full of air bubbles and porosity it should have a translucent appearance….polyester or vynal ester would be a much better choice…and wetting it out in situ is fine and you also need a consolidator for rolling out excess air all a substandard repair…

  11. Old Ron's antennae must start to twitch when hosts ask if he'll be bringing a set of overalls..😂😂 God bless him for being such a good sport! And very nice to watch a master at work! Thank you everyone!!!🤗🤗

  12. Cracked bulkheads seem to be more of a blessing that a curse, as when they are repaired usually it leaves the boat better and stronger than before….. Oh yeh' and alot of hard graft.

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